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Six - he's very handsome. 
Doral - you really think so ? 
Caprica Sharon- She says that about everyone. 
Six - You disagree ? 
Caprica Sharon- He's attractive. 
Six I hope you're more convincing than that with him.
Caprica Sharon- If he wants to find me, he'll head north towards Cylon forces he's already seen. If he wants to go alone, he'll go south, hoping to find another way off the planet. Either way, he won't make his move until nightfall.
Doral - If he flees, he dies.




Roslin - A Cylon agent penetrated your security, killing three people. At least o ne of your men or women screwed up. Look, here's my view. Independent tribunal, openness, transparency, it all sounds great. But after 20 years in political office, I'm telling you, these things have a way of inflicting damage o n the people you least expect. I do not want a witch hunt o n our hands.




Jammer - No, you two just don't wanna deal with reality, you wanna keep your heads buried in the sand. 
Cally - That's exactly what the Cylons want, for us to turn o n each other. Start getting suspicious, paranoid. 
Socinus - She's right. If we don't believe in each other, then we don't got each other's backs when the heat comes down. We ain't nothin'. 
Jammer - Nah, that kinda thinkin' is over. It's every man for himself now. You better watch your backs.




Baltar - They're trying to kill me. 
Baltar's six - Me, me, always me. They're trying to destroy your work. Destroying you is an added bonus. 
Baltar - But why ? That's what I don't understand, why ? Why are they trying to blow me up ?  You're the o ne that told me what to do in the first place. I wouldn't even be making this flipping Cylon detector if it wasn't for you. 
Baltar's six - But I'm just in your head, Gaius. They don't know about me, or us, or our life together.




Adama - That's speculative. 
Hadrian - I'm asking if it's possible. 
Adama - I know what you're asking, sergeant. I will not speculate as to what might have happened. 




Adama - ( Sighs ) we're done here. 
Hadrian - Excuse me, sir, but my questions are not finished. 
Adama - You've lost your way, sergeant. You've lost sight of the purpose of the law, to protect its citizens, not persecute them. Whatever we are, whatever's left of us, we're better than that. Now, these proceedings are closed. You'll be transported back to your ships, and we appreciate your help. 
Candice Myson - Commander. This is an independent board. You have no authority to close our inquiry. 
Adama - This is a witch hunt. I will not have it aboard my ship.




Tyrol - Commander, he's innocent. I know that much. I should be in the brig. 
Adama - That's a fact. You should be in the brig. 
Tyrol - Commander, this isn't right. You can't let an innocent kid—
Adama - I can't ? What I can't do is I can't let someone that wears this uniform get o n a witness stand and lie under oath. And that's what your man did. He either lied the first time, or he lied the second time. And it doesn't matter. He's guilty, and he'll pay the price. You, you'll pay a different price. You'll have to walk out o n that hangar deck every day, knowing that o ne of your men is in the brig because you couldn't keep your fly zipped. You're the most experienced non-commissioned officer we have left. You keep my planes flying. I need my planes to fly. Dismissed. 
Tyrol - Sir.




Tyrol - Did you leave the hatchcombing open last night ? 
Boomer - What are you saying ? That I helped the Cylon ?
Tyrol - I didn't say anything. I was just asking you a question. I think I deserve an answer. 
Boomer - You have the only answer you're ever gonna get.

Ecrit par lealoeu 
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