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#109 : Le projet

Kyle développe une nouvelle capacité: une super-ouïe. Il va s'en servir pour trouver les réponses aux questions qu'il se pose sur Foss, avec notamment l'aide de Declan. Cette nouvelle complicité avec Kyle va nuire à sa relation avec Lori, qui se sent délaissée. Pendant ce temps, Nicole culpabilise au sujet du manque de progrès de Kyle pour retrouver la mémoire.



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Le projet

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Première diffusion en France


Kyle lit sur les lèvres (vf)

Kyle lit sur les lèvres (vf)


Kyle utilise sa super ouïe (vf)

Kyle utilise sa super ouïe (vf)


Scene Declan/Kyle (vo)

Scene Declan/Kyle (vo)


Kyle sur le carrousel (vf)

Kyle sur le carrousel (vf)


Scene Nicole/Kyle (vf)

Scene Nicole/Kyle (vf)


Photos promo

Kyle et Amanda sont sur le carroussel

Kyle et Amanda sont sur le carroussel

Kyle fait un malaise au milieu du carroussel

Kyle fait un malaise au milieu du carroussel

Amanda (Kirsten Prout) demande de l'aide pour Kyle

Amanda (Kirsten Prout) demande de l'aide pour Kyle

Tout le monde vient en aide à Amanda (Kirsten Prtout) pour Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Tout le monde vient en aide à Amanda (Kirsten Prtout) pour Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) et Lori (April Matson) sont au chevet de Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) et Lori (April Matson) sont au chevet de Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle (Matt Dallas) est dans un lit d'hôpital

Kyle (Matt Dallas) est dans un lit d'hôpital

Declan (Chris Olivero) est au chevet de Kyle à l'hôpital

Declan (Chris Olivero) est au chevet de Kyle à l'hôpital


Logo de la chaîne SciFi

France (redif)
Lundi 12.06.2017 à 19:50

Plus de détails

Scénario: Steven Lilien, Bryan Wynbrandt et Eric Tuchman

Réalisation: Michael Robinson


  • Carrie Genzel … Julie Peterson
  • Ken Tremblett … David Peterson
  • Aaron Craven … Dr Lawrence
  • Marsha Regis … Kim Sanford
  • Shaker Paleja … Le mari
  • Iris Paluly … La femme


Quelque part dans un bâtiment secret.


Un homme remonte un couloir en marchant, puis arrive devant une porte et frappe. Il entre dans une pièce remplit d'écran et où se trouve une femme. Sur les écrans défilent les images de la vidéo surveillance où l'on voit Kyle tentait d'escalader une grille. La femme demande à l'homme comment 781227 a pu s'enfuir et survivre à l'extérieur. Elle dit que Kyle est un projet de leur « compagnie » et qu'il doit être retrouvé.


Au lycée – Sur un terrain de basket


Kyle et Josh marche sur le terrain. Kyle trouve un ballon par terre puis tire à une grande distance pourtant le ballon rentre directement dans le panier. Josh parle à Kyle et lui dit qu'il y a pas beaucoup de fille ici, mais qu'il y en aura plein à la fête foraine prochaine.

Hillary passe devant eux et leur dit salut. Josh dit qu'elle a envie de lui car elle lui a « envoyé des ondes qu'il a de suite capté ». Kyle est pas vraiment convaincu.


Au lycée – Sur un banc


Lorri et Amanda sont assises sur le banc et Amanda a l'air perturbé. Lorri lui dit d'attendre d'être prête et de ne pas laisser Charlie lui mettre la prétion. Hillary les rejoint et lui dit ne pas se prendre la tête. Les filles ont une discussion sur les garçons et plus particulièrement Charlie. Amanda pense qu'il est à part mais Hillary n'en pense pas moins. Puis Hillary dit qu'elle trouve qu'il y a un garçon unique.

On retourne au près des garçons qui les observent au loin. Josh pense qu'elles parlent de lui et il essaie de lire sur leurs lèvres mais c'est pas concluant. Kyle essaie donc lui aussi et se concentre. Lui arrive à lire sur les lèvres. Josh pense toujours qu'Hillary parle de lui mais en suivant la conversation à travers Kyle, on comprend vite que ce n'est pas vraiment de lui qu'elle parle. En effet elle parle de son premier baiser avec ce garçon unique. Josh est donc un peu deçu. Il est un peu jaloux que Kyle arrive à lire sur les lèvres.


Retour à la pièce secrète du début


La femme dit que les capacités de Kyle risque d'attirer l'attention et elle veut pas que ça arrive. Ils cherchent aussi qui peut être le protecteur de Kyle. Ils veulent le trouver et l'éliminer. L'homme pose la question pour le garçon, elle donne comme réponse de « faire ce qui aurait du être fait il y a des mois ».




Chez Foss


Il est devant ses écrans de surveillance de Kyle, en conversation au téléphone avec un homme qui lui dit de veiller dessus mais à distance pour ne pas être repéré par la compagnie. L'homme demande si Kyle a posé d'autres questions et Foss lu dit qu'il a demandé à ce que Kyle n'en pose plus.


Chambre de Kyle


(Voix off Kyle: Il dit que Tom Foss lui avait conseillé de plus chercher sur son passé. Seulement il ne veut pas abandonner ses recherches sur son passé. Pourtant il ne veut pas mettre la famille en danger)

Nicole entre dans la chambre. Elle veut discuter de ce qui c'est passé à l'université. Mais Kyle ne veut pas de séance de psychanalyse. Elle lui parle de la photo de l'homme qui lui ressemble mais Kyle refuse d'en discuter. Il dit que c'est du passé et qu'il a décidé de se concentrer sur le présent. Nicole pense qu'il nécessaire de connaître son passé pour donner du sens à son présent. Pourtant Kyle s'entête et quitte la pièce.


 [à continuer]

Ecrit par Justlies


Un homme remonte un couloir en marchant, puis arrive devant une porte, frappe et entre. Une femme est déjà dans la pièce.


Femme: Je cherche un fantôme M.Reynols. 781227 aurait du être interrompu il y a deux mois. Comment se fait-il qu'il est survécu.

M. Reynols: Je poursuis mon enquète.

Femme: Comment a-t-il pu sortir d'ici? Comment a-t-il pu fonctionner pendant tout ce temps?

M. Reynols: Je vous apporterais les réponses.

Femme: C'est une négligence impardonnable. Cette compagnie ne peut tolérer qu'un de ses projets traine dans la nature. Vous devez le trouver.


Au lycée – Sur un terrain de basket


Kyle et Josh sont sur le terrain de basket et Kyle tire un panier de très loin.


Josh: C'est pauvre en nana ici aujourd'hui. Attend la Fête foraine de Beach woot ce week-end, y aura des tonnes de filles. Ca manquera pas d'occasion de conclure.

[Hillary passe devant eux]

Hillary: Salut les gars!

Kyle: Salut!

Josh: Elle a envie de moi. [il regarde Kyle qui est septique] Elle m'a envoyé des ondes que j'ai tout de suite capté.

Kyle: Si tu le dis.


Au lycée – Sur un banc


Lori et Amanda sont assises sur un banc.


Lori: Laisse pas Charlie te mettre la pression. Attend d'être sure.

Amanda: Comment savoir si je suis sure?

Hillary: Te prends pas la tête! Ou tu te lances avec enthousiasme ou tu le laisses s'en aller.

Lori: Y a pas de règle universelle. C'est pas aussi simple que ça. Chaque situation est différente.

Hillary: Oui, mais les garçons sont tous les mêmes.

Amanda: Non Charlie est différent. Il est à part. [Hillary paraît septique] Vous avez jamais trouvé qu'un garçon était unique?

Lori: Jamais plus de 5 minutes. [elles rigolent]

Hillary: Si en fait, y en a un que je trouve unique au monde.

Lori: Oh! C'est vrai? Et c'est qui?


Retour avec Josh et Kyle qui les observent


Josh: Regarde je crois qu'elle parle de moi?! [il essaie de lire sur ses lèvres] Lèche le papier...noyé

Kyle: Qu'est-ce que tu fais?

Josh: Je lis sur les lèvres.

[Kyle se concentre]

Kyle: C'est différent, il est différent. Alors c'est pour ça que je veux pas en parler. [Il se concentre sur Lori] Je suis ta meilleure amie, j'en reviens pas que tu veilles pas me dire qui c'est!

Josh: T'es sur? C'est ce qu'elle a dit?

Kyle: Mais je suis pas sur qu'elle parle de toi?!

Josh: Oh,tu rigoles. C'est évident. Ben ouais, tu viens de dire qu'elle...

[Kyle relit sur les lèvres de Hillary]

Kyle: La première fois qu'on s'est embrassé, j'ai ressentit des frissons dans les reins comme jamais.

Josh: Ce qu'il donne, il le reprend! Tant pis c'est elle qui y perd! Alors comme ça tu sais lire sur les lèvres? Y a quelque chose que tu sais pas faire?


Retour à la pièce secrète du début


Femme: Si on lui met pas très vite la main dessus, ses capacités vont attirer l'attention et vont soulever des questions. Nous devons empêcher que ça arrive.

M. Reynols: Je ferai le nécessaire.

Femme: Ce ne sera peut-être pas très facile. Apparamment il a un protecteur [en regardant la vidéo de surveillance où l'on voit Kyle escalader une barrière et Foss le rattraper]

M. Reynols: Oui, nous essayons de l'identifier.

Femme: Trouvez le vite. Et éliminez le!

M. Reynols: Et pour le garçon?

Femme: Faites ce qui aurez du être fait il y a des mois.




Chez Foss


[à continuer]


[A man in a suit is walking down a dark, mysterious hallway.  It is the same man who recognized Kyle in the video taken in the woods near U-Dub.  He stops, knocks twice on a door and lets himself into a room.  A woman is standing in this room holding a remote control in her hand.  Hanging across a wall are four large video screens.  Over and over again, each screen is replaying the images of Kyle in the forbidden section of the woods.]

WOMAN [speaking with an accent]
I'm looking at a ghost, Mr. Reynolds.  781227 was scheduled for termination two months ago.  How is it possible he survived?

I'm still looking into it.

How did he leave here?  How has he functioned all this time?

I'll get you the answers, Miss Thatcher.

This is an inexcusable breach.  This Company cannot afford to have that subject loose in the outside world.  You must find him.

[She zooms in on Kyle's face and freezes the image.]


[Kyle and Josh are walking through the crowded park on a sunny day.  As they cut through the basketball court, Kyle picks up a ball off the ground and tosses it towards a hoop.  He sinks the shot with one hand.]

JOSH [looking at Kyle, then clearing his throat]
The babe count is lame here today.  But wait till the Beachwood Carnival this weekend?  Tons of ladies there.  Major opportunity to score.

HILLARY [she walks by them, swinging her hips]
Hey guys.


JOSH [looking amazed and pointing at Hillary]
She wants me. [Kyle just looks at him]
Dude, she was totally throwing me the vibe.

If you say so.

[On a bench nearby, Lori and Amanda are sitting together and talking.  Amanda looks very serious.]

Don't let Charlie pressure you.  Wait until you're sure.

How do I know I'm sure?

HILLARY [comes over and stands next to the bench]
You don't.  So either dive in or let the guy go.

Hillary, don't make a blanket statement like that.  Each situation is different.

Yeah, but every guy is the same.

No, Charlie's different.  He's special.
[Hillary smiles and looks away]
What, haven't you ever found anyone special?

LORI [chuckling]
Not for more than five minutes.

Actually, I have found someone.

Oh, really?  Who?

[Hillary doesn't answer her, but just smiles a "secret" smile.]

JOSH [watching Hillary]
I think she's talkin' about me.
[He squints and leans forward to try and figure out what she is saying.]
"Lick the. . .paper. . .walnut."

What are you doing?

Reading her lips.

[Kyle focuses on Hillary and watches her lips moving.]

KYLE [repeats what Hillary says]
"This is different.  He's different.  Which is why I'm not going to talk about it."
[repeats what Lori says]
"I'm your best friend.  I can't believe you won't tell me who it is."

JOSH [amazed]
Did you just -- did she just say that?

I don't think she's talking about you.

Ah, she totally is.  Come on, you. . .she. . .you just said that she s--   

KYLE [looking and repeating what Hillary says]
"The first time we kissed - God, it gets me hot just to think about it."

He giveth and He taketh away.  [sighs]  Well, it's her loss anyways.  Now you're a master lip reader.  Is there anything you can't do?


[Miss Thatcher and Mr. Reynolds continue their discussion about Kyle.]

If we don't locate him soon, his abilities will draw attention, invite questions.  We can't let that happen.

I'll take care of it.

THATCHER [watching the part of video with Tom Foss; his face is covered]
That may be difficult.  Apparently, he has a protector.

Yes, we're still trying to identify him.

Do that.  Then remove him.

And the boy?

THATCHER [staring at Kyle's image with no emotion on her face]
Do what should have been done months ago.

[opening music]


[Tom is sitting in front of his monitors talking to his mysterious partner on the cell phone.]

Watch him, but don't get too close.  The Company will make the connection soon and they will send someone to trail you.

I know how they work.  I'll be ready.

Has he been asking any more questions?

TOM [on the monitor, he watches Kyle at home in his room]
I told him to keep quiet.  So far he has.

Kyle's Room

[Kyle is sitting at his desk going through his drawings of the forest and Professor Kern.  He is unaware that Tom Foss is watching him by way of hidden camera.]

Tom Foss had warned me to stop digging into my past, but how could I surrender my search?  How could I leave all my questions behind and simply move on?  Still, I couldn't put the family at risk.

NICOLE [opening door and coming in]
[Kyle looks over his shoulder at her with an uncomfortable expression.]
Kyle, I haven't wanted to push you, but with everything that happened at the University, I think it's time we had a real talk.

I don't need a therapy session.

You saw a 20-year old photograph of a man who looks just like you.  A man who drew the same symbol that you've been drawing.

That's all in the past.  I want to focus on the present now.

NICOLE [continues to try to push him]
We need to figure out your past in order for your present to make sense.

Why?  What's done is done.  [stands up]  It's time to move on.  [he leaves the room by himself]

[Someone knocks on the front door.  Kyle opens it and it is Declan. ]

DECLAN [coming inside]
How's it goin'?

It's goin' good.


[Kyle looks around furtively.]

KYLE [lowering his voice; Stephen is right behind them in the kitchen]
Declan, just forget all about what happened.

DECLAN [lowers his voice]
Forget it.  Right.  You don't know anything about this guy, Tom Foss, but he tells you to stop investigating your own life.  And you're gonna listen to him?

If I don't, and he finds out that I'm still asking questions, the Tragers could get hurt.

He doesn't have to know about it.

LORI [coming downstairs]
Am I interrupting something?

No.  Not at all.

[They kiss each other and while Lori is still smiling at him, Declan looks over at Kyle.  Witnessing the kiss, Stephen glowers in the kitchen.]

Stephen and Nicole's Room

[Stephen comes into the room and shuts the door.  Nicole is sitting on the bed working on her laptop.]

I don't like that guy.


STEPHEN [kicking off his shoes]

Declan.  [she smiles and shakes her head a little at him]

Whatever.  I don't want Lori seeing him anymore.

Good luck with that.

STEPHEN [taking off watch and emptying pockets]
He's trouble.

Actually, I think he's got some potential.

He's a hit-and-run driver that deflowered our daughter.  He's lucky I still let him in the house.

[Nicole looks a little amused by his behavior.

Outside of their room, Josh is kneeling with his ear pressed to the door.  Kyle walks by and stops when he sees him.]

Holding up the door?

Shssh!  I can't hear what they're saying.

Why don't you just ask ‘em what they're talking about?

Because they're talking about me.
[sighs and stands up]  My midterm grades were mailed out.  I need advance warning if I tanked so I can start spin control.
Hey - you don't have X-ray vision by any chance, do you?  Read their lips through the door?
[Kyle frowns and starts to walk away]
How about X-ray hearing?
[Stopping, Kyle is intrigued by this and they both go over and press their ears against the side of the door.]

KYLE [repeats what he hears]
"I won't stand for it anymore."

Crap.  Who said that?

Your dad.

Wait, can you really hear what he says through the door?

But I'm not gonna listen.

Hang on.  Talk about potential, buddy.  This could be huge.

[Kyle leaves, but Josh kneels down in front of the door again trying to overhear what his parents are saying.]


[Miss Thatcher and Mr. Reynolds are still in the room discussing the situation.  On one of the video screens, Tom Foss's Company data and photo are displayed.]

REYNOLDS [debriefing her]
Tom Foss.  He was assigned to 781227.

What do you know of him?

He was with us for ten years.  As a matter of fact, he had a hand in training me.
[While he talks, Miss Thatcher picks up a folder off the desk and looks through it.]
He's quiet. . .intense.  He never had a problem with the nature of his assignment or at least not till the subject was scheduled for termination.

Yes, I see he resigned shortly after.

[The video screen next to Tom's image appears to be blank, only reflecting light or objects in the room.  However, occasionally the letter Z will appear at random, like in a screensaver.]

William Kern went missing around that same time.  [Thatcher looks up at him]  Oh, and Dennis Bunker, who processed Foss's resignation?  He disappeared, too.

Foss has been covering his tracks.

Oh, I'm sure he's expecting our visit.  He won't go anywhere near the boy now.

Does he have family?

REYNOLDS [clicks remote and brings up a photograph over Tom's data]
No.  His wife and daughter died in a car accident a few years back.

[She looks at the photograph of a woman and a little girl.]

Follow him for now.  See what you find.


[Kyle and Josh are back at the park again walking around.]

If you can hear through the door, if you concentrate, maybe you can hear what people say from far away.

Why would I want to do that?

God, that brain is just wasted on you!
Humor me.

Okay, but what do I do?

You're the genius.  Figure it out.  Focus or something.
[They sit down on a fake log bench]
[pointing]  Over there with the dog.  What are they saying?

I tried to ignore my other senses, devoting all my attention to hearing.  And slowly, I could filter out the unnecessary noise.

[Kyle concentrates on a couple with a little dog.  Noises are coming from every direction in the park - the dog barking, a man mowing the grass, people talking, playing basketball, a leaf blower - until gradually, the only thing he hears is the couple's conversation.]

You're making a big deal out of this.  I mean, how often does she visit?

The woman hovers and she flits around making helpful little suggestions.

Okay, well it's just for a few more days, okay, and then she's back to Florida.

She better be or I will personally strap your mother on that plane.

Okay, all right, but you know, I mean, it's not like your parents are perfect either.

They're not, but at least they don't get in the way, you know. . ."

Can you hear anything?

[Suddenly Kyle winces in pain and presses his hand to his forehead.]

I saw a flash of light.

What's wrong?!

Like a strange electrical charge in my head.  It was as if my body were warning me not to continue.
Declan told me to look into my past without Tom Foss knowing.  I knew I'd just found a way, but I couldn't let on to anyone else.

Kyle, can you hear anything?

No. . .not a sound. [gets up and leaves]

Living Room

[Nicole is sitting at the desk in front of the computer.  She is talking on her cell phone while she works.]

Yeah, thanks so much, Lou.  Bye.  [hangs up]

STEPHEN [coming into room]
Lou Daniels?

Yeah, I was checking a reference on a therapist for Kyle.

STEPHEN [sits on the back of couch]
Why does he need a second therapist?

Actually, I don't think I should be treating him at all.  I've been working with him for months and he still can't remember anything beyond those flashes, which I can't explain.  And then yesterday, he insisted he was ready to put the past behind him.

Well, maybe that's the best thing.

Stephen, he's been struggling for so long to remember.  He can't be done just like that.  He's regressing, and. . .I can't get through to him.

Give it some more time.

But he won't talk to me.  Not as his therapist.

You've never given up on a patient before.

Kyle's become. . .more than a patient to me.  And that's the problem.  I'm afraid I can't be objective.  And it's getting in the way of his progress.

[Stephen nods, understanding]


[Kyle is by himself.  Walking past the basketball court, he watches Charlie and Declan playing, then goes over to Amanda who is sitting on a bench near the court.]

Hey, Kyle.

KYLE [sitting down]
Hey.  How's the game?

Oh, I don't know.  I've been trying to study for my confirmation.

What are you confirming?

My faith. [Kyle watches her intently; he is a good listener]
My mom really wants me to do it.  And I was all set to go last year. . .but after my dad died. . .well, I wasn't really into the whole religion thing.  But I'm doing it now.  I'd really love you to come to the ceremony.

Are you sure your mom will be okay with that?

She doesn't get to decide everything for me.  Besides, you're my friend and I want you to be there.  [Kyle smiles at her]

CHARLIE [comes up behind her]
Hey, babe.

Oh gross!  You're all sweaty!

Oh, you know you love it.

AMANDA [Declan walks up and exchanges glances with Kyle]
Whatever.  Well, I gotta run.  Our church bishop's coming by.

Sounds like a blast.

Bye guys.

All right, I'm outta here, too.  [they both leave]

[Kyle and Declan watch them walk off.]

Forget about her, man.  There's plenty more where that came from.

It's not Amanda.  I need your help.

Living Room

[Stephen is sitting on the sofa working on his laptop.  Lori comes into the room all dressed up to go out.  She grabs her purse and starts to head towards the front door.]

Bye dad.

Where you off to?

Just. . .going to hang with Declan before the carnival.

Declan. . .

You say that with such enthusiasm.

What do you see in that guy?

LORI [sighing]
Dad --   

You know you could find somebody solid and honorable.  Somebody who hasn't committed a felony.

Declan owned up to that accident.  He's doing community service now.

STEPHEN [sarcastically]
Ah, well, I feel so much better.
[Lori just looks at him and crosses her arms]
I was his age once.  I know how boys like him think.

Oh really, how's that?

I don't like to think about it.
No, I'm serious, Lori.  I don't trust him.

Well, then I guess you'll just have to trust me.  [she leaves]


So now you got super hearing?

No, my ears work just like yours.  But when I concentrate, it's like my brain can pick up specific sounds.  I can hear voices from a distance.

You wanna find Tom Foss and listen in.

Help me track him down.

Just say when.


[Declan's phone rings; he answers it.]

Declan - tell me you didn't forget.

I didn't, but, uh, can we hook up at the carnival instead?


Something came up.

Not too vague.

Look, I'm sorry.  I just got pulled into something.

Declan, be straight with me.  I don't wanna start this again.

There's nothin' to start.  I just have to meet you there, all right?

Fine.  [hangs up on him and dials another number]

HILLARY [she is walking somewhere in a hurry]
What's up?

Declan just totally bailed on me and he's acting all shady.  Tell me I'm being paranoid.

Yeah, you're being paranoid.

What, no conspiracy theory to bolster my neurosis?

Lori, I gotta go.

Are you with your mystery man?

I'm about to be.  I'll try to swing by later.  [hangs up]


[Kyle and Declan are at the front desk talking to a receptionist who is busy typing on a keyboard.]

Look, I can't give out Tom's address.

We really need to find him, Kim.  It's important.

Leave your name and a phone number and I'll have him call you.

But we have to see him now.

[A couple of guys walk by laughing.]

There she is.

[The guys stop near the reception desk.  While talking, they keep glancing in her direction.  Distracted, Kim looks over her shoulder at them.]

DECLAN [waving his fingers]

Look, that information is private and confidential.
[to herself]  What are they talking about?

KYLE [looks over at the guys and reads their lips]
Happy hour.

I knew it.
[to Kyle]  How did you know that?

I read their lips.  [Declan does not look surprised]
[repeats what he heard]
"She put on quite a show."  [Declan snickers]

I had three margaritas.
So what's the cute one saying?

Which one's the cute one?

Uh, hold on.  You wanna know more?  That information is private and confidential.

Look, I'd really like to help you, but I can't.

The truth is, Tom's a security guard in our neighborhood. He got us out of a huge mess.  We wanna see him right away to pay him back.


[Declan and Kyle leave the building and head towards Declan's car.  Declan has a piece of paper in his hand with Tom's address.]

He doesn't live far.

Then let's go.

Look at you all ready for a stake-out.

I don't wanna waste any more time.  [gets into the car]


[Tom pulls up to a curb in his company car.  He gets out and appears to walk into a sidewalk store.  Driving around the intersection, Reynolds spots him, pulls over and parks.  Picking up his cell phone, he dials a number.]

REYNOLDS [talking into phone]
I found Foss.

THATCHER [on phone]
Is the boy with him?

No.  [hangs up]

[Suddenly the passenger door opens.  Tom gets into the car and pulls out a gun before Reynolds can do anything.] 

Come on, man.  I thought I taught you better than that.

Is that any way to say hello?

What do you want?

I'm sure you know.  I mean, you betray The Company, all we worked for, to end up as what - some neighborhood watchman?  If you kill me, they're gonna send somebody else.  They'll keep looking, they'll keep searching, till they find the subject.

He's not a subject.

See?  You let your heart get in the way.  You know, this humanity has really made a mess of things, hasn't it?  Yet you kill Kern and Bunker?  I mean, look what protecting this boy's cost you.  Just tell me where he is and be done with it.

He's gone.  He's gone so far away, they'll never find him.

Oh, we will. And we're watching you, Tom.  I mean that boy comes anywhere near you - we're gonna get him.

TOM [pushes the gun into Reynold's side]
You stay away from him.  You understand?

[Tom gets out of the car and leaves.  Angry, Reynolds hits the steering wheel with his hand.]


[Kyle and Declan get out of the car in front of the building and walk towards the front entrance.  Just as they start to look at the directory, an older lady comes out of the building.  Kyle holds the door open for her and they both slip inside.

Tom is inside the apartment, talking on his phone and pacing.]

TOM [worried]
She sent someone.  Cyrus Reynolds.  He's the head of security.

What did you tell him?

[sighs] I said they'd never find him, but they're on the trail now, so. . .

[On the fifth floor, Kyle and Declan are looking around when Declan spots Tom's apartment.]

DECLAN [going over to the door]
This is it - 509. 
[Kyle stands outside the door and listens]
What do you hear?  Is he in there?

TOM [still talking on phone]
We have to take him out fast.

That plan is already in motion.

Okay.  I'll keep track of the boy.

No, they're watching you.  Don't interfere.  [Tom hangs up]

[Nicole and Lori's voices can be heard in the room.  Tom taps his keyboard, turning on the monitors on his desk.  Lori is back home and talking with her mom in the kitchen.  Watching them, Tom turns up the volume and listens in on their conversation.]

Lori, I need to ask you something and I want you to be straight with me.

Mom, I'm really not in the mood for one of those talks right now."

It's not about you - it's about Kyle.  He's been acting so strange lately."

[Kyle reacts when he recognizes their voices through the door.]

Nicole -- 

What about her?

And Lori.  I can hear them inside.

What are you talkin' about?

Kyle?  Acting strange?  This is news to you, why?

No, I'm serious.  Ever since you took him to the University, he's been so distant.  Did anything happen there that I should know about?

You mean aside from him seeing that picture of his look-alike?  Of course Kyle's freaked out.

[Listening, Tom is concerned about the subject of this conversation.]

Well, I just wish he would talk to me about it.

You can't be on him all the time.

Well, I'm his therapist.

Give him some space.  Like you do me and Josh."

[Electrical charges flash through Kyle's head.  He suddenly becomes dizzy and leans against the inside of the door.]

More flashes of light.  The harder I tried to listen, the brighter and more intense they became.

You used to let us try to figure it out on our own and then you used to tell us what to do."

Kyle, are you all right?

But I heard them.  Lori and Nicole, I heard their voices.

That's impossible.

[Inside the room, Tom shuts off his system.  Turning around, he heads towards the door.]

He's coming.

[Kyle and Declan take off down the hallway.  Tom grabs his keys and leaves his apartment, locking the door.  As he heads towards the elevator, he hears a floorboard squeak and pauses for a moment to listen.  Kyle and Declan are hiding around the corner just a few feet away from him.  When he leaves, the boys come back out into the hallway to figure out what to do next.]

We have to go in.

You wanna break into his apartment?

No.  But I have to know why I heard them inside.

That is bizarre.

How do we do it?

DECLAN [taps Kyle on the chest]
Come on.

[Kyle follows Declan down one of the hallways.]

Stephen and Nicole's Room

[Josh is in the bedroom snooping around in his father's papers when Stephen walks into the room.]

Lookin' for loose change?

Uh, no - I was just --   

Skip the story and just tell me what's goin' on.

Okay, fine.  How bad are they?


My grades?  Look, I know they came in today, and you and mom are just makin' me sweat just to torture me.

STEPHEN [chuckling]
Well, as appealing as that sounds, the mail hasn't even come yet.


I see how you've been applying yourself.  What do you have to worry about?
[Josh doesn't answer; looks very worried]

Look, I've tried.  I've done all the work, I really have.  And if I bomb out in remedial, which means --   

It just means you're gonna have to work a little harder.  But don't get ahead of yourself.  I have a feeling you got some pretty good news coming.

You have to say that.

No, I don't.  I just believe in you.  I think you should, too.

So, uh, can this vote of confidence translate into an extra $20 for the carnival?

STEPHEN [smiling]
Always workin' it.

Saw my chance.  Had to take it.


[Declan and Kyle climb out of a window in the building to the fire escape outside Tom's apartment.  Declan tries to open a window but it is locked.  Looking around, Kyle finds a long piece of metal which Declan uses to pry open the window.  They crawl through into Tom's apartment, go through the bedroom out into the main room and start to look around.]
At least we know they're not tied up in here.

I know what I heard.

You got your wires crossed, buddy.

[Kyle looks at a framed photograph on a shelf of a woman and a little girl.  He notices Declan handling some of Tom's belongings.]

Don't touch anything.

Nothin' to touch.  This guys lives like a monk.
[points towards the monitors on the desk]
Except for that.  It's pretty hi-tech.

[Kyle taps some keys, turning on the monitors.  Each one pans a different room in the Trager house picked up by the hidden cameras.  One monitor shows Kyle's room and his bathtub.]

What the -- ?
[Kyle taps a few more keys and the camera zooms in on his tub.]
This guy's a friggin' stalker.

[Another keystroke and Lori's room appears on a monitor.  She is lying across her bed and talking to Hillary.]

You give me every single detail of your sex life, more than I ever need to know, and now all of a sudden you've got this mystery man and you don't  kiss and tell?

Why is it so important to you?

Because I know what you're hiding.  I know it's Declan."

DECLAN [listening]
How could she think that?

Oh my God, you're insane.

LORI [gets off the bed]
I'm not stupid.

Right now you are.  It's not Declan, okay?  I swear.  You know, not everything has to do with you and your boyfriend.  [grabs her purse]  I gotta go. [she leaves]"

This is sick.  We gotta rip these damn cameras out.

[Hearing footsteps, Kyle looks over his shoulder at the door and signals Declan to hold on.  Tom is coming back down the hallway. Jingling his keys in his hand, he stops at the door.  Forgetting to turn off the monitors, the boys run out of the room and climb back out of the bedroom window just as Tom enters his apartment.  He stops when he sees that the monitors are on and starts looking around the room for the intruder.  Tom checks one room, but it is empty.

Behind the building, Kyle and Declan are running as fast as they can back to Declan's car.  There is only one room left to check.  Going to the window, Tom looks out and sees the boys running down the street.  He leaves to go after them.

Sitting in his car staking out Tom's apartment building, Reynolds sees Kyle and Declan running and getting into Declan's car.  He talks into his cell phone.]

Subject's in sight.  But he's not alone.

THATCHER [on phone]
Find your moment - then do it.

[Reynolds hangs up and starts to follow Declan in his car.  Outside at last, Tom runs around the building after them, but he cannot get there in time.  All he can do is watch the boys drive away, followed by Cyrus Reynolds.]

Josh's Room

[Josh is lying across the bed reading a magazine and listening to music on his headphones.  He doesn't see his parents come into the room with stern expressions on their faces or hear his dad calling him.]

Josh! [Josh finally notices them]
We need to see you.

JOSH [takes off headphones]
What did I do?

STEPHEN [holds up an envelope]
[very serious]  We got the mail.

[Stephen takes a piece of paper out of the envelope and hands it to Josh.  Worried, he starts to read it and then a smile spreads across his face.]

JOSH [exhilarated; getting off the bed]
I did it!

STEPHEN [laughing]
You did it!  [pats Josh's arm]

I'm out of remedial!  Hh!!

LORI [coming into room]
What's going on?

JOSH [hands her his grades]
Check it out, I'm a genius.

With a B+, 2 Bs and a C?

NICOLE [gives Lori a "look"]
Josh, congratulations.  [kisses him on forehead]

And Kyle didn't help me at all.

Oh yeah, where is Kyle?

Oh he just called.  He's goin' straight to the carnival with Declan.

LORI [looks over at Nicole]

[Josh plants an exaggerated kiss on Lori's forehead and laughs.]

LORI [brushes off the kiss with one hand]
Get away from me, you little creep.

[She shoves his grades back at him and leaves.]

JOSH [doing the Happy Dance]
Yeah, I'm a genius, I'm a genius.

NICOLE [laughing]
You're a genius!

Wooh!  All right!  Yeaaaahh. . .


[Declan describes some of the rides to Kyle while they are walking around the carnival.  Reynolds is following them at a discreet distance.  Lori and Josh are also there and she is outlining her rules to Josh.]

Meet me out front in two hours and don't come near me till then.

It's not me you should be worried about.  It's the Carnies.


Circus folk.  Chicks with beards, fortune tellers.  They totally abduct teenage girls.

LORI [smiling]
Look, like I'm scared.  I live with a freak show.
[she sees Declan and Kyle]

JOSH [goes over to a group of girls]
Hello ladies.

[Declan sees Lori and she waves at him.]

DECLAN [pats him on the chest]
Hey Kyle, I'll see you later, all right? [leaves]

[Kyle is left all by himself.  He is fascinated watching the rides go round and round and isn't aware that Reynolds is making his way towards him through the crowd.  Just as he is closing in on Kyle, Charlie and Amanda get there first and cut him off.]

Hey Kyle.  Checking out a ride?

Go on The Rotor, dude.  It's crazy.

I won't go near it.

Which one do you like?

[In the background, Reynolds is still watching him.]

Charlie will make fun, but - the carousel.

Oh, no, no.  The carousel's great - if you're seven.

Well, you don't have to go on it with me.  [laughs]  What do you say, Kyle?  You up for a spin?

Sounds good.

[They start to walk off together.]

Oh go ahead.  Try to contain your excitement.

[Charlie watches them leave, turns and heads very deliberately in another direction.  Reynolds follows Kyle and Amanda.

Standing at the Hit-the-Bulls-Eye shooting gallery, Lori is talking with Declan before the game starts.]

Look, I'm sorry I had to bail.

Why didn't you just say you were with Kyle?

I don't know.  It's personal.

What are you two up to?

I had to help him with somethin'.  Why are you so suspicious all the time?

Why do you give me reason to be?

Hey, if you want this to work, you gotta trust me.

[The bell rings and the game begins.  Lori doesn't answer Declan and he looks away frustrated.]

On the Carousel

[Amanda and Kyle walk through the carousel looking for seats.]

Where should we sit?

AMANDA [spotting two horses]
How about these two? [someone takes one of the seats first]

I'll stand.

You sure?

[Amanda climbs on a horse and Kyle stands next to her holding onto the pole.  The carousel starts to slowly spin around.]

Here we go.

It gets faster.  Just warning you.  [laughs]

KYLE [grins at her]
How fast?

Fast enough for a seven year old.

KYLE [smiling]
For a seven year old?

Yeah.  [the rides starts to spin faster]  See?

[Amanda watches Kyle and smiles.  Spinning around, they pass Declan and Charlie in the middle of an intense conversation.  Kyle can overhear part of what they are saying.]

You have to tell her.

What are you, nuts?

Lori thought I was with her."

[The carousel spins around and they pass by Charlie and Declan again.]

It's not my fault Lori doesn't trust you.

Oh, like Amanda trusts you?"

[Kyle looks very worried as he keeps up with their conversation.  Charlie waves at Amanda and she waves back at him.]

I've gotta great thing going with her and I'm not gonna ruin it.

[Kyle is straining to hear what they are saying.]

Great for you.  Go out with Amanda, tap Hillary on the side."

[Kyle keeps turning around to keep up with the conversation.  A painful flash sparks inside of his head again.]

KYLE [wincing]

AMANDA [puts her hand on his shoulder]
Kyle, are you all right?

I'm fine.

[She believes him and smiles.  Charlie and Declan walk off.  Taking their place, Tom Foss walks up to the carousel.  Kyle sees him and is very alarmed.  Amanda notices that he has become uneasy.]

Kyle, relax.  This is fun.

[Reynolds appears behind Tom and from under his folded jacket, pushes a gun into Tom's ribs.  Spinning around on the ride, Kyle watches them and hears their conversation.]

You taught me well after all.

You're gonna shoot me in front of all these people?

You know how it works, Tom.  A shot or two out of nowhere.  Mass hysteria always provides an escape route."

I struggled to hear them, and I knew if I tried any harder, it might bring back more of those uncomfortable flashes.  But I had to hear what they were saying.

[Kyle starts to become dizzy as he strains to listen.]

You should've obeyed orders.  You should've terminated him according to instruction.

Well, it's done now, it's too late.  The boy doesn't know anything.

[Another painful flash.]

Your mistake could expose The Company.  Everything we've ever worked for could be destroyed.

[The flashes are increasing in frequency.]

Leave him alone!"

[Reynolds hits Tom over the head with his gun and he falls to the ground.  Raising up the gun, Reynolds points it directly at Kyle.  Suddenly Kyle collapses on the floor of the carousel.  His body starts to jerk and twitch in an uncontrollable seizure.

Amanda jumps off the horse and hovers over Kyle in a panic.  People start to gather around them.]

Kyle!  Oh my God!  Help!  Kyle, please! 
[spectator:  "Call an ambulance!"]
Somebody help!
[spectator:  "Call 911!"]
Kyle!  Kyle!  Kyle!  Kyle!
Kyle, please!

[Cyrus Reynolds walks away from the scene.  Coming to and holding the back of his head, Tom watches Kyle in trouble on the floor of the carousel.]

Kyle!  Oh my God, Kyle!  Somebody please!  He needs help!


[Stephen and Nicole are walking with the doctor who is treating Kyle.]

Kyle's a lucky young man.  His vitals are stable and he's resting comfortably.

Why did this happen?

It's hard to say.  Seizures are generated by bursts of electricity in the brain.  Any number of things could have triggered this.
[they stop at the nurses' station]
Has Kyle bumped his head recently?  Experienced headaches?  Anything of that nature?

Not that we're aware of.

DOCTOR [they resume walking]
I know he was riding on a carousel at the time.  It's possible the motion of the ride, the lights, the noise, might have disoriented him and set it off.

Could this happen again?

DOCTOR [stopping outside Kyle's room]
I can't be certain.  And given Kyle's amnesia, we don't know if he has a history of seizures.  Fortunately, his MRI results are normal.


[Noting the surprise in her voice, Stephen looks over at Nicole.]

Mrs. Trager, that's good news.  There's no brain damage, no abnormal activity.

Yes, of course, that's wonderful.  Your MRI machine is working properly?

Absolutely.  And our radiologist is one of the best.  So, hopefully, this is an isolated incident and Kyle can head home later tonight.

STEPHEN [smiles and shakes doctor's hand]
Thank you.

Thanks. [doctor leaves]

[Inside the room, Kyle is lying in a bed hooked up to several monitors.  Lori and Josh are with him.]

JOSH [sitting on edge of bed]
I'm tellin' ya, the sympathy angle?  Works every time.  Chicks eat it up.

STEPHEN [comes into room with Nicole]
Hey buddy, how ya feelin'?

Pretty good, I guess.

Doctor says you're gonna be just fine.

Lori and Josh, why don't you tell everyone Kyle's okay.

Feel better, Kyle. [Lori and Josh leave]

So, Kyle, do you remember what happened just before you started feelin' sick?

KYLE [hesitates for several moments before answering]
So when can I go home?

They want you to rest a little while longer.  Then we'll go.

[Nicole and Stephen step outside the room to give Kyle a chance to rest.]

Big relief.

Yeah.  I have to say I'm surprised by that MRI.

Yeah, I could tell.

Kyle's first MRI, months ago, showed an extraordinary amount of brain activity.

But they said the equipment malfunctioned.

Well, I know, but since then we've seen what Kyle can do.  How remarkable he can be.  I guess I couldn't help thinking. . .maybe it was true.  Maybe his results really were off the charts.

Instead, he's a normal teenage boy who's incredibly smart.

[Down at the end of the hall in the shadows, Reynolds is talking on the phone again with Thatcher and giving her an update.]

You were right.  Every man has his price.  Even radiologists.

THATCHER [over phone]
Allowing that boy's true results to come out would beg too many questions.  Questions that might have unwanted consequences for The Company.

I won't be able to get to him tonight.

I'm not concerned.  Next time, we will.

NICOLE [to Stephen]
I'll be right back. [walks away]

[Reynolds hangs up, glances over at Stephen and Nicole, and leaves.

In the waiting room, Amanda, Charlie and Declan are waiting for news of Kyle.  Hillary has made it to the hospital and finds them.]

Is he okay?

We're still waiting to hear.

Lori said he collapsed on the carousel.

He was standing right next to me.
[Hillary looks down where Amanda and Charlie are holding hands.]
He was fine one minute, and then he just fell on the ground, shaking.  It was so scary.

It's all gonna be okay.

What was he doin' right before he fell?

Uh, well, he looked kind of distracted.  He was just staring at people from the ride with this really intense look on his face.

[By his expression, Declan understands what Kyle was doing now.]

LORI [coming up to everyone]
He's doing great.  Really.

When can we see him?

Better wait till he gets home.

Can you just tell him I'm thinking about him?

[Charlie has a guilty expression on his face.]


DECLAN [takes Lori aside]
I need to see Kyle.

Declan, they said just family.

Look, there's stuff going on that I can't explain. But it has nothing to do with us.  You have to believe me.

LORI [smiles at him]
Come on.
[they head toward Kyle's room]

[In the room, Declan and Kyle speak to one another in lowered voices.]

You gave us all a big scare, man.


You were tryin' to hear somethin.'

Foss was there.  And another man with a gun.

Okay, that's enough.  You gotta tell the Tragers what's goin' on.

But they could get hurt.

But you will if you don't say somethin'.  They're your family.  Now is the time you need ‘em the most.

[Stephen is still standing outside of Kyle's room.  Lori brings him a cup of coffee.]

[takes coffee] Thanks.
[Lori sees Declan and Kyle together in the room and smiles]
I may have judged Declan a little too harshly.

He's a really great guy when he wants to be.

NICOLE [coming up to them]
Stephen, I just traded calls with Detective Breen.  His message said he had news.

Like what?

He didn't get into it.
[Lori and Stephen leave; Nicole goes into Kyle's room]
Thanks Declan. [he leaves]

[Alone in the room with Kyle, Nicole sits down on the edge of the bed to talk to him.]

A lot of people were here for ya tonight.

I don't want you to worry about me.

[shrugs] Can't help it.
Kyle, we haven't talked lately.  Really talked.  Professionally.  And I've tried not to push you, but - I can't help feeling that --   
[she struggles to hold back tears] -- I've let ya down.

Let me down?

It's my job to help you break through.  To heal you.

But you have.

But you haven't been able to remember anything.  I keep promising answers and you're left with only more questions.

KYLE [with tears in his eyes]
No, you took me in. . .when I had no one.  You made me feel safe. . .and cared for. . .and loved.  You made me feel like I was your son.

NICOLE [reaches to hold his hand]
I think that's what's gotten in our way.

KYLE [a tear rolls down his cheek]
No, it's what I needed.  I still do.
[he pauses for a moment]
There's something I need to tell you.

[Interrupting them, a nurse comes into the room to take Kyle's pulse and they have to wait.

Lori stops at the water fountain for a drink and she hears a girl laughing softly.  Looking up, she sees Hillary and Charlie together.  He is touching her and whispering in her ear.  Hillary and Lori exchange glances with each other.

At that moment, the Detective shows up and calls to Lori.]

Lori Trager, I need to see your parents.

[Back in the room, the nurse has left and Nicole continues her conversation with Kyle.]

Kyle, whatever it is, you can tell me.

LORI [coming to the door]

Lori, I need a moment with Kyle.

STEPHEN [comes to the door; Lori steps into the room]
Nicole.  This is important.

DETECTIVE BREEN [comes to the door; Stephen steps into the room]
Mrs. Trager - there's been a new development.

[Josh comes into the room and stands next to Lori.  A woman's voice can be heard right outside the door and suddenly, she and a strange man step into the room.]

I'm sorry, we can't wait anymore.
[to Kyle]  Noah, is that really you?

[Nicole is shocked and looks over Kyle.  Confused, Kyle looks up at her, too, and then over at Lori and Josh.  Then he looks towards the two strangers.]

Who are you?

[The couple are very emotional about seeing him.]

Don't you remember?  It's me.  It's mom.
We finally found you!



Ecrit par Titenoiset 

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