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#108 : Jeu de piste

Kyle est toujours détérminé à retrouver la mémoire. Lori et Declan se rendent à l'université de Washington pour visiter le campus. Le professeur William Kern y enseignait, Kyle décide alors de les accompagner afin de chercher des indices sur lui et son passé, persuadé d'avoir un lien avec le professeur disparu...



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Jeu de piste

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Sneak peek (vo)


Avec l'assistante (vf)

Avec l'assistante (vf)


Scene Lori/Wes (vo)

Scene Lori/Wes (vo)


Scene Declan/Lori/Kyle (vf)

Scene Declan/Lori/Kyle (vf)


Photos promo

Kyle (Matt Dallas) et Declan (Chris Olivero)

Kyle (Matt Dallas) et Declan (Chris Olivero)

Kyle essaye de pénétrer sur les lieux de Zzyzx

Kyle essaye de pénétrer sur les lieux de Zzyzx


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France (redif)
Lundi 12.06.2017 à 19:05

Plus de détails

Scénario: Michael Oates Palmer

Réalisation: Guy Norman Bee


  • Eileen Pedde … Anna Mandfredi
  • Bruce Dawson … Dr Cassidy
  • Brendan Penny … Wes
  • Maxine Miller … Lily
  • Jessica Lowndes … Eve
  • Robert Weiss … Agent de sécurité

Chez les Trager.

Kyle et Nicole sont en compagnie d’un spécialiste de l’hypnose, Jacob. Il lui explique que cette méthode peut ramener à la surface des souvenirs que garde le subconscient. Kyle est content de pouvoir la tester. La séance commence, Nicole enregistre tout sur un dictaphone. Jacob endort Kyle, et commence à lui poser des questions. Kyle lui raconte qu’il est dans une voiture, il pleut. Il est entrain de décrire la nuit où Kern a été tué. Kyle est très agité. Il revoit le visage du professeur Kern, la dispute avec Tom, et le moment où Foss tire sur le professeur. Nicole est stupéfaite d’entendre le nom de Tom Foss, et elle demande à Jacob de remonter plus loin, avant cette nuit là. Jacob demande alors à Kyle ce qui s’est passé avant. Le garçon semble se détendre, mais ne dit rien. Puis il a comme un déclique et commence à parler très vite, tellement vite que ce qu’il dit est inaudible. Nicole décide qu’il est temps d’arrêter la séance, et Jacob réveille Kyle. Le garçon ne se souvient pas de ce qu’il vient de dire, et Nicole est encore surprise par ce qu’il vient de se passer.


Dans la cuisine, Jacob discute en privé avec Nicole. Il lui dit qu’il n’a jamais rencontré quelqu’un comme Kyle, et Nicole lui dit qu’elle l’avait prévenue que l’amnésie de Kyle était très profonde. Mais ce que voulait dire Jacob, c’est qu’il semblerait qu’avant les souvenirs de cette fameuse nuit, Kyle n’a pas d’autres souvenirs. Il va même jusqu’à dire que Kyle est squisophrène, car il fait une fixation sur le professeur Kern. Mais Nicole n’est pas d’accord car rien dans le comportement du garçon ne laisse supposer ce diagnostic. Ils se demandent aussi ce que signifie le charabia que Kyle leur a dit.


Dans sa chambre, Kyle dessine.

(Voix off de Kyle) Pendant sa transe, il s’est retrouvé face à la porte de son passée, mais elle était fermée à clé, et il voudrait avoir cette clé pour comprendre qui il est. Mais il rencontrait tellement de difficultés qu’il avait du mal à rester optimiste.

Il tape de plus en plus fort avec ses crayons sur la feuille, et finit par tout raturer de colère.


Declan et Lori discutent de l’université dans la chambre de la jeune fille, alors qu’ils ont encore deux ans de lycée à faire. Le père de Declan veut qu’il visite des universités pour choisir celle qu’il préfère. Kyle entre à ce moment dans la chambre. Il est déçu par sa séance d’hypnose parce qu’il attendait trop de réponses. Josh arrive à son tour, mais Lori le met dehors. Declan explique ensuite à Kyle que des recruteurs l’ont vu jouer au basket, et il doit donc aller visiter l’université de Washington le lendemain. Kyle lui demande de l’emmener avec lui, car c’est là que le professeur Kern enseignait. Lori casse un peu ses plans en lui disant qu’il n’aura jamais l’accord de ses parents, car Declan n’a pas une très bonne réputation concernant sa conduite. Kyle insiste et lui dit que c’est très important pour lui, mais ça ne change rien.


Le soir, Nicole raconte la séance d’hypnose à Stephen. Elle est très préoccupée par la réaction de Kyle lorsqu’il a mentionné Tom Foss. Son mari lui dit de ne plus s’inquiéter car il a appelé le travail de Foss pour leur demander de changer son affectation. Tom ne s’occupe donc plus de leur quartier. Les trois adolescentes arrivent pour le diner, et Nicole est contente de voir que Kyle ne s’est pas découragé pour autant. Lori leur dit alors qu’elle pense que Kyle devrait se changer les idées, et elle leur explique que Declan doit aller visiter l’université de Washington, et que ce serait bien qu’elle et Kyle aillent avec lui. Josh demande alors à sa sœur pourquoi elle est aussi sympa tout d’un coup, mais Kyle leur dit à son tour qu’il voudrait aller visiter l’Université. Josh ajoute en rigolant que s’ils le laissent aller là-bas une journée, il reviendra avec un diplôme. Les deux parents acceptent.


Le lendemain, Declan vient chercher Lori et Kyle. Pourtant Kyle est retissant, car il n’aime pas mentir aux Trager. Lori lui dit que c’est l’occasion pour lui de trouver des réponses, et il finit par se laisser convaincre.

A l’Université de Washington.

Les trois amis sont enfin arrivés, et Lori lui demande s’il se souvient de quelque chose. Mais le campus n’est pas familier à Kyle.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole réécoute en boucle le charabia de Kyle, sans réussir à comprend quoique ce soit. On frappe alors à la porte. C’est Tom Foss. Il vient pour s’assurer que tout va bien, car il sait que c’est la famille Trager qui a demandé à ce qu’il soit changé d’affectation. Tom lui demande s’il a fait quelque chose de mal, et Nicole se sent un peu gênée, car il ajoute qu’il admire sa façon d’élever ses enfants et d’en accueillir un en plus. Il termine en lui disant que si jamais il y a quoique ce soit, elle peut l’appeler, et il s’en va, laissant Nicole perplexe.

A l’Université de Washington.

Lori ne se sent pas très à l’aise parmi tous les étudiants. Declan cherche le gymnase, et Kyle lui indique la direction car il a déjà mémorisé tout le plan de l’Université. Puis il se dirige vers la fac de Sciences, où travaillait le professeur Kern. Lori donne rendez-vous à Declan puis elle part avec Kyle.


Les deux amis arrivent dans l’ancien bureau du professeur, et ils font la connaissance de l’assistante de Kern, Anna Manfredi. Lori lui explique que Kyle aurait peut-être connu le professeur, mais qu’ils n’en sont pas sur car il a perdu la mémoire. Kyle demande à Anna si elle le reconnait, mais elle lui répond que non. Elle leur apprend que les travaux du professeur portaient sur le cerveau et les moyens d’améliorer son potentiel. Lori insiste en lui disant que Kyle est aussi intelligent qu’Einstein, et que l’IRM qu’il a passé montre que son cerveau a une très grande activité, et que ça peu s’expliquer s’il a travaillé avec le professeur Kern, mais Anna leur dit que c’est impossible car c’est elle qui faisait passer les tests aux personnes travaillant avec le professeur. Kyle s’énerve et commence à perdre patience car il sait qu’ils sont sur une piste, et il demande à Anna de lui faire passer les tests.

Chez les Trager.

Stephen était au téléphone avec l’inspecteur Breen à qui il avait demandé de faire des recherches sur Tom Foss. Mais l’inspecteur n’a rien trouvé de suspect, Tom est irréprochable. Nicole se sent coupable d’avoir fait muter Tom dans un autre quartier, mais Stephen trouve étrange qu’il soit venu chez eux pour discuter avec Nicole. Il est mal à l’aise avec lui, et comme Kyle ne l’aime pas non plus, il fait confiance à son intuition.

A l’Université de Washington.

Lori se promène seule dans l’université pendant que Kyle passe ses tests. Elle rattrape un frisbee qui passe au dessus de sa tête, et un étudiant qui jouait avec vient lui parler. Il s’appelle Wes, et il demande à Lori se qu’elle pense de l’université quand elle lui dit qu’elle est là pour visiter. Mais elle n’a pas le temps de répondre car Declan est de retour. Ils partent voir Kyle.


Kyle est entrain de passer des tests de logique, qu’il réalise avec une très grande rapidité, et en ayant tout de correct. Puis il passe des tests pour contrôler sa mémoire, et Anna est de plus en plus impressionnée. Le dernier test consiste à lui montrer 100 images en une minute, et il doit écrire à quoi correspond le plus d’image possible dans l’ordre. Anna est abasourdit quand Kyle lui rend la liste complète et correcte. C’est le premier à avoir restitué toutes les images. Avant lui, le meilleur n’en avait donné que 37.

Anna retourne voir Lori et Declan qui attendent, et elle leur dit que Kyle est incroyable, et que ses résultats sont très largement au-dessus de la moyenne. Ce n’est donc pas possible que le professeur Kern ait gardé ces résultats pour lui tout seul. Declan semble faire la tête, et pendant qu’ils parlent, Kyle remarque une photo dans une vitre, qui date d’une vingtaine d’année, et qui représente un étudiant qui lui ressemble trait pour trait. L’étudiant en question s’appelle Adam Bailyn, et il a été récompensé pour ses recherches par la faculté de Sciences.


Lori appelle ses parents pour leur demander la permission de passer la nuit sur le campus. Josh l’embête et lui dit de ne pas se faire de film, car elle a trop de mauvaises notes et elle ne fait aucune activités extrascolaires, donc elle ne rentrera jamais à la fac. Stephen arrive dans la cuisine et il prend le téléphone des mains de Josh. Lori lui explique qu’ils voudraient passer la nuit sur le campus, en prétextant qu’il y a pleins d’activités pour les prospects, mais son père refuse, pensant qu’elle va fumer et boire. Lori arrive à le convaincre, en lui expliquant qu’avec Kyle rien ne peut lui arriver. Ce dernier n’est pas content car ils ont encore menti à Stephen, et Lori et Declan lui disent qu’ils doivent vraiment trouver qui était la personne de la photo, et qu’Anna leur a trouvé une chambre pour la nuit dans une résidence étudiante.

(Voix off de Kyle) En voyant la photo, il avait senti qu’il se rapprochait de la vérité, mais que ça lui faisait peur.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole est entrain de réécouter l’enregistrement de la séance d’hypnose de Kyle quand Josh la surprend. Il lui demande ce qui parle aussi vite, et comprend qu’il ne peut s’agir que de Kyle. Il ajoute que ça doit être sa voix d’alien, et lui demande pourquoi elle l’écoute en vitesse rapide. Sa mère lui demande de partir, et elle réécoute l’enregistrement, mais grâce à la remarque de Josh, elle ralentie la bande. On entend alors la voix de Kyle à la vitesse normale répéter 7-2-7-N-1-2-2-1-8-O-4.

A l’Université de Washington.

Lori et Kyle discutent encore de la photo, et Lori imagine son frère entrain de leur expliquer que Kyle aurait voyagé dans le temps. Elle regarde Kyle en lui demandant s’il est sur de ne pas avoir voyagé dans le temps, mais il ne trouve pas ça drôle. Puis elle regarde tout autour d’elle et réalise qu’il y a vraiment une vie après le lycée, une toute autre vie. Elle voit alors Declan se faire draguer par une étudiante, et conclue que ce n’est pas différent du lycée après tout. C’est alors que Wes arrive, et propose à Lori d’aller faire un tour du campus avec elle. Elle accepte et s’en va. De son coté, Declan explique à l’étudiante qu’il n’est pas venu tout seul, et elle s’en va. Il voit alors Lori partir avec Wes, et ça ne lui fait pas plaisir.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole fait écouter l’enregistrement à Stephen. Ils se demandent à quoi cela correspond, si c’est un code ou autre chose. Nicole remarque quand même qu’une partie correspond aux chiffres donnés par la planche de Wicca.

A l’Université de Washington.

Kyle regarde un étudiant jouer de la guitare quand Anna vient le voir. Il lui dit qu’il y a trop de chose à voir, et qu’il ne sait même pas si ce sont des choses nouvelles ou pas. Elle le réconforte en lui disant que le professeur aurait beaucoup aimé le rencontrer, car il est l’incarnation du rêve de Kern : une personne possédant un cerveau aussi rapide qu’un ordinateur. Elle lui demande comment il se sent, et Kyle répond qu’il se sent différent. Elle lui dit qu’il pourra accomplir de grandes choses, mais il n’y en trouve pas d’intérêt. Tout ce qui est important pour lui c’est de savoir qui il est.


Lori se promène avec Wes. Ils discutent de ce qu’elle voudra étudier plus tard. Lori lui dit qu’elle est intéressée par l’art, puis elle avoue qu’elle a dit ça juste pour avoir l’air intéressant. Wes répond qu’elle aurait pleins de choses intéressantes à dire si elle trouvait quelqu’un pour l’écouter.


Le soir. Declan entre dans la chambre étudiante qui leur a été réservée, et trouve Kyle qui regarde par la fenêtre. Puis il se rend compte que Lori n’est pas rentrée. Kyle lui demande pourquoi il n’avoue pas à Lori qu’elle lui plait, et Declan lui dit de garder ses réflexions pour lui parce qu’il n’a pas non plus été capable de dire à Amanda ce qu’il ressent. Il ajoute que ça doit lui faire bizarre de voir Amanda avec Charlie, alors qu’à sa place il aurait tenté quelque chose depuis longtemps. Kyle réplique que tout ce qui compte c’est de voir Amanda heureuse. Declan lui dit que si Amanda et Charlie sont faits l’un pour l’autre, ils resteront ensemble, quoiqu’il fasse, alors il n’a qu’à tenter quelque chose.


Le lendemain matin. Declan est endormie et Kyle regarde toujours par la fenêtre. Anna frappe à la porte pour lui dire qu’elle a fait des découvertes. Elle a trouvé que le garçon de la photo s’appelle Adam Baylin. Lori rentre à ce moment. Elle a passé la nuit dehors. Declan la regarde assez mal et elle s’en va. Anna les emmène rencontrer une secrétaire qui a travaillé avec Adam.


Ils rencontrent la vieille femme dans le bureau d’Anna. Elle se rappelle très bien d’Adam, et surtout de ses yeux. Elle leur parle d’Adam. C’était, d’après elle, le plus brillant des étudiants de Sciences, et William Kern était son professeur et mentor, ils travaillaient sur plusieurs projets ensemble. C’était aussi une personne très curieuse, et très sensible, tout comme Kyle. Le garçon lui demande si elle a une adresse pour qu’il puisse joindre Adam, et elle lui apprend alors qu’Adam est porté disparu depuis près de 20 ans. Kyle n’ajoute rien, et la déception peut se lire sur son visage.


Anna les aide à sortir des cartons contenant les anciens travaux d’Adam, puis elle s’en va. Les cartons n’ont pas été ouverts depuis 20 ans et la poussière sur les boites le confirme. Kyle commence à lire les travaux.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole rentre chez elle après avoir fait des courses. Dans la cuisine, Stephen lui dit qu’il a trouvé à quoi correspond la suite de chiffres et de lettres données par Kyle. Hormis le début de la suite de chiffre, qui correspond à celle donnée par la planche Wicca, les chiffres sont des longitudes et latitudes. Ca indique un endroit au milieu de la forêt à coté de Seattle. Cependant, il n’a pas pu en savoir plus car l’endroit est sécurisé. Nicole demande pourquoi, et Josh arrive à son tour dans la cuisine en leur disant que c’est parce que ça correspond à un lieu top secret du gouvernement, là où ils cachent tous les aliens. Ses parents sont blasés par ses théories invraisemblables.

A l’Université de Washington.
(Voix off de Kyle) Il poursuit sa lecture des travaux de Baylin, et ressent un lien qui va au-delà de leur ressemblance physique. Il comprend ses recherches, et pense que le cerveau de Baylin fonctionnait comme le sien. Il est de plus en plus persuadé qu’Adam et lui sont apparentés.

Declan fait semblant de lire des équations en faisant la tête. Lori lui demande ce qui ne va pas, et il répond d’un ton sarcastique que ce n’est pas parce qu’elle est très excité par l’université qu’elle doit coucher avec le mec au frisbee dès le premier jour. La jeune fille se met en colère en lui disant que ça ne le regarde pas, et que de toute façon il ne s’est rien passé. Elle lui rappelle qu’ils sont amis et que les amis ne les jugent pas à propos des gens avec qui ils sortent. Declan lui demande alors de quoi elle a discuté avec Wes, et elle répond qu’il la juste écouté parlé, en sous-entendant que c’est quelque chose que lui ne fait pas. Et elle s’en va.

Elle retrouve Kyle dans la pièce à coté, et il lui montre un papier qu’il vient juste de trouver, avec le même dessin que celui sur la carte magnétique trouvée près du squelette. Kyle est content et retrouve un peu d’espoir.


Un peu plus tard dans la journée, Lori est au téléphone avec son père. Il vient d’apprendre que Lori lui a menti sur l’endroit où ils allaient avec Kyle et Declan, parce qu’Hillary a fait une gaffe. Il lui ordonne de rentrer immédiatement, alors qu’elle lui dit qu’ils sont sur le point de trouver toutes les réponses aux questions de Kyle. Mais Stephen ne veut rien savoir, il est très en colère. Lori lui dit qu’il a trouvé une feuille dans les affaires de Baylin, avec le même symbole que Kyle avait dessiné, et des coordonnées. Il s’agit du même endroit que Stephen a trouvé sur Internet, avec les mêmes coordonnées données par Kyle pendant son hypnose. Ils savent que c’est un endroit tout près de l’Université grâce à Kyle qui a la carte de la Terre dans la tête. Mais Stephen ne change pas d’avis et lui dit de rentrer. Elle raccroche, dégoutée.

Chez Tom Foss.

Tom a écouté la conversation entre Lori et son père, et il entend ensuite Stephen dire à Nicole que les adolescents ont trouvés les mêmes coordonnées. Tom n’est pas enchanté par cette annonce, et il quitte précipitamment son appartement.

A l’Université de Washington.

Lori annonce la nouvelle aux garçons. Ils sont aussi mécontents qu’elle, en particulier Kyle, mais ils n’ont pas le choix. Lori s’absente pour aller aux toilettes avant de repartir, et Kyle décide de partir vérifier les coordonnées. En le voyant s’éloigner, Declan lui demande ce qu’il fait, puis il lui propose de l’emmener en voiture. Ils abandonnent Lori sur le campus.

Dans la forêt.

Kyle et Declan arrivent à l’endroit indiqué par les coordonnées. Le téléphone de Declan sonne, et Lori est très énervé d’avoir été laissé toute seule, car elle est vraiment mal vis-à-vis de ses parents. Declan s’excuse et raccroche, ce qui agace encore plus la jeune fille. Kyle demande à Declan de l’attendre près de la voiture, et s’il refuse dans un premier temps, Kyle finit par le convaincre, et il s’enfonce dans la forêt.

Kyle arrive près d’un grillage, au milieu de la forêt, et il commence à l’escalader, quand une personne l’attaque et le met à terre. Ils se battent, et Kyle parvient à prendre la fuite. Son agresseur tente de le suivre mais en vain. Kyle se retrouve alors derrière lui comme par enchantement et il lui arrache la cagoule, révélant le visage de Tom Foss.

Tom lui dit qu’il ne lui veut rien de mal. Il lui avoue avoir tué le professeur Kern pour le protéger. Il lui conseille de lui faire confiance, d’oublier le passé, et d’essayer de refaire sa vie, parce que sinon il pourrait se mettre en danger, ainsi que les Trager. Kyle lui demande de quoi il parle, et Tom répond juste que s’il n’arrête pas, ils vont tous les tuer, lui et sa famille. Ils entendent alors la voix de Declan, qui appelle Kyle. Tom lui dit de partir, et de ne jamais revenir dans cet endroit.

A la voiture, Declan commence à s’impatienter, quand Kyle revient en courant. Il le presse de partir, et lui dit qu’il n’y avait rien à voir. Bien sûr, Declan ne le croit pas.

Chez les Trager.

Lori s’excuse auprès de ces parents. Declan leur dit que c’est de sa faute si Lori n’a pas pu rentrée directement, mais Kyle leur coupe la parole, en leur expliquant que tout est de sa faute, que tout ce qu’ils ont fait c’était pour lui. Nicole commence à lui poser des questions sur Adam Baylin, mais Kyle lui coupe la parole et lui dit que ça n’a pas d’importance, qu’il ne va pas passer le reste de sa vie à chercher des réponses, et qu’il a décidé d’aller de l’avant. Ils sont tous surprit par sa réponse, et en particulier Declan.


Dehors dans l’allée, Declan essaye d’en savoir un peu plus sur ce qui c’est passé dans la forêt. Kyle ne veut toujours rien lui dire, alors Declan lui dit qu’il va tout raconter aux Trager. Il lui avoue alors qu’il a vu Tom Foss dans la forêt, et qu’il l’a menacé et que les Trager seraient en danger s’ils continuent à poser des questions. Declan lui dit qu’il comprend et la conversation s’arrête là. Lori vient les rejoindre, et Kyle remercie Lori de l’avoir emmené à l’Université avant de les laisser seul. Declan embrasse alors Lori.


Kyle regarde à travers la fenêtre de sa chambre, l’air pensif.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il voulait savoir qui il était, et il n’avait jamais réalisé que parfois il est préférable de laisser sa mémoire en paix, et qu’il y a des mystères qu’il faut mieux ne pas élucider.

Dans la forêt.

A coté du grillage se trouve une caméra de surveillance.

Quelque part dans un bâtiment secret.

Une équipe travaille sur des ordinateurs. Une personne qui semble être le responsable arrive pour voir l’enregistrement de la caméra de surveillance. On y voit Kyle escaladant le grillage. L’homme appelle Kyle 7-8-1-2-2-7, et il est surprit de le voir toujours en vie. Il a l'air d'en savoir beaucoup sur Kyle et ses origines.

Ecrit par blackrose

Living Room

[Sitting with Kyle on the couch, a man is calmly speaking to him while Nicole listens from an armchair across from them.]

Kyle, hypnosis relaxes you.  It allows you to focus very deeply.

Dr. Cassidy has helped some of my patients make sense of their dreams.

And by tapping into your subconscious, hypnosis can unlock memories you've lost or suppressed.

KYLE [eager]
What are we waiting for? [Dr. Cassidy and Nicole exchange smiles.]

[Kyle is lying on his back on the couch.  The doctor is sitting next to him in a chair.  His voice is soft and soothing as he speaks.  Putting a small tape recorder down on the coffee table, Nicole begins to watch Kyle's face intently as the doctor begins.]

Kyle, you're walking down the steps of a long staircase.  And with each step, you find yourself relaxing more and more, letting every muscle relax.  The staircase winds around until you come upon a door.  Now gently turn the knob and ease the door open.

[Kyle suddenly jerks.  In his mind, he is in the backseat of a car again looking through the window.]

Kyle, where are you now?

KYLE [uncomfortable]
In a car.  It's raining.

Whose car is it?

I don't know.

Are you alone?

[A man in a rain coat walks up and stares into the car at Kyle.]

KYLE [becoming anxious]
A man.  Prof...Professor Kern.  He's looking in.

[Suddenly Tom Foss and the Professor are struggling outside the car.  They have their hands around each others' throats.  Foss manages to push Kern away from him for a moment.]

He's hurting him!

Who, Kyle?  Who hurt Professor Kern?

[In that moment, Foss picks up a handgun off the ground and fires it.  The Professor falls to the ground.  He is dead.]

KYLE [very scared]

NICOLE [concerned]
Jacob --  

I want you to leave that place now.  Tell me what happened before.

KYLE [still anxious]

Before you were in the car in the rain.  Tell me what you remember.

[Kyle starts to calm down now and lays still.]

Go deeper now, Kyle.  You're at another door.  Open it and look inside at. . .at your past.  There are images and sounds.  Describe them to me.

[Kyle's face goes completely blank]

Kyle, what do you remember?

[Suddenly, Kyle jerks his head to the side and starts speaking rapidly in a monotone not unlike a computerized voice.]

What is that?

I don't know.

NICOLE [very concerned]
Jacob, take him out of this.

Kyle, go back to the door and up the stairs.  When I snap my fingers, you'll be safe in this room.

Bring him out now.

[Kyle is still speaking in the same rapid monotone over and over again.]

One, two, three.  [snaps fingers]

[Kyle suddenly stops speaking and opens his eyes.  He looks at Nicole and up at the doctor.]

[opening music]


[Nicole and the doctor are speaking privately together.]

I've never come across anyone like him.  Beyond the images Kyle described from that one night, he couldn't retrieve even one memory.

Well, he's blocked.  I told you his amnesia is severe.

Nicole, I think you need to consider another diagnosis.  Kyle shows clear signs of delusions and paranoia.

No, he's not schizophrenic.  I've been treating Kyle for months.  He's sensitive to others, he communicates, participates.  No.

Well, what about his fixation on Professor Kern?  The police have determined there's no connection.

But I still believe there is one.  We just haven't found it yet.

And his fears about your security guard, Tom Foss?  That's not paranoia?

I think Tom Foss, as an authority figure, represents someone disturbing from Kyle's past.

And that gibberish.  You never heard that before?

No.  No, but it could be a product of post-traumatic stress disorder.  I mean, Kyle let out a string of nonsense syllables like a. . .a cathartic release.

DR. CASSIDY [sighs]
Well, that's as good a guess as any.

Kyle's Room

[Sitting at his desk, Kyle is trying to draw another picture.  Frustrated, he scratches out the drawing and throws the chalk down on the desk.]

In the trance, I approached a door to my past, but the door was locked.  I longed for the key, for a moment of clear understanding.  But with every detour and dead end, it grew harder to stay optimistic.

Lori's Room

[Lori and Declan are talking in her room.  She is stretched out on her stomach on the bed and Declan is sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed with his feet propped up.]

Two years till we graduate, and my dad's already on me about applying to college.  He's got his checkbook out ready to buy me into the school of my choice.

I think my parents started saving the second I left the womb.  [Kyle walks in]

Kyle, what's up?

LORI [sits up on the bed]
So how'd it go today?

I guess I shouldn't expect so much.  [Now Josh walks into Lori's room]

Told ya.  Those hypnotists are bogus.

Josh, that door is there for a reason.

[to Lori]  It's open.
[teasing Kyle]  So, did he make you cluck like a chicken?  [Kyle gives him a disgusted look]

LORI [gets up]
Get out.

[She shoves Josh out the door.  He clucks like a chicken and she shuts the door on him.]

LORI [sitting back on the bed]
That's one thing I will not miss when I go to college.

You're going to college?

Eventually.  Declan here's already being recruited.

A couple of scouts saw me play from Whitman and U-Dub.


University of Washington?  Says the coach keeps calling so I thought I'd drive over and check it out tomorrow.

Take me with you.

Dude, I thought you were done playing basketball.

The University of Washington, that's where Professor Kern taught.

The guy whose skeleton they found in the woods.

If you wanna come, Kyle, I'm fine with it.

Kyle, you can't drive to U-Dub with Declan, my parents won't let you.
[to Declan]  You haven't exactly established yourself as the most trustworthy person.

That really hurts.

But I have to go.  If I knew Professor Kern and that's where he taught, someone there might know who I am.

Kyle, if my mom hears that you wanna go to U-Dub --  

She wants me to figure things out.

That doesn't include snooping around about some dead professor!


[Nicole and Stephen are making dinner together]

I mean, you should've seen Kyle's reaction.  The anxiety when he started talking about Tom Foss, as if he was really reliving the experience.

And. . .what, under hypnosis, there's still no clue why Kyle had those flashes about him?

No.  And they're so vivid.  I mean, I know Foss is just a replacement for someone, but still. . .I mean, it makes Kyle anxious to have him around.

STEPHEN [smiling]
Well, you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore. I called Palisade Security today.

You got him fired?

Well, not quite, but they agreed to take him off our detail. [smiles]

Well, I guess a transfer to Alaska [laughs] was out of the question, but still, it's a relief.  Thank you.  [she kisses him]

[Josh, Lori and Kyle come in]

Ah, please, not near my food.

LORI [she and Kyle sit down at the counter]


Kyle, sorry it didn't work out this morning.

It was worth a try.

Well, I'm glad you're not discouraged.

I think Kyle needs a break from all this stuff. 
[Josh looks suspiciously over his shoulder at her]
Declan's checking out Whitman tomorrow and Kyle's welcome to come.

I thought Declan was going to --  

Invite you himself?  He meant to, so I'm asking you for him.

Why are you being so nice to him?

Yes, why are you?

God, you make it sound like I'm this horrible person.  Forget it, I don't have to take him.

KYLE [a little panicky]
But I wanna go.  I'd like to see the school.

Give him one day there and he'll come back with a diploma.

NICOLE [to Stephen]
Well, what do you think?

Bring me back a Whitman t-shirt?

[Kyle and Lori smile at each other.]

Outside the House
The Next Morning

[Lori and Kyle are walking outside to the street as Declan drives up.  He gets out of the car and waits for them.]

[to Kyle]  You wanted to go to U-Dub, didn't you?
[she smiles a hello towards Declan]

I just don't like making up stories for them.

Well, that's why I  did it.  You can thank me later.

Hey.  You ready to roll?

[Kyle suddenly stops.  Lori turns around and goes back to him.]

Kyle, once and for all, you can find out if those dreams that you're having are real.

KYLE [pauses for just a moment]
Let's go.

[Lori nods and smiles at him.  They all get into Declan's car and he drives off.]


[Driving through the campus, Declan pulls over at a curb and parks.  They all get out of the car and start walking.]

Welcome to U-Dub.

Does anything look familiar?


Not yet.


[Nicole is sitting on the couch in the living room listening to her recording of the gibberish Kyle kept speaking over and over under hypnosis.  There is a knock at the front door.  Opening the door, she is a little surprised to see Tom Foss.]

Mrs. Trager.  Hi.


I'm sorry to bother you, but I. . .I just uh. . .I just came by to make sure that. . .that everything's okay.

Everything's fine.

Well, I guess I mean. . .Well, I. . .I know that you folks requested to have my detail switched and. . .I just wanted to make sure that I hadn't done anything to upset you.

NICOLE [she is keeping both cool and professional]
We just felt that it wasn't a good match here.

TOM [sounds both sincere and suspicious]
I'm sorry to hear that.  Because I have to say that. . .uh, I admire you, Mrs. Trager, I do.  [Nicole looks at him suspiciously]  The way you, uh, you balance your career with your family and a foster child on top of that, I mean, it's. . .it's a lot to handle.  I. . .I really respect that.  So even though I'm not on your watch anymore, I just want you to know that you can call on me if you ever need anything.

Thank you.

You're welcome.  Good bye.

[She shuts the door quickly.  Turning away, she seems uncomfortable with this encounter she just had with Foss.]


Check it out.  We're in college, Trager.

Then why do I feel like I have high school written all over me?
[She stops, but Kyle is still walking ahead of them]

Kyle, where are you going?

KYLE [stops, turns around]
To the science building.

Oh hang on, where's the gym?

Take that path, then left at the Commons, then straight on for an eighth of a mile.

You already memorized the campus?  [Lori giggles]  You're like a walking navi system.

So let's hook up in a couple of hours by the Student Union?

Sure.  [snatches campus map out of Kyle's hand]  Think you can find it?

[He heads toward the gym; Kyle and Lori head towards Kyle's destination.]

Faculty of Science Building

[Inside the building, they peek around a doorway into an office.]

This is it.

[They walk into the office, passing photos of brain scans tacked up on the wall.  The office is in the process of being cleaned out and packed up.  A woman carrying an empty box walks up behind them.]

Can I help you?

Hi.  I'm Lori Trager.  This is Kyle.


We were told this is Professor Kern's office?

It was.

[Kyle is watching the woman intently.]

Well, we think Kyle might have known the Professor.

May have?

I'm not sure if I did.

Kyle has amnesia.  Seriously.  And one of the few people he seems to remember is Professor Kern.

WOMAN [she walks past them and puts the box on the desk]

I know this all sounds kind of out there, but we were hoping being here might help Kyle remember.

Do you know me?

WOMAN [looks at him closely]
I'm sorry.  No.  [Kyle is disappointed]
I'm Anna Manfreddy.  I'm. . .I was Professor Kern's research assistant.

Can I ask. . .what exactly was he researching?

Essentially, he was interested in maximizing brain power.
[Lori looks over at Kyle]

Professor Kern developed theories and exercises covering areas of creative thinking, problem-solving, memory, logical thought and mental agility.  I've done some reading.

[Anna is a little impressed]

The thing is, Kyle is smart.  Like Einstein smart.  He had an MRI and it showed a really high level of brain activity.  So. . .we were thinking maybe Kyle worked with the Professor which could explain --  

ANNA [shakes her head]
I did all of William's. . .Professor Kern's testing.  I would've known if Kyle were involved in his research.

But I had  to be.  There has to be a connection, it's the only thing that makes sense.

ANNA [starts to turn away]
I'm sorry.

Test me now.  I'll take all of his tests and you'll see.

[Anna is now intrigued.]


STEPHEN [finishing up a phone call]
All right, thanks.  I appreciate it.

Uh-oh.  This can't be good.

Well, actually that was good news.  That was Detective Breen.  I asked him to run a background check on Foss and. . .it came up clean.

I should never have told you.

Listen Nicole, I had him taken off our watch, and then he shows up at the door to question you about it?

But he wasn't hostile.  I mean, it was more like. . .concern.

He can keep his concern. I don't want him comin' around.

I admit he makes me uncomfortable, but remember he's never actually done anything wrong.

Well, Kyle's having nightmares about him, and he's got good instincts, so if Foss spooks him, then that's reason enough for me.


[Lori is walking around the campus while Kyle is being tested.  Some guys are throwing a Frisbee nearby and it sails towards her.]

Heads up!

LORI [catches it over her head and throws it back]

Sweet catch.


Your throw could use some work.

I skipped Intro to Frisbee.

That's too bad.  I happen to teach that class.  I'm Wes, by the way.

LORI [they shake hands]

You go here?

Just visiting.

What do you think so far? [she smiles and shrugs as Declan walks up]


Hey Declan.  This is Wes.

What's up?

How's it goin'?  [taking his cue]  Well, I should get back to the game.
[to other player]  Give it up.

So, how'd it go with Kyle?

Let's go find out.  [they head towards the Science Building]

Faculty of Science Building

[Anna is administering some of Professor Kern's tests to Kyle.  He quickly works his way through a spatial relations test and hands it back to her.  She glances through his answers and back at Kyle, clearly impressed.  The next series of tests she gives him challenge his memory skills.  Remembering the order of blinking colored lights should become increasingly difficult as they blink faster and faster.  But at each level, Kyle scores 100%.  For the final test, Kyle sits in front of a film projector watching images rapidly flashed upon the projection screen.  Anna is watching him carefully.  At the end of the test, he writes down every image he can remember onto a legal pad.

Lori and Declan are waiting in the Professor's office for Kyle to finish.]

This is taking forever.

[Anna walks in very excited, with Kyle walking behind her.]

He's. . .extraordinary.  Kyle's results are so far beyond the normal range.  I. . .I showed him 100 images in 60 seconds.  He was able to remember all 100 of them.

[Not as impressed with himself as she is, Kyle walks over to a display case and looks inside.  He sees a framed newspaper article about the Professor titled "IW Prof Kern Stirs Controversy."]

Not bad for a guy with no memory.

[to Anna]  You see how smart he is, don't you think it's possible he worked with Professor Kern?

I suppose, but William would have shared these results.  His best test case, even with repeated practice, could only identify 37 images.

What is he lookin' at?

They're pictures and awards of students and faculty. [they all walk over to the case]

Kyle?  What is it?
[She looks in the direction he is looking.  Inside the case is a framed photograph of three young students.  One of them looks exactly like Kyle.]

It's you!

Impossible.  Check the date.


[The caption below the photograph reads:  "1985.  Biochemistry Grad Students Awarded Research Grant."  Kyle and Lori keep staring at the photo.]


JOSH [on the phone]
So how's Whitman?  Kick you out yet?

Josh, just put mom or dad on.

You don't really think you can get in there, do ya?

Josh --  

Your grades are lame, you've got no after-school activities, and. . .there's really nothing special about you.

[Stephen walks in and snatches the phone out of Josh's hand.]


[to Josh] What's wrong with you?

Hey dad, listen.  We're having such a cool time.  Could we crash here and come home tomorrow?

You wanna spend the night?  I. . .I don't think so.

[Josh smirks and walks off.]

They have all these great activities for prospective freshmen.

STEPHEN [chuckles]
Activities involving beer kegs and bongs?

No - God, dad.  I thought you'd be happy. I can't even apply for a year and I'm already psyched about going to college.

All right, well. . .where ya gonna sleep?

They have accommodations for us.  Come on, Kyle's here.  It's guaranteed G-rated.  We're all really into it.

All right, just be careful and keep your cell phone on.

I will.  And thank you.

All right. [hangs up]

LORI [hangs up]
[to Kyle]  It had to be done.  If we'd told them the truth, they'd flip out and make us come home.

Kyle, there's no way we can leave here now.  We just saw a picture of you in 1985.

That wasn't me.

Then it's your long lost twin.

I'm not in my 40's.

Look, Anna snagged us a room, my parents are cool.  Do you wanna find out who that man is or not?  [she and Declan wait for an answer]

Seeing that picture, I felt I was getting close to the truth. . .and it scared me.


Living Room

[Nicole is back on the couch listening to Kyle's recording again trying to understand it.  Josh comes downstairs and, hearing the tape, comes into the room.]

What is that?

Sorry.  It's one of my patients.

JOSH [excited]
Was it Kyle?  Whoa!  That must be his alien voice.  Sort of a mix between human and dolphin.


Come on, it's like he's talking at the wrong speed.

Josh --  

[Josh sighs and goes out the front door.  Nicole slows the tape speed down until she can understand what Kyle is saying and writes it down on a pad.]

Tape:  27N12218W4727N12218W4727N12218W...[repeats]


[Lori and Kyle are sitting outside at a table.]

How weird was that, seeing that picture? I mean, think about it, you and that guy could be related.

I haven't stopped  thinking about it.

If Josh were here, he'd have some sort of time traveler's theory with you jumping through portals in space.
Which you didn't, did you?  [Kyle gives her a look]
[sighs]  It's like there's this whole other world going on.  There really is  life after high school.

[Not far from them, Declan is talking to a pretty college girl.]

Yeah, I got coaches all across the country beggin' me to play for ‘em.

Yeah, but they don't have what U-Dub has.

What's that?


LORI [watching Declan and the girl]
I take it back.  It is  high school all over again.

WES [comes up and kneels down next to her]
Hey Lori.


I guess you don't recognize me without my frisbee.

No, I. . .I do.  Wes, right?

So how long is this trip of yours gonna last?

Just till tomorrow.

Then we should make the most of it.

Oh, I, Kyle, do you wanna look around?

You go.  I'll see you later.

You sure?

[Kyle smiles and nods]

GIRL [to Declan]
So do you wanna see my room?

Actually, I'm here with someone.

Then why am I talking to you? [she walks off]

[Declan turns around and sees Lori and Wes leaving together.]


[Nicole is playing the tape recording for Stephen]

Tape:  78122778.  [stops tape]

Okay, that's the number Kyle pointed out on the ouija board, but the rest. . .

Tape:  4727N12218W.  [stops tape]

Same pattern over and over again.

Some sorta code.

Well, I can't make any sense of it.

Par for the course with Kyle.
[grabs the pad and pen]  Play it back again.  I wanna take it down.

Tape:  4727N12218W. . .[repeats]

[Stephen is trying to write it down, but even slowed down, it is hard for him to keep up with the tape.]


[Kyle is sitting by himself on a bench listening to a student playing the guitar.  Anna walks by and, seeing Kyle, goes over to him.]

Kyle - I've been lookin' for you.
Are you okay?

Just a lot to take in.

Ah, new places are hard for me, too.

The problem is, I don't know if it is a new place or somewhere I've been before.

ANNA [sits down next to him]
I can't imagine.  I'm sure when the time is right, everything will become clear to you.  William would have been so excited to meet you.

KYLE [understanding]
You miss him.

We were. . .good friends.

I'm sorry about what happened.

There is such brutality in this world.  Still, you are an inspiration.  You somehow achieved William's dream.  To possess a mind as fast as a computer.  How does it make you feel?


But just think of all that you can accomplish.

By doing math problems?  Solving equations and puzzles?  That's not important.

What is?

Knowing who I am.

[Hanging out together, Wes and Lori have just grabbed a cup of coffee to go.]

So, what do you wanna study?

I haven't really thought about it.

Well, what interests you?

I don't know.  Art?

I can see that.



LORI [laughing]
I hate museums.  I don't get art at all.  I just said it to have something to say.

Well, I bet that you have a lot to say, Lori.  You just haven't found the right person to listen.
[Lori raises her eyebrows at him]
I know, that sounded like a line.

LORI [laughs]

Well, I meant it though.  Is it true?

[Lori doesn't answer.  She just drinks her coffee and looks at him.]

Guest Room on Campus
That Evening

[Kyle is by himself in the room.  There is loud music coming from somewhere.  Sitting in the dark, he is looking out of the window when Declan comes in.]

Hey, you're still up?

Hard to sleep.

Miss your tub?
[Taking off his jacket, he looks around and notices that Lori is not there.]
She's still out, huh?

I thought she was with you.

No, she was talkin' to that guy.

If you like Lori, why don't you tell her?

She knows that I like her.  [sits on bed and takes off his shoes]
Take your own advice.  I haven't seen you pour your heart out to Amanda.
[Kyle is shocked by this]
Picked up on it.  No worries.  I don't think she and Charlie have.  Must kill you to see them together.

I want her to be happy.

I would be in there so fast.

Charlie's your friend.

Look, if you want someone, you gotta give it a shot.  If people are meant to be together, they stay together.

[Kyle doesn't say anything.  He only turns his head to look out of the window again.]

The Next Morning

[Kyle hasn't been to bed.  He is still dressed and still looking out of the same window when there is a knock on the door.  Declan wakes up as Kyle goes to answer the door.]

Oh, Kyle.  I know it's early, but I couldn't wait.

What happened?

I found out his name.  The guy in the photo.  It's Adam Bailen.

KYLE [to himself]
Adam Bailen.

Does it ring a bell?

KYLE [disappointed]

LORI [she pops up and cuts in between them into the room]
Excuse me.  Sorry. 
I just need to grab a towel. [she leaves again and Kyle looks over at Declan]

Don't be discouraged.  There's someone I want you to meet who might help.  She's a secretary in my department.

Faculty of Science Building

[Anna has brought the secretary, a much older woman, to meet Kyle and the others.]

Oh, those eyes.  Who could ever forget those eyes?

He really looks like him?

Very much so.

What was he like?

Adam Bailen was brilliant.  One of the finest graduate students we ever had.  And believe me, I've been here forever, so I know.

[Kyle is listening to her very carefully.]

Lily, tell them who he worked with.

Professor Kern.  William Kern was like a mentor to him.  They were involved in several projects together.  But it's not just Adam's academic achievements I remember.  It's the way he took the time to ask me about my life.  He was that way with everyone.  His curiosity, his sensitivity.  That's what I miss.  [Kyle starts to smile at her.]  So to see you here. . .

Do you have an address or a phone number?  There are so many things I'd like to ask him.

Oh, sweetheart, didn't you know?  You can't ask him anything.  Adam Bailen has been missing for 20 years.

[Kyle and Declan each carry in an old storage box and set them on a table.  Kyle immediately begins going through the papers in one of the boxes.]

I can't believe they kept all his research.

He must've been really exceptional.  Still, I don't think anyone's been near these boxes in 20 years.

DECLAN [opening lid of his box and wiping off dust on his hands on his shirt]
Sounds about right.

KYLE [looking through several papers]
He was so involved in his work, then just doesn't show up to school one day.

Apparently he disappeared without a trace.

Anything I can find out about Adam Bailen is here in these boxes.

Take your time. [leaves]


[Nicole comes home carrying a couple of grocery bags and sets them down.  Stephen is sitting at the counter working on some papers.]

STEPHEN [smiling]
Hey!  I've been waiting for you.

Great, you can grab the rest from the car.

No, listen.  Those letters and numbers?  I figured it out.  [her mouth pops open]  They're coordinates.  Latitude and longitude.

What do mean, like a location?

Near Seattle.  47 degrees, 27 minutes north; 122 degrees, 18 minutes west.  I looked up the spot online on View-It-Earth.  But here's the thing - that location is blocked.

Blocked?  Why?

JOSH [walking in and opening refrigerator for a drink]
Cause it's a top secret government facility.

Josh --  

Like Area 51.  Where they hide all the aliens. Kyle even talked about it under hypnosis.  How much more proof do you need?

Josh, you shouldn't be listening.

If Kyle's the patient, then why are you talking to dad about him?

Because I'm his foster father.

And I'm his foster brother.  If there's somethin' goin' on with him, especially somethin' this cool and bizarre, I think I got a right to know about it.

[Nicole and Stephen have incredulous looks on their faces.]

Faculty of Science Building

[Kyle is sitting in Professor Kern's office by himself, the box of research materials in a chair in front of him.  Holding up a sheet of paper he has pulled out of the box, he examines it carefully.]

Reading Adam Bailen's thoughts, I felt a connection beyond our physical resemblance.  I understood his research.  It seemed that his mind worked like my own.  We had to be related.  We had to be.

[In the outer office, Declan and Lori are going through the second box.]

LORI [grabbing a file out of the box and sitting]
Okay. . .what's with the attitude?  It's like working with a hostile mute.

I'm just concentrating.

Yeah, Declan, I'm sure you're really fascinated by all these equations and formulas.  Wanna tell me what's going on?

Look, I know you're psyched, pretending you're in college and all.  But come on.  You sleep with Frisbee Boy after one night?

Okay, first off, it's none of your business who I sleep with and second?  It's still none of your business, but I did not have sex with Wes.


God, Declan.  We stayed up late talkin, then I fell asleep in his room.  This is such a double standard.  If I gave you a hard time about another girl, you would tell me to piss off.

I wouldn't say piss off.

You know what I mean.
We're friends, and friends don't guilt each other about who they hang out with.

DECLAN [shrugs]
You're right.  It's all good.
[Lori gets up and puts the file back into the box]
So what did you two talk about?

It was less that he talked and more that he listened. [leaves]

LORI [walks into Prof. Kern's office with Declan behind her]
Kyle, I'm sorry.  I don't think there's anything here.

Yes there is. [hands her the piece of paper he was examining.]
Adam Bailen drew it 20 years ago.

[One symbol stands out among the drawings and writing on the paper; it is the mysterious logo from the back of the key card.  Underneath it, Adam Bailen wrote:  4727N12218W.  Amazed, Lori stares at the logo.

Outside the building, Lori is on the phone with her father.  Kyle stands nearby, holding the important piece of paper he has found.]

STEPHEN [on phone]
Hillary just called.  She was surprised to hear you were going to Whitman.  Apparently Declan had plans to go to the University of Washington.

Dad --  

What's goin' on?

Okay, look - we came up here to help Kyle.

I don't care what you were doing.  You don't lie to us about where you are.

I'm sorry, but we found out some things.  Like this grad student who looks exactly like Kyle, except he's been missing since the ‘80s.

STEPHEN [frowning]
What are you talkin' about?

And the guy drew the symbol Kyle kept drawing, with this code next to it?  And Kyle figured out it's latitude and longitude like an address.

STEPHEN [looking over at Nicole]
What are the coordinates?

LORI [reaches for the paper from Kyle]
47'27" north, 122'18" west.  It's a spot in the woods right by here.

How'd you know that?

You know Kyle.  He's got a map of the universe in his head.  We're gonna go check it out.

No, you are not  gonna go check it out.  You're gonna get back in that car and you're gonna drive home immediately.

We can't leave now.

You will  leave now, Lori, do you hear me?  I mean  it.

Okay, calm down, we're going.

Okay, good bye. [hangs up]

LORI [hangs up]


[While Stephen is talking to Nicole, Tom Foss sits in his apartment watching and monitoring their conversation.]

They've been up there the whole time playing detective.

[Tom checks each room in the house on his monitors to verify that Lori and Kyle aren't home.]

Why did you ask about those coordinates?

Apparently, Kyle figured out it's some place in the woods near school.

The spot that was blocked on View-It-Earth?

Yeah, they were planning to go there, but I told them to come home.

[Tom gets up, grabs his coat and quickly leaves his apartment.]

They better be.


Hillary has such a big mouth.

Oh man, I forgot I mentioned it to her.

Sorry Kyle, we have to go home.

We can't.

My dad was pissed.  We'll come back another time.


Bathroom break and then we're leaving.

[Declan grabs his keys out of his pocket, but Kyle is watching Lori head toward the bathrooms.  He turns and starts to walk off in the other direction.]

Wait.  Where you goin'?

KYLE [stops]
I have to get there.

Dude, you don't have a car.

I'll find someone to drive me.

You can't do that.

I can't turn back now.  I'm too close.

Okay, we'll convince Lori to go.

No, I don't want her to come.  It might be dangerous out there.

Because that man Adam Bailen's been missing?


DECLAN [thinks for a moment]
We'll call her and tell her what we're doing, [sighs] and then come back and pick her up.

[Kyle nods in agreement and they both head toward Declan's car.  Not long afterwards, they are driving down a road deep in the woods somewhere near the University.]

It's right here.

Here? [pulls over and parks; his phone rings]
It's Lori again. [they both get out of the car]
[on phone]  Okay, okay.  Stop yelling.

LORI [on phone]
I can not believe you did this to me.  Do you know how much trouble this gets me in?

We're at the spot.  I'll call ya later. [hangs up]

Don't hang up on me!  Don't -- !  Uhh!

DECLAN [standing next to Kyle and staring at the woods]
Sure this is it?


All we need is a Tin Man and a Cowardly Lion. [Kyle looks at him]
Never mind.

KYLE [starts to leave on his own]
Stay here.

There's no way.

I'm going alone.

Like hell!

Declan - thanks for driving me, but I have to do this on my own.  I'll be fine.

[Kyle zips up his jacket and starts to walk through the brush into the woods.  Unwillingly, Declan waits for him beside his car.

Walking along a path in the woods, Kyle comes upon a tall chain link fence.  It is blocking off an area of the woods in front of him and the top is rimmed in barbed wire.  Kyle starts to climb the fence.  Suddenly, a man dressed in black wearing a ski mask grabs him from behind.  He pulls Kyle off the fence and throws him to the ground.  Kyle tries to get up and away from his assailant, but the man grabs Kyle and tries to hold him.  Kyle struggles with the man trying to get away.  Using a few of his kung-fu moves, Kyle breaks free for a moment.  The man trips him up, but Kyle is too fast and takes off running back through the woods the way he came.]

MAN [chasing Kyle]

[Kyle has disappeared into the woods.  The man is looking around when suddenly his ski mask is yanked off his head from behind.  He turns around and sees Kyle.  The man is Tom Foss.]

What do you want?

TOM [out of breath, he can only whisper]
Shut up!

Why are you following me?

TOM [panting]
Shut up and listen to me. I'm not gonna hurt you.  If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already.

Like you killed Professor Kern?!

He's not the man you thought he was, trust me.

Trust  you?!

Everything I did was to protect you.

KYLE [shakes his head]

To keep you safe.

Safe from what?

TOM [still panting]
You gotta trust me.  You gotta stop asking questions!  Forget about the past!  Get on with your life.  Because if you don't. . .if you don't, you're gonna put yourself, and you're gonna put Nicole, and you're gonna put Stephen and Lori and Josh, that whole family in danger.

What are you talking about?

They'll kill you, Kyle.  They'll kill all of you.

DECLAN [yelling from by the car]

TOM [looks over his shoulder towards Declan]
Now get outta here.


You remember what I told you.
Go!  And don't ever come back! 

[Kyle runs away as fast as he can.  Tom stands there and watches him go.]

Man, what is he doing?

[Kyle suddenly appears running through the woods.  He grabs Declan by the arms and pushes him towards the car.]

Let's go.

What happened?  What did you see?


Kyle, you saw something!

KYLE [getting into the car]
There was nothing there.
[He sits in the passenger seat, breathing heavily.]

The Living Room

[Lori, Declan and Kyle are confronted by Stephen and Nicole about what they have been up to.  Josh is leaning against the back of the couch listening.]

I'm sorry I lied to you.  I thought it was important for Kyle.

I told you to come straight home.

That was my fault, Mr. Trager.

Please don't be mad at Lori and Declan.  They did it for me.

Kyle, that student who resembles you - Lori said he's been missing for 20 years and that he drew the logo.

There's no point in pursuing it now. I mean, what difference does it make to my life here and now?

[Stephen and Nicole exchange surprised glances]

If that's the case, why is that spot blocked on View-It-Earth?

No reason it should be.  Just a bunch of trees. [Declan looks at Kyle]

[Kyle and Declan walk outside together.]

Something happened out there in the woods.


DECLAN [stops and turns to Kyle]
I know you're in trouble, Kyle.  I'm gonna tell Lori's parents. [starts to go back inside]

No, you can't do that!

Then talk to me.

That man, Tom Foss.  The security guard. He was out there in the woods.  He warned me to stop asking questions about my past.


He said something bad could happen to the Tragers.  So we can't tell anyone or do anything. Just move on and forget all about it.  Understand?  Can I trust you?


LORI [coming down front steps]
What, no good bye?

You're not mad anymore?

I'm over it.

Thanks for taking me, Lori.

Told you you'd thank me.

Later bro.

Later. [Kyle goes back into the house]

LORI [to Declan]
If you dare say "Later Trager."

I wasn't gonna say anything.

[She holds his arms and they kiss.  Lori smiles at him.]

Kyle's Room

[Alone in his room, Kyle stares out the window, thinking about everything that has happened.]

All this time, I'd been trying to restore my memory.  But I didn't realize that sometimes memories are better left forgotten.  I wanted to know who I was.  But maybe some mysteries are better left unsolved.

[In the fenced off section of the woods near U-Dub, a camera is mounted high on a tree.  It is recording every sight and sound in this forbidden area.

A man in a suit enters a darkened room backlit by a strange red glow.  Several men are stationed at monitors around the room.  He walks over to another man in a suit who is wearing an ID tag with the mysterious logo.]

MAN #1 [tapping some keys at his station]
From three hours ago.

[A recording from the camera in the woods plays on his monitor.  They watch a boy climbing the chain link fence.  He enlarges and freezes the picture - it is focused directly onto Kyle's face.]

MAN #2 [surprised]
781227.  He's alive.


Ecrit par Titenoiset

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !