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#103 : Rien ne sert de mentir

Nicole doit s'absenter donc les autres membres de la famille sont chargés de s'occuper de Kyle qui a du mal avec le fait que chacun utilise le mensonge pour améliorer leur quotidien. Stephen emmène Kyle à son boulot où ses compétences en informatique vont faire des merveilles.



3.86 - 7 votes

Titre VO
The lies that bind

Titre VF
Rien ne sert de mentir

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Première diffusion en France


Sneak peek (vo)

Sneak peek (vo)


La chambre de Kyle (vf)

La chambre de Kyle (vf)


Photos promo

Kyle (Matt Dallas) découvre les bonbons acidulés

Kyle (Matt Dallas) découvre les bonbons acidulés

Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Nicole (Marguerite MacIntyre) fait une bise à Kyle

Nicole (Marguerite MacIntyre) fait une bise à Kyle

Kyle dans sa nouvelle chambre

Kyle dans sa nouvelle chambre

Kyle à la porte de sa nouvelle chambre

Kyle à la porte de sa nouvelle chambre

Kyle accompagne Stephen (Bruce Thomas) à son travail

Kyle accompagne Stephen (Bruce Thomas) à son travail

Kyle est devant la salle des machines

Kyle est devant la salle des machines

Kyle lit le manuel du serveur informatique

Kyle lit le manuel du serveur informatique

Kyle se trouve au milieu des fils du serveur informatique

Kyle se trouve au milieu des fils du serveur informatique

Kyle mange des bonbons acidulés sur le porche

Kyle mange des bonbons acidulés sur le porche

Photo de l'épisode #1.03

La mère d'Amanda (Teryl Rothery) parle avec Kyle

La mère d'Amanda (Teryl Rothery) parle avec Kyle

Stephen Trager (Bruce Thomas) rejoint Kyle sur le toit

Stephen Trager (Bruce Thomas) rejoint Kyle sur le toit

Kyle est assis sur le toit

Kyle est assis sur le toit

Photo de l'épisode #1.03

Kyle trager (Matt Dallas)

Kyle trager (Matt Dallas)

Kyle monte sur le toit

Kyle monte sur le toit

Kyle vient de sauter du toit de la maison

Kyle vient de sauter du toit de la maison

Kyle ramasse les poubelles de la voisine

Kyle ramasse les poubelles de la voisine

Kyle aide Amanda à ramasser les poubelles

Kyle aide Amanda à ramasser les poubelles

Amanda découvre que sa mère est là

Amanda découvre que sa mère est là

Lori (April Matson) ramène Kyle à l'interieur de la maison

Lori (April Matson) ramène Kyle à l'interieur de la maison

Lori (April Matson) et Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Lori (April Matson) et Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Stephen et Nicole vont découvrir à Kyle sa nouvelle chambre

Stephen et Nicole vont découvrir à Kyle sa nouvelle chambre

Photo de l'épisode #1.03


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France (redif)
Mercredi 07.06.2017 à 19:55

Plus de détails

Scénario: Curtis Kheel

Réalisation: Holly Dale


  • Christopher Shyer … Brad
  • David Lewis … Mark Crenshaw
  • Sonya Salomaa … Allison  

Chez les Trager.

Lori est entrain de frapper à la porte de la salle de bain, en faisant plein de bruit. Kyle est entrain de dormir dans la baignoire, la porte est fermée à clé, et elle veut prendre une douche. Elle trouve ça dégoûtant qu’il dorme dans la salle de bain, et Josh lui dit que ça doit lui rappeler sa capsule d’alien. Leur père arrive et il sort sa carte de crédit. Lori lui demande s’il compte le faire sortir en l’appâtant, et Stephen répond que c’est avec elle que ça marcherait ça. A la place, il passe la carte dans la porte et parvient à l’ouvrir. Josh lui demande de lui apprendre à faire ça, et son père répond qu’il n’y a pas la moindre chance. Lori entre dans la salle de bain, et essaye de réveiller Kyle, qui continue de dormir malgré tout. Elle râle auprès de son père, qui ne trouve pas d’autre solution que de faire couler l’eau froide sur Kyle, qui se réveille d’un bond. Lori rigole.


Kyle observe les membres de la famille dans la cuisine.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il voit que chacun à sa place et quelque chose à faire.

Tout le monde se prépare à partir. Lori et Nicole à leur travail, Josh à ses cours d’été, et Stephen emmène Kyle avec lui à son bureau. Le téléphone de Nicole sonne. C’est l’inspecteur Breen, qui lui dit qu’il aimerait la voir au plus vite. Il pense que Kyle pourrait être lié à un meurtre. On voit alors qu’ils ont retrouvés le squelette de la forêt.

Au travail de Stephen.

Kyle et Stephen sont dans l’ascenseur. Kyle tourne sur lui-même, il regarde les autres personnes.

(Voix off de Kyle) L’ascenseur lui procure une nouvelle sensation, celle de s’élever. Il trouve bizarre que les gens fassent attention à ne pas se regarder ni se toucher.

Le téléphone de Stephen sonne. Apparemment il est en retard, donc il dit à son interlocuteur qu’il a été coincé dans les embouteillages. Kyle se retourne vers lui et lui fait remarquer qu’ils n’ont pas été dans les embouteillages. Stephen lui dit que c’est juste un petit mensonge, et Kyle répète tout fort qu’il a menti, ce qui met Stephen mal à l’aise par rapport aux autres personnes. Il dit à Kyle qu’il ne doit jamais mentir, et toujours dire la vérité. Ils arrivent enfin à leur étage, et Kyle se propose d’aider à faire quelque chose. Stephen lui promet de lui trouver quelque chose à faire, mais avant il doit voir son patron. Ils vont voir la personne de l’accueil, qui semble débordée. Elle dit à Stephen qu’elle est la nouvelle intérimaire, Alison, et que leur serveur a lâché ce matin. Le garçon lui demande ce que c’est qu’un intérimaire et il lui explique que c’est une personne qui n’est là que pour un temps. Puis il lui confit Kyle, et lui dit qu’il va s’asseoir dans un coin pour dessiner. Elle montre à Kyle un endroit où il peut s’installer pour attendre son père, et Kyle lui répond que Stephen n’est pas son père, qu’il est intérimaire lui aussi.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole reçoit l’inspecteur Breen, qui lui montre les photos du squelette qu’ils ont retrouvés, prêt de l’endroit où Kyle a son plus lointain souvenir. Mais Nicole lui fait remarquer que la personne est morte depuis plusieurs années alors que Kyle a été retrouvé deux semaines plus tôt. L’inspecteur la contredit, et lui explique que les os sont blanchis, ce qui signifie que quelqu’un a versé de la chaux vive sur le cadavre pour accélérer la décomposition et rendre plus difficile l’identification du corps. Nicole ne voit toujours pas le lien avec Kyle, et l’inspecteur lui rappelle qu’elle lui a dit que l’amnésie pouvait avoir été causée par un gros traumatisme. Il veut que Kyle regarde les clichés pour tenter de se souvenir de quelque chose, mais Nicole s’y oppose, de peur d’aggraver son traumatise. Puis il montre une autre photo à Nicole, représentant une carte d’accès magnétique qui a été trouvée près du squelette. Un symbole représentant un cercle entouré d’un sablier figure sur la carte, mais aucun symbole de ce genre n’est connu dans la base de donnée de la police. L’inspecteur Breen espère que Kyle pourra reconnaître ce symbole.

Chez Declan.

Lori et Declan sont dans le jacuzzi entrain de s’embrasser. Lori lui dit que c’est nettement mieux que de faire ça la nuit, et Declan lui fait remarquer que ça lui a coûté son boulot. Elle n’a bien sur rien dit à ses parents. Elle lui demande s’ils vont se voir le lendemain, et il répond qu’il ne peut pas, qu’il va faire du golf avec son père.

Au travail de Stephen.

Kyle continu de dessiner des endroits de la forêt, et il entend Alison râler au téléphone parce que personne ne vient pour réparer le serveur. Kyle se lève et se promène dans les couloirs.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il constate qu’ici aussi tout le monde à sa place et quelque chose à faire. Il a l’impression de gêner.

Un collègue de Stephen, Marc, vient lui dire bonjour. Il lui demande ce qu’il pense de l’entreprise, et Kyle répond que tout le monde à du travail. Mais le téléphone de Marc sonne et il laisse Kyle, qui part à nouveau déambuler dans les couloirs. Il passe devant la salle où se trouve le serveur.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il se sent attiré par le puissant ordinateur en panne. Il vient de trouver comment se rendre utile.

Il entre dans la pièce, et prend le manuel d’instruction.


Stephen discute avec son patron. Des postes vont être supprimés, et Stephen est contre. Mais il ne peut rien faire. Son patron lui dit de ne rien dire maintenant, d’attendre la fin du mois, mais il veut prévenir ses amis et collègues pour qu’ils cherchent un autre emploi dès maintenant. Son patron lui fait comprendre qu’il ne doit pas dire un mot.


En sortant dans le couloir, Stephen croise Alison qui court dans tous les sens parce qu’elle a perdue Kyle. Ils passent alors devant la salle du serveur, où Kyle a démonté tout l’ordinateur. Des fils sortent de partout, c’est un véritable bazar. Stephen et Alison reviennent à l’accueil pour appeler un spécialiste. Pendant ce temps, Kyle continu ses réparations et ses branchements. Le patron de Stephen arrive alors et se dirige vers la salle du serveur. Stephen et Alison courent à sa suite, et ils sont surprit de voir que Kyle a réussit à tout ranger et tout réparer en moins de cinq minutes. Stephen félicite Kyle, qui sourit.

Chez les Trager.

Kyle est dans la baignoire entrain de dessiner. Au milieu de son dessin il fait une marque noire, qui n’a pas de rapport avec la forêt qu’il a représentée. Nicole vient le voir, et elle lui propose d’aller dessiner dans son bureau, mais il préfère rester dans la baignoire. Elle lui dit que maintenant qu’il dort mieux, il vont remettre un deuxième lit dans la chambre de Josh, mais il ne veut pas, parce que c’est l’endroit de Josh dans la maison et pas le sien. Il lui dit qu’il va continuer de dormir dans la salle de bain et qu’il se réveillera plus tôt pour que Lori prenne sa douche. Elle lui dit que pourtant se n’est pas confortable, mais ça l’est pour lui. Il ajoute qu’il s’y sent bien, en sécurité, mais qu’il y a autre chose qu’il ne sait pas comment exprimer. Puis il montre son dessin à Nicole. Elle l’emmène au salon pour lui faire voir la photo de la carte avec le symbole. Mais il ne le reconnaît pas.


Dans la cuisine, Stephen prépare le dîner et Josh lui dit qu’il a cartonné aujourd’hui à ses cours d’été, et que maintenant il a besoin de décompresser. Mais son père lui rappelle qu’il n’a pas le droit de faire de jeux vidéos tant qu’il n’aura pas réussit ses examens. Il lui dit de monter dans sa chambre et de finir ses devoirs. Josh y va à contrecœur. Nicole arrive à son tour dans la cuisine, et elle commence à lui parler de la visite de l’inspecteur Breen, mais Lori entre à son tour dans la pièce, ce qui coupe leur conversation. Son père lui demande de garder Kyle quelques heures le lendemain, et elle leur dit qu’elle aussi à un travail, mais Stephen lui dit qu’elle peut l’emmener avec elle. Elle râle, mais n’a pas le choix. Nicole lui dit qu’il fait parti de la famille, et Lori réplique que ce n’est pas le cas, alors que Kyle se trouve juste derrière elle. Elle se retourne, gênée, et s’en va.


Kyle va voir Josh, qui n’arrive pas à faire ses maths. Kyle regarde la feuille et lui donne la bonne réponse.


Dans l’atelier, Nicole finit de raconter sa conversation avec Breen à son mari. Dehors dans la rue, l’inconnu dans sa voiture les écoute grâce à un appareil très perfectionné. Nicole explique que la police n’a pas de suspect dans cette enquête, et que tout ce qu’ils savent c’est que le tueur a été griffé par la victime. On voit alors des grandes marques de griffures sur les mains de l’inconnu. Stephen réalise que si Kyle a été témoin du meurtre, il y a peut-être un meurtrier qui va vouloir s’en prendre à lui.


Josh revient dans sa chambre, et Kyle lui rend son devoir terminé. En échange, Josh lui donne les bonbons qu’il aime tant. Il lui dit qu’il doit changer quelques réponses, parce que sinon ses profs vont s’apercevoir qu’il a triché. Il ajoute que ça doit rester secrets. Kyle lui demande si les secrets c’est comme les mensonges, et Josh répond que ce n’est pas un mensonge puisqu’on dit rien. Kyle ne dit rien, mais on voit que ça le dérange.


Le lendemain matin. Josh est dans la salle de bain. Il se passe la tête sous l’eau, mais du déodorant sous le même T-shirt que la veille, et quand il croise sa mère il lui dit qu’il a prit une douche, et qu’il a fini son devoir hier soir qui était trop facile. Puis il s’enferme dans sa chambre. Nicole descend au rez-de-chaussée, et Stephen lui montre le journal du matin, avec un article sur le squelette retrouvé dans la forêt. Il a du mal a accepter que Kyle soit innocent dans cette histoire. Ils sont interrompus par Josh qui part à ses cours, et sont surprit de le voir aussi motivé. Sa mère lui demande où est Kyle, et il répond qu’il doit être avec Lori. Stephen est encore plus surprit de savoir que Lori a fait ce qu’ils lui ont demandé. Et ils partent tous les deux au travail, alors qu’à l’étage, dans la salle de bain, Kyle dort toujours.

Devant chez Declan.

Hillary n’en revient pas que Lori est filée en douce de chez elle en laissant Kyle, et elle réplique que ses parents lui ont demandé de l’emmener avec elle à son travail, alors qu’elle n’a plus de travail. Hillary lui dit qu’elle va se faire tuer par ses parents, et elle ajoute en rigolant qu’elle veut bien le surveiller à sa place. Les deux amies sont devant la maison de Declan, dans la voiture d’Hillary, pour l’espionner. Lori dit à Hillary qu’elles sont là juste pour confirmer ce qu’il lui a dit la veille à propos de son père, car elle veut qu’il soit franc avec elle. Mais Hillary comprend bien qu’elle est plus attachée à Declan qu’elle ne veut l’admettre. Une autre voiture arrive alors, avec des amis de Declan à l’intérieur, et elles voient le garçon sortir de chez lui et partir avec eux. Lori est déçue par ce qu’elle voit.

Chez les Trager.

Kyle se réveille et découvre qu’il est seul dans la maison.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il se rend compte que dans la famille, tout le monde à une place, une fonction, mais pas lui, et qu’ils n’avaient même pas remarqué qu’ils l’avaient oublié à la maison.

Il allume la télévision et voit un message d’erreur apparaître à l’écran, concernant le satellite.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il vient de trouver un moyen de leur montrer que lui aussi peut être utile.

Il attrape le manuel du satellite et commence à le feuilleter. Puis il sort et regarde la parabole sur le toit. Il escalade la façade de la maison, et rebranche la parabole. Amanda passe en voiture à ce moment devant la maison des Trager, et elle voit Kyle sur le toit qui saute dans le vide. Kyle atterrit sur ses pieds comme si de rien n’était, mais il entend un grand bruit. Amanda a foncé dans des poubelles. Il va l’aider à ramasser les sacs poubelles étalés sur le trottoir, et elle lui demande comment il a fait pour sauter du toit de la maison. Kyle répond simplement qu’il fallait qu’il descende. Amanda constate alors qu’elle a cassé le phare avant de sa voiture, et elle commence à s’inquiéter de la punition qu’elle va recevoir. Kyle lui dit qu’elle n’a qu’à lui expliquer et qu’elle comprendra, mais Amanda n’est pas de son avis car sa mère est très sévère, et elle ne la croira jamais quand elle lui dira qu’elle a vu Kyle sauter du toit. Il répond que c’est pourtant la vérité, mais dans ce cas la vérité ne compte pas. Lori arrive en courant et pense qu’elle va se faire massacrer par ses parents, mais Kyle la rassure et lui dit qu’ils n’en seront rien. Ils partent, laissant Amanda seule.

Au travail de Stephen.

Marc est entrain de lui décrire la nouvelle maison qu’il vient d’acheter. Stephen lui dit de ne pas trop s’emballer, mais en voyant son patron, il ne lui dit pas qu’il va bientôt se faire licencier.

Chez les Trager.

Lori tombe par hasard sur la photo de la carte magnétique avec le symbole.

Dans la rue.

L’inconnu est au téléphone. Il dit à son interlocuteur que la police a trouvé Kern, avec sa carte, mais qu’il a rendu l’identification du corps plus difficile. Son interlocuteur lui dit qu’il est trop bête, et il se défend en lui disant qu’il était pressé, mais qu’il a maintenant suffisamment de temps pour couvrir ses traces.

Chez les Trager.

Lori regarde toujours la photo quand Kyle l’appelle pour qu’elle lui donne des vêtements propres. Elle entre dans la salle de bain, et découvre Kyle tout nu. Elle jette les vêtements et referme la porte, gênée, mais amusée. Elle lui dit à travers la porte qu’il doit apprendre à être pudique, puis de se dépêcher pour qu’ils inventent une histoire à dire à ses parents si ils leur demandent ce qu’ils ont fait aujourd’hui. Mais Kyle ne veut pas mentir, alors Lori lui dit que c’est un garçon et que le mensonge devrait lui venir naturellement. Elle continue en lui disant que le pire, c’est que les garçons veulent que les filles leur mentent, parce que quand elles leur disent la vérité, ça leur fiche la trouille. On comprend bien qu’elle parle de Declan, mais Kyle pense qu’il s’agit de tous les garçons, et il ne comprend pas.

Amanda vient alors sonné chez eux, pour savoir si Stephen a de la peinture pour cacher les marques sur la voiture. Lori arrive à son tour, et conseille à Amanda de mentir à sa mère en lui disant qu’elle a trouvé la voiture comme ça sur le parking. Kyle l’interrompt et lui dit qu’il croyait que c’était les mecs les menteurs. Lori soupire. Amanda lui dit que ce n’est pas une très bonne idée, parce qu’elle ment mal, et Kyle la conduit dans l’atelier de Stephen. Il continue de dire qu’elle doit dire la vérité à sa mère, et qu’elle ne sera peut-être pas si fâchée que ça. Amanda lui demande de lui souhaiter bonne chance.


Le soir, tout le monde est réuni pour dîner. Stephen demande comment ça s’est passé avec Kyle au café, et Lori répond que tout a bien était. Kyle ne dit rien, il fixe son assiette. Josh propose alors d’emmener Kyle avec lui, que ça serait amusant.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il est mal à l’aise à cause des mensonges de Lori et Josh. Il ne peut pas regarder Nicole dans les yeux, sa bouche devient de plus en plus sèche.

Stephen rappelle à Josh qu’il ne va pas là-bas pour s’amuser, et il lui demande comment ça s’est passé son devoir. Josh répond qu’il a eu une bonne note, et son père le félicite.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il est abasourdi de voir comment Lori et Josh débitent leurs mensonges avec aisance. Et en restant silencieux, il sait qu’il ment lui aussi. Il sent son cœur battre de plus en plus vite, et finalement, il craque.

Nicole félicite aussi Josh, et lui donne l’autorisation de jouer à la console. Mais Kyle craque et déballe toute la vérité. Il leur avoue qu’il a fait le devoir de Josh et qu’il n’est pas allé au café, il est resté à la maison tout seul. Lori est alors obligé de dire à ses parents qu’elle a été virée, et elle et Josh se mettent en colère contre Kyle. Ils lui disent qu’ils n’ont jamais voulu de lui dans cette maison. Nicole et Stephen lui disent qu’il a fait ce qu’il fallait, et il leur demande alors pourquoi il se sent aussi mal de l’avoir fait. Il se lève de table et s’en va.


Kyle est assis sur le toit, il regarde les étoiles. Stephen apporte une échelle et grimpe à coté de lui. Il lui demande comment il est monté, et le garçon répond juste qu’il a grimpé. Stephen lui dit qu’il est bien cet endroit, que personne ne vous embête, et Kyle lui dit alors que lui il les embête. Stephen le contredit, et ajoute qu’il faut toujours dire la vérité, même si ça peut faire souffrir. Alors Kyle lui demande si faire du mal à une personne c’est bien, et Stephen ne sait pas quoi répondre.


Lori est allongée sur son lit quand sa mère entre dans sa chambre. Lori s’excuse d’avoir mentie et elle lui dit qu’elle avait trop peur de leur dire qu’elle avait été virée. Nicole lui dit alors qu’elle peut tout lui dire, car elle a déjà traversé ce que Lori traverse en ce moment. Alors la jeune fille lui demande si elle a déjà voulu que quelqu’un ressente ce qu’elle ressentait (elle parle de Declan), et sa mère répond qu’une des choses qu’elle a apprise, c’est qu’on ne peut pas forcer quelqu’un a éprouver ce qu’on ressent. Si ce n’est pas le cas, il faut passer à autre chose.


Dans le salon, Stephen appelle son patron. Il lui dit que dès demain, il met toute son équipe au courant des licenciements, et qu’il n’a qu’à le virer lui aussi si ça ne lui fait pas plaisir, mais il ne peut pas continuer de mentir. Son patron finit par céder.

Chez les Bloom.

Amanda a fini par avouer la vérité à sa mère, qui se met en colère en constatant les dégâts sur la voiture. Quand elle demande ce qui s’est passé, Amanda bafouille mais elle est interrompue par Kyle, qui dit à Carol Bloom que s’est lui qui a fait ça. Amanda dit à sa mère qu’il ment, mais elle ne la croit pas, sûrement parce qu’elle n’aime pas Kyle. Elle ordonne à Kyle de ne plus s’approcher de sa maison ni de sa fille. Amanda sourit à Kyle, mais sa mère la force à rentrer dans la maison.

(Voix off de Kyle) Ce mensonge était simple à dire, parce que c’était la meilleure chose à faire

Chez les Trager.

Lori et Josh sont dans le salon. Josh est privé d’Internet et de console pendant une semaine, et il est dégoûté d’apprendre que Lori s’en tire avec la leçon de morale. Kyle rentre, et Lori lui présente ses excuses. Puis Josh aussi, mais à sa manière. Kyle leur dit qu’il a enfin comprit ce que c’était qu’un mensonge, et Lori lui promet qu’ils ne lui demanderont plus de mentir pour eux, mais que certaines petites choses devront rester entre eux, qu’il ne devra pas aller les balancer. Kyle sourit et lui dit qu’ils peuvent lui faire confiance.


Le lendemain matin, Nicole et Stephen prépare quelque chose quand Lori les appelle au secours. Kyle est encore enfermé dans la salle de bain, mais Josh a prit la carte de crédit de son père et il parvient à forcer la serrure. Sa mère lui dit que c’est dommage qu’ils ne donnent pas de bonne note à l’école pour les effractions et le vole, et elle lui dit d’aller finir son devoir et d’avoir une bonne note sinon elle dira à l’école qu’il a triché. Lori leur dit qu’elle ne peut pas continuer à attendre tous les matins que Kyle se réveille pour prendre sa douche, et Stephen lui dit qu’il n’y aura bientôt plus de problème. Puis il lui rappelle qu’elle doit être prête à prendre son nouveau poste, qui consiste à garder Kyle.

Ils entrent dans la salle de bain et réveille Kyle. Ils lui disent qu’ils ont une surprise pour lui. Ils l’emmènent dans l’atelier de Stephen, qu’ils ont transformé pour lui en faire une chambre, avec une baignoire en guise de lit.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il sent qu’il a enfin sa place dans la maison.

Kyle remercie Nicole et Stephen. Les garçons partent prendre leur petit-déjeuner, et Nicole termine d’accrocher les dessins de Kyle au mur. C’est alors qu’elle comprend ce que représentent les marques noires au milieu des dessins de Kyle. Elle étale tous les dessins sur le sol, et les positionnent de façon à ce que les marques noires forment le symbole observé sur la carte magnétique. Elle le regarde, ébahie.

Ecrit par blackrose

Early Morning

[Lori is upstairs banging on the bathroom door.  Kyle has locked himself in during the night and hasn't come out.]

Mom, dad - help!
Kyle, come on already.
Kyle, get out!  [bangs on the door again]

STEPHEN [walking up to check out the racket]
What's goin' on?

I have to take a shower.

JOSH [from his bedroom door]
And brainiac is still asleep in the tub.

STEPHEN [jiggling the doorknob]
Kyle!  Time to get up.

LORI [disgusted]
It's so gross that he sleeps in there.

It must remind him of his pod.

LORI [watching her dad going through his wallet]
What are ya gonna do, lure him out with your credit card?

Ah, no sweetie, that's how I would lure you out.

[Stephen uses one of his credit cards to jiggle the lock and opens the bathroom door]

JOSH [totally impressed]
Whoa!  Teach me!

Not a chance.

Me first.

Hey, no - I'm bursting here.

STEPHEN [to Josh]
Al'right, use my bathroom.  You take a shower and use soap and shampoo and don't just get your hair wet.

JOSH [sighs and walks away]

[Lori goes into the bathroom and heads for the tub.  Kyle is fast asleep.  She shakes his arm to try and wake him up - without success.]

Kyle, come on.  I have to go to work.

First he couldn't sleep, now he's Rip Van Winkle.
Kyle!  Kyle!

Dad, this isn't right.  I have to take a shower before I go to work.

Okay, but Kyle first.

[Stephen leans over the tub and turns the shower on Kyle.  He wakes up immediately and gets his head soaked.]

STEPHEN [laughs and raises his hands into the air]
Next -


[Kyle is just standing at the kitchen counter watching everyone getting ready to go somewhere.  Lori is digging around in the refrigerator and Stephen is packing his briefcase.]

Everyone had something to do and some place to be.

NICOLE [walking quickly into the kitchen holding a knapsack]
Hon', would you mind dropping off Josh?

No, but we gotta get goin'.

Not until I find my notebook.

LORI [leans around refrigerator door and hands him his notebook]
Here dork.

Oh yeah.  I must've left it there last night when I went for that pudding.

NICOLE [packing Kyle's knapsack]                                                                
Okay Kyle, you've got plenty of paper and markers, Sour Patch Kids.

LORI [to dad]
I cannot believe that you're taking Kyle to your office with you.

Well, your mom's got a lot of cases to catch up on, no big deal.

Besides, it's take your alien to work day.

NICOLE [gives Josh a look, then kisses Stephen on cheek]
Thank you, hon'.  Call if you need anything.

Al'right, well, we'll be fine.
Ready men?


Oh joy, summer school.

[The three men start to head out the door]

See you later.

Oh Lori, you're on my way.  I can drop you at work.

That's okay.  I'm meeting Hillary. [turns to leave]

[Nicole looks like she doesn't believe her, but before she can say anything, her cell phone rings.]


Mrs. Trager, Detective Breen.

Oh good morning.

I need to come see you today.

Did you find something out about Kyle?

It looks like it.  I think Kyle may be connected to a murder.

[The Detective is calling from a police forensics lab.  On the examining table in front of him are the partial remains of a bleached skeleton.  It is being photographed from every angle.  A close-up shot reveals that the skull is missing two front teeth.]

I'll give you the details when I see you.

[Opening Score]

LWK Software

[Kyle and Stephen are riding in an elevator in one of the office buildings downtown.  Kyle is turning around and looking at everyone.]

The elevator was this little room that gave me the strange sensation of rising.  Everyone was careful not to look at each other or touch.

STEPHEN [pats Kyle on the shoulder to get him to turn around; his cell phone rings]
Hello?  Yeah, we're in the elevator.  You just tell Brad we got stuck in traffic.  Yeah.  [hangs up]

KYLE [to Stephen]
We didn't get stuck.

Just a little white lie.

You lied?

Ah, yes, but you shouldn't.  Always tell the truth, Kyle, okay?

[People in the elevator smiling knowingly and a few snicker.  Stephen gets off of the elevator and walks quickly through a busy office with Kyle following him.]

Here we are, first day on the job.

I have a job?

Just kidding.

But I wanna help.

I'll find you something to do.  Right now I'm late for a meeting with Brad.

[He stops in front of the receptionist's desk]

ALLISON [talking on a headset; she is frustrated]
LWK Software, please hold.
Yes...sir, they're sending somebody.  Yes, I did call - I just - I - sir?

Rough morning?

Yeah, our server's down.


Yeah, it crashed this morning.  [puts on a cheerful face]
But can I help you?

I'm Stephen Trager, the V.P.

ALLISON [laughs]
Oh I'm sorry, I'm Allison.  I'm...I'm a temp.

A temp?

Yeah, it means she's not here all the time.
She's not permanent.
[to Allison]  Listen, I have to go in and talk to Brad.

Uh, Brad?

The C.O.


I need you to watch Kyle here.  He's not used to being around so many people.  And don't worry, he's just gonna sit here and draw.
Uh Kyle, I need you to stay here with Allison.  I'll be right back as soon as I can.

[Kyle smiles at Allison, but she points him over to a chair]

Why don't you wait for your dad just over there.

Stephen's not my dad.  I'm a temp, too.

[Allison just smiles at him and keeps pointing at the chair.]

Living Room

DETECTIVE BREEN [sitting on the couch with Nicole]
The victim was shot.  Some hikers found it near Victor Falls.

NICOLE [looking at photographs of the skeleton in the woods]
Detective, I know Kyle was first seen there, but that was a few weeks ago.  This person was killed way before.

Not necessarily.  The bones are bleached clean.  We know that quick lime was poured on the body.

Quick lime...?

It's used to decompose a corpse quickly.  Makes it hard to identify.  Probably the same reason why the teeth are smashed in.

Kyle could never do anything like this.

I'm not saying he did.

Then he's not a suspect.

Well, we can't completely discount the possibility.  But I will tell you that some flesh remained beneath the victim's fingernails, indicating a struggle.  And according to our records, Kyle didn't have a scratch on him when he was found.

For Kyle to be involved in any way...

Well, you yourself said that trauma may have caused his amnesia.

Well yes, it's possible he witnessed the attack or stumbled upon the skeleton.

Has he started to remember anything?

No, I'm still working with him.

Al'right, well, once he sees these photographs -

No - Detective, we can't do that.  Exposing Kyle to something like this could further traumatize him.

This is a murder investigation.  If Kyle is a witness or in some way involved, I need to find out.

If you could find a less disturbing trigger to help him remember.

DETECTIVE BREEN [pulls another photograph out of an envelope and hands it to her]
This symbol was on some sorta security keycard we found near the remains in the woods.  Now either the victim or the killer may have dropped it, and we've run it through our database but haven't been able to trace it.  Now if Kyle were to identify it, he might give us a lead.


[Lori and Declan are making out in a jacuzzi behind his house]

This so beats making out at night.

Except it cost you your job.

Who knew missing one shift was that big a deal.

Your parents must be proud.

LORI [laughs]
They still think I'm going to work.

Trager, you're a bad girl.

[They start to kiss each other again.]

LORI [pulling away]
Declan, it's not happening.
[sighs]  There's always tomorrow.

I...I can't tomorrow.  I've got golf with my dad.

LORI [laughs]
Your dad?

Yeah, we'll be doing guy stuff all day.

When do you like hanging out with your dad?

Who said I liked it?
I like this though.

[He starts to kiss her again; Lori looks a little unsure]


[Kyle is sitting in a chair across from the reception area drawing another picture.  He is listening to Allison talk on the phone.]

ALLISON [on headset]
LWK Software.  No, no, no, no - I've called three times already, you need to get somebody up here.  We need our server fixed - now.

LWK Software, please hold.

[She is so busy that she doesn't notice Kyle get up and leave and start to wander around the office.  He watches how busy everyone is and how they all seem to be in a hurry.  One man is walking so fast, he bumps into Kyle.]

Everyone had a place to be and something to do - just like at home.
I felt in the way here, too.

MARK [walks up]
You must be Kyle.  Hey, I'm Mark.  Friend of Stephen's.  He's told me all about you.

He has?

Absolutely!  So, uh...what do you make of this joint?
[Kyle looks around for a second then back at Mark]
The office?

Everyone has a job.

This is true.  Anyways, uh...Stephen's the best.  The way he works - one big family.
[his cell phone rings]
I've gotta take this Kyle - but hang on.  [he walks away talking on his phone]

[Kyle doesn't hang on.  He walks over to a door that says Server Room and goes inside.  There is a display screen that shows nothing but snow.] 

It was as if it were calling out to me.  The server was something I understood.  A chance for me to be useful.
[Looking around the room, he notices the server manuals on a shelf and picks one up.]

[Stephen is meeting with Brad in a private office.]

I told you when we first started.  It's not just me you're getting.  You're getting my whole team.  We're a package.

Well, that package got too expensive, okay?  We had a terrible quarter, a terrible year.  Now if we outsource the research, dump the division --

Dump the division?  These are people, Brad, with lives and families.  Mark Crenshaw's wife just had a baby.

You're not working out of your garage anymore.  You have an obligation now to your shareholders --

And my friends.

They're employees first.  You knew this day was coming.  We have cuts to make, you know that we do.

STEPHEN [concedes, but not happily]
Al'right.  I'll tell them.

No, you can't.  You have to - just wait ‘til next month, okay?  After this quarter.

They have to make plans.

If our shareholders hear that we're laying people off, they'll smell trouble.  Our stock could tank.  Now you have a loyalty to this company.  You can't say a word.  [leaves]

[Stephen is walking through the office and Allison runs to catch up with him.]

ALLISON [clears her throat]
Oh, uh, excuse me, Stephen?  Um, I uh -- I kinda lost track of Kyle.

What?  I told you to watch him.

Well, I'm just supposed to answer the phones.  I don't --

STEPHEN [goes to the Server Room]
Oh no...

[Kyle is sitting on the floor with manuals spread out in front of him.  He has taken apart the server and it is laying in pieces around him.  He looks up at Stephen.]

STEPHEN [upset]
Kyle - what did you do?

[Stephen is walking as fast as he can towards a telephone.  Allison is following right behind him.]

STEPHEN [to Allison]
We need I.T. up here now.

I've been calling - there's some kind of a design flaw.  They need to call a specialist in.

[Kyle is quickly working on the pieces of the server while they are gone.]

[Stephen is trying to get someone on the telephone when Brad comes out.  Allison notices him and taps Stephen on the arm to warn him.]

BRAD [heading towards Server Room]
What the hell is going on around here?

STEPHEN [hanging up the phone and running after Brad]
Whoa!  Brad - where ya goin'?

My damn e-mail's still not working.

Whoa - wait.

[Just as they reach the Server Room, Kyle has finished all his repairs and closing the server door.  The LWK Software logo is displayed on the screen and the server is humming smoothly.]

Hmmm - it's about time. [leaves]

We just left him a few minutes ago.

STEPHEN [smiling, to Kyle]
Good job.

[Kyle smiles happily at him.]

Early evening

[Kyle is upstairs sitting cross-legged in the bathtub.  He is drawing one of his pictures when Nicole finds him.]

NICOLE [laughs]
Kyle - you don't have to draw there, you can use my desk.

I don't mind.

You know, now that you're sleeping better, let's put the second bed back into Josh's room.

But that's Josh's place in the house.  I'll just sleep here and I'll wake up earlier so Lori can take a shower.

But it can't be comfortable.

It is for me.

But it's so cold and...hard, and Lori's hair products all over the place.

They smell good.

I really think it's time you transitioned back into a bed.

But I like the tub.  There's something about it.  It feels...


KYLE [trying to figure it out]
Yes, but...it's more than that -- I don't know.

Al'right.  We won't push it.
Sleep in the tub - for now.  [she smiles at him and looks down at his picture]
May I see? [Kyle hands her his drawing]
[sighs]  More of the woods.

That's all that comes out.

Because these images are very...vivid for you and we'll find out why, in time.  Meanwhile there's - there's something I need to show you.  Come on.

[Nicole takes his hand and helps him out of the bathtub.  Downstairs in the living room, she gives him the photograph of the security keycard with the unidentified symbol.]

Think carefully, Kyle.  Does this mean anything to you?

KYLE [looks at photo]

Take your time.  Do you recognize it at all?

Should I?

I don't know.  Do you think you've ever seen it before?

KYLE [concentrates on photo, but then looks back at Nicole.]

[She nods at him as if to say "okay."]


[Stephen is in the kitchen chopping tomatoes for a salad.  Josh bounces in and heads to a cabinet to get a pre-dinner snack.]

Dad, I was on fire at summer school today.  Aced every problem.

So - algebra's making more sense to you now?

Yeah, but I need to chill out for a while.

Lemme guess - with video games?

Great idea.

Josh - we told you not until your grades improve.

Dad, I'm going through some serious withdrawal here.

STEPHEN [Nicole walks in]
Listen - if you don't pass summer school, you're not gonna go to high school next year with your friends.  Is that what you want?


Then get upstairs and finish that test you brought home. [Josh leaves]

Wow - I thought I could be tough.

The kid's smart, he just needs to focus.  You through working with Kyle?

Yeah...listen - I have to tell you something.  Just try not to get alarmed.  I saw Detective Breen this morning.  The police found - [Right at this moment, Lori comes into the kitchen for her pre-dinner snack.]


Nothing, we're just talking.

About Kyle?  [Nicole just looks at her]
Fine, be that way. [starts to leave]

Oh, hang on Lori.  Listen, I can't bring Kyle to the office anymore and mom has to work.  We really need you to watch him tomorrow.

Uh, like I have to work, too, remember?

He can sit at a table near the counter.

Some weird mutant scaring off customers?

Lori, it's just for a couple of hours.  I really need your help.

You brought him here, it's not my job to watch him.

Come on, he's part of the family.

LORI [Kyle walks into the kitchen]
I know you like to think that, but he's not.

[Nicole and Stephen are horrified that Kyle overheard this.  Lori realizes that Kyle has been standing behind her.]

Sorry... [and she walks out]

Josh's Bedroom
[Kyle walks into the room where Josh is working at his desk.  He looks over Josh's shoulder and watches him.]

What are you doing?


Homework?  Is that your job?

It's my hell.

KYLE [looking at Josh trying to figure out a problem on his test]

Hey, that's right.
You like math, don't you Kyle?
[He smiles and fills in the correct answer on the test sheet.]

Stephen's Workshop

He's linked to a murder?

Sshh - the kids will hear.

What else did Detective Breen say?

Well, he's not sure Kyle is connected.

STEPHEN [looking at photograph of keycard]
And Kyle didn't recognize this?

[They are unaware that the house has been bugged.  The mysterious man in the pickup truck is parked outside and listening to their conversation.]

No - not yet anyway.

It's a big coincidence, him being out there in the same area.

Well, it doesn't mean he's guilty of anything.  I mean, maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Do they have any suspects?

No, not yet.  The only thing he said was that the killer would probably have scratches on him.

[The mysterious man turns over his right hand and looks at it.  There are half-healed scratches on the back of his hand.]

So if Kyle was a witness and once his memory comes back, he can identify him?

It's possible.

Meanwhile, he's living here with us and some murderer could be looking for him.

Or he's just a lost boy who needs a temporary home.

Josh's Bedroom

JOSH [comes into his room; Kyle is working at Josh's desk]
You still at it?


Excellent.  Here ya go.
[He exchanges a bag of SPKs for the test paper.  Kyle munches on them and spins around in the chair.]
Not bad, not bad.  But I'll have to change a few answers though.

Change ‘em?

Well I can't get them all right.  They'd know somebody helped me.

I thought it was good to help.

It is, but - it has to be a secret.

A secret?  Is that lying?

How could it be lying if we're not saying anything?

[Kyle continues to munch and spin as he considers this angle.]

Early the Next Morning

[Josh is in the bathroom not taking a shower.  He only wets his hair in the sink.  After smelling his armpit, he decides he better use some deodorant.]

NICOLE [meeting Josh coming out of the bathroom, points and stops him]
Bup, bup! 

Yes, I showered.  I'll be ready in a second.

Did you finish your test?

I did it last night.  No sweat.

STEPHEN [comes out of kitchen, meeting Nicole at bottom of the staircase]
Made the papers.  The other night we found Kyle sitting right next to this spot.

[He shows her the article in the paper: "Hikers Find Unidentified Remains"]

It's so hard to imagine he's involved.

Even if he's not, we still don't know why he was wandering around the woods in the first place.

JOSH [coming downstairs]

Okay, first you take a shower with no complaint and now you're eager to go to summer school?

I could stay home all day.

Oh, nice try.  Where's Kyle?

Must've left with Lori. [he leaves]

Wow.  She actually did something we asked her to.

[Behind the locked bathroom door, Kyle is still fast asleep in the bathtub]


[Lori and Hillary are parked on the street watching Declan's house]

You ditched out on watching Kyle?

Well, my parents told me to take him to work and -- I lost my job, remember?

But your parents will be so pissed when they find out.

They're probably talking right now about how irresponsible I am and I can never be trusted to watch Kyle again, which is fine by me.

I'll watch him for you.

LORI [laughs at her]
Where's Declan already? [watching the driveway]

It's so cool that we're stalking him.

We are not stalking him.  We are confirming.

Somehow I can't see him playing nine holes of golf with his father.

Look, I don't care if he sees other girls.  I just...want him to be honest with me.

You are so full of it.

I can see other guys, too.  That's our arrangement.

Quite the open door policy.

Listen to you, slut central.

HILLARY [laughs]
Come on, we both know you like him more than you let on.

That doesn't mean I expect this big commitment.

[They both duck down when a car pulls up in front of Declan's house and the driver honks the horn.  Declan walks out with a young woman.   They both get into the car and it drives off.]

Just the truth. [watching the car go past them]


[Kyle has finally woken up and is walking downstairs in a very quiet house.  He starts looking around for everyone.]

Stephen?  Nicole?
Where are you?

[He goes into the living room and sits down on the sofa]

In the family, everyone had a place.  A purpose.  Something to contribute.  Everyone mattered - but me. 
They didn't even notice they left me behind.

[He turns on the TV, but the satellite dish is out.]

But then I stumbled on a way to help them.  To show them I was useful.

[He picks up the user's guide for the satellite dish and starts to flip through the pages very quickly.

Kyle goes outside and looks up at the roof to see where the satellite dish is.  He starts to climb up the porch to the roof where he saw the dish.  A connection is loose and Kyle plugs it back in.  As he is walking along the edge of the roof to find a place to get down, he sees Amanda drive by in her car.  She spots Kyle on the roof and when he jumps off and lands on the grass, she is so shocked, she crashes her car into some garbage cans on the curb.]

AMANDA [getting out of her car as Kyle comes over]
How did you do that?

KYLE [looks at her weirdly as he starts picking up the scattered trash bags]

AMANDA [pointing]
You jumped off the roof!

I had to get down.

People don't do that, they use ladders.
I don't get you at all.
[looking at damage to her car] I am so grounded.

Your mother will understand.

AMANDA [starts to help Kyle pick up the garbage]
Have you met my mom?


Kyle, obviously she's going to punish me.

You just need to explain.

That I saw you jump off the roof?  Even I don't believe it.

But it's the truth.

Doesn't matter.

I thought the truth always matters.

LORI [running outside]
What's happening here?
[to Amanda] Are you okay?

Yeah, just a little fender bender with the trash.

LORI [to Kyle]
How much trouble am I in? [he just looks at her]
For leaving you behind?

KYLE [smiles]
Oh, they don't know.

Come on.  We gotta get you inside.

[Amanda and Kyle smile at each other for a moment, then he follows Lori back inside the house.]


MARK [walking through the office with Stephen]
Two-thousand square feet, great yard, great schools, beautiful nursery for Zach, plus a third bedroom for another kid if we wanna have one, which I want to, but Chloe's already so tired, she can't even imagine - 

STEPHEN [stops and turns to him]
Mark...I know you're excited.

I can't believe they accepted our offer.

Are you sure this is the right time to buy a house?

I know.  The market is high.  It'll be a bit of a stretch -
[Stephen starts looking over Mark's shoulder at Brad who just came out of his office]
What?  What's going on?

Well, uh - well, I was just thinking - because of the baby and all - to pack up and move now -

Stephen - we can't breathe in our place anymore, it's so tight.  Now's the perfect time to move.



[Lori and Kyle are the only ones home.  While he is in the shower, she sits down at the computer in the living room.  She notices the police photograph of the unidentified keycard on the desk and picks it up to look at it...]


[The mysterious man is walking quickly to his parked truck and talking to someone on his cell phone]


They found Kern - in the woods, along with his card.

You were sloppy.

I was rushed.

Have they identified him yet?

I've made that difficult.

Well, it's a matter of time.

Time is what I need to cover my tracks.

Do a better job of it.


KYLE [calling from upstairs bathroom]
Lori - I need clothes!

[Kyle is standing naked in the shower and drying off.  He turns around to face the door just as Lori walks in with his clothes.  She suppresses a laugh and quickly backs out of the room.]

LORI [talking to him through the door]
Kyle, it's time for you to learn about modesty.

I'm not modest?

No.  [sighs] Not Jewish either apparently.
So put on your clothes and come out here; we need a cover story.

Cover story?

What we tell my parents when they ask what we did today so they don't know that I lost my job?

KYLE [opens bathroom door; he is dressed this time]
You want me to lie?

You could put it that way.

[Kyle follows her downstairs]

Come on, Kyle, you're a guy.  Lying should come naturally to you.

It should?

Lying's part of your make-up.

Doesn't feel like it.

LORI [stops and turns around to talk to him]
Believe me, men lie, it's a fact.

A fact?

And what's even worse -- ?

Something worse?

Men want  women to lie to them, too.

We do?

Yes!  Because if we dare tell you the truth - if we tried to express how we were truly feeling - men freak out!  You'd rather we just keep on lying to you so you don't have to, I don't know, like commit!

KYLE [shakes his head, totally confused]
I don't understand...

Well that makes two of us.  [sighs heavily and walks away]

[Kyle goes to answer the doorbell]

Hey Kyle, is Mr. Trager home?


AMANDA [coming into the house]
Um, you don't happen to know if he has any touch-up paint? - for my car - for the fender - uh, not that he'd have any that could match, I mean why would he?, but I figured, hey - it's worth a shot.

You're talking really fast.

I'm in full-on freak-out mode.
I just need something to hide the damage.

You wanna hide it?

Till I can fix it.

LORI [meeting up with them in the foyer]
What's up?

I need to camouflage my car.

Just tell her it was parked and someone nailed it.

You think?

[Kyle is carefully watching Lori spin her advice to Amanda]

Well, yeah.  If you tell her what really happened, you're screwed.
It's a no-win situation.
"Mom, I'm so sorry, I...I don't know what happened, I've been so careful."  Just like that.  She'll forget all about being mad.

I thought you said men were the liars.

[Lori gives him a "look"]

I don't know...I'm a terrible liar.

KYLE [to Amanda]
Why don't we see if we can find something to fix it.  [they walk off together]

My way was better.


AMANDA [she is frantically looking around for anything that can help her]
God, what am I doing?  I don't even know what I'm looking for.  My mom's gonna have a coronary.

Maybe you can just wait ‘til Stephen gets home.

I don't have time.  My mom's gonna be home in an hour.
Maybe I can just park really close to the hedge and then she won't notice.

Maybe she won't be that angry.

Kyle, she got me that car so I could be responsible.  What's she gonna say after I crashed it in one week?

What will happen when she finds out?

Oh, well, she'll take away my car, my social life; besides that, nothing, you know, except for a long exile to my room.

I think you should tell her.  Not telling her is making you feel worse.

AMANDA [sighs]
Wish me luck.

How do I do that?

You just say "good luck."

KYLE [smiles]
Good luck.

[She chuckles at him and they leave the workshop together]

Dinner Time

[Seated around the table, the Tragers and Kyle are passing around food and talking about their day]

So Kyle got to go to the coffee shop today.  How'd it go, Lori, any problems?

No, it was great.  He just sat there near the counter and drew the whole time, just like you said he would.   [Kyle is uncomfortable watching Lori lie to her father]

How'd you like it there, Kyle?

It was so hard to look Nicole in the eye.

I think he was lonely.  It's probably not the best place for him.

I can take Kyle to school with me.  He'll sit right by me and read along.  It'll be fun, right Kyle?

VOICEOVER [picks up his water and begins to drink it]
My mouth began to feel dry.

It's not supposed to be fun, Josh.  By the way, how'd your test go?

JOSH [Kyle is watching him take his turn lying]
I passed.  Yeah, all that, uh, hard work really paid off.

They spun their stories with ease and conviction.  By staying silent, was I lying too?

You sure you didn't cheat?

I could feel my heart pound.

Lori, just be happy Josh is doing well.

Hey mom, you think maybe I could, uh, play some video games tonight?

[Kyle's heart is pounding louder and faster in his head]

Yeah, I think you've earned a reward.

Until finally I couldn't take it anymore.

KYLE [blurting out]
I took the test for Josh!

[Nicole and Stephen look aghast at Josh]

I knew it!

He's lying!!

It's the truth.  And I wasn't at the coffee bar.  I was here all by myself.

Shut-up, Kyle!

NICOLE [angrily to Lori]
Why didn't you take him?

I got fired, okay?  Thanks a lot.

Yeah Kyle, I thought you were my friend.

I never wanted you here to begin with.

[Kyle looks at her with a hurt expression on his face]

Kyle, they don't mean that.

No, you did the right thing.

KYLE [standing up and staring straight at Lori]
Then why does it feel so wrong?

[He leaves the dining room.  Nicole glares at both of her children.  Lori and Josh sit staring down at the table with their arms crossed, in BIG trouble.

[Kyle is sitting on the roof dangling his legs over the edge, looking up at the stars.  Stephen props a ladder up against the side of the house and climbs up to sit next to him.]

How'd you get up here?


Climbed?  How? [Kyle doesn't answer, so he looks around]
Nice up here.  Private.  Out-of-the way.

I'm in the way.

No, that's not true.


No, Lori and Josh didn't mean what they said.

All I wanted to do was help them.

But lying's not the way.  Like I told you, tell the truth - no matter what.

Telling the truth can hurt.

Yeah, sometimes.  But you still shouldn't lie just to protect people.

But allowing people to be hurt?  Is that all right?

[Stephen sighs and they both sit quietly pondering their own thoughts.]

Lori's Bedroom

[Lori is lying on her side on her bed]

NICOLE [knocks on the open door and comes in]

LORI [sits up]
I'm sorry I didn't watch Kyle.  I guess I was afraid to tell you guys I got fired.


Why did I get fired or why was I afraid to tell you?

Well take your pick.

I blew off a shift and I know it was wrong, so please mom, spare the lecture.

NICOLE [pulls up a chair and sits next to the bed]
Lori - I hope you know you can tell me anything.  Now I'm not just saying that.  Just...whatever you're going through, I have a feeling I've been there, too.

If this is one of those "when I was your age" speeches...             

Well, the fact is, I was your age once.  Not that long ago.  Some styles may have changed, but the basics...I think I still have a pretty good handle on it.

Did you ever wish that somebody felt the way that you did?

Which time?
One thing I've learned - you can't make anybody feel the way you'd like them to.  If they do, it's wonderful.  And if they don't - you move on.

[Lori nods and Nicole gently rubs her knee]

[Back inside the house, Stephen calls Brad who's still at the office]

Brad?  Stephen.

What's up?

First thing in the morning, I'm telling the staff about the layoffs.

You can't do that.

Well, they deserve to know the truth.

If you say anything, Trager --

What?  You'll fire me, too?  You won't have to; I'll quit.  And I'll take all my software and my patents with me.

Al'right, don't get carried away.  Come in tomorrow and you can break the bad news to them.



AMANDA [following her mother to the driveway where her car is parked]
I can explain --

I trusted you with this car, Amanda.  You promised to be careful.

It was an accident, I'm sorry.

MRS. BLOOM [looking at damage to car]
Hh!  What happened?

I was, I was...

[Kyle is suddenly standing there and breaks into their conversation.  They both turn around at the sound of his voice.]

I did it.  I broke the car.

AMANDA [to Kyle]
What are you doing?
That's not what happened.

MRS. BLOOM [glaring at Kyle]
Do not cover for him, Amanda.

I'm not, he's lying!

It's the truth.

MRS. BLOOM [walks over to stand directly in front of Kyle]
Okay, you listen to me very carefully.  I want you to stay away from my property and my daughter.
Come on Amanda. [starts to walk away but Amanda is still looking at Kyle]
Now. [she glares at Kyle one last time, but Amanda gives him a little smile]

VOICEOVER [watching them walk away]
This lie was easy - because I knew it was the right thing to do.

Living Room

[Lori walks into the living room where Josh is sitting at the desk in front of the computer]

Surfing for porn?

I wish.  No internet and no Xbox for a week.  You?

I got the "mature" discussion.

So not fair.

[Kyle walks in the front door.  He stops in the foyer and looks through at them.  They all stare at each other for a few seconds, then he starts to walk off.]

Kyle - I completely suck.  I didn't mean what I said, and I should never have asked you to cover for me.

[Kyle walks into the living room.  He forgives quickly and starts to smile at them.]

Lie for you.

Zip it, cheater.

Hey, if you're gonna apologize, make it accurate.

At least I'm apologizing.

JOSH [to Kyle]
I'm sorry.
We got busted.


And, uh, you can still be my friend.

You are so unbelievably lame.

KYLE [smiling]
It's okay.  I think I understand about lying now.

We will never ask you to lie for us again, but - can we trust you not to narc?
[He doesn't know what this means]
To keep things just between us.

You can trust me.

I think we all learned a very valuable lesson today.

[Lori and Kyle exchange smiles over this]

The Next Morning
Nicole and Stephen's Bedroom

All set.

You're sure about this?  You don't mind giving it up?

Why I hardly ever use it anymore.
Besides, it's important for Kyle.

LORI [calling from the hallway]
Mom!  Dad!  I need you!
Kyle, come on already! [Bangs on the bathroom door.  Josh is trying to pick the lock with one of his dad's credit cards.]

STEPHEN [coming over with Nicole]
Kyle lock the door again?

Not for long.
Ta da!!  [opens the bathroom door]

Too bad they don't give A's for breaking and entering.

STEPHEN [reaching his hand out]
And theft!!

JOSH [gives his dad the card]
I didn't charge anything on it.

Shouldn't you be studying?

I will.

If you don't pass that test on your own this time, I'll  tell the school you cheated.

My own mother? [looks horrified and walks off]

I can't wait for Kyle to wake up every morning so I can take a shower.

Well, you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore.


Just use our shower today.  I'll tell you later.

And when you're done, you're on the clock.

LORI  [sighs]
When's my first break? [leaves]

You sure paying her to watch Kyle is a good idea?

She needs a job, he needs supervision.

[They go into the bathroom.  Nicole sits on the edge of the tub and nudge's Kyle's arm to wake him up]

Kyle.  Time to get up.

[Kyle wakes up and rubs his eyes.  He lies on his back in the tub looking up at them.]

STEPHEN [smiling]
Gotta surprise for ya.

Kyle's Bedroom

[Nicole is leading Kyle by the shoulders into what was Stephen's workshop.  His eyes are closed.]

Okay.  Open them. [He opens his eyes]
What do you think?

[Kyle starts to look around the room.  It has completely changed.  All of his things are in this room - his art supplies are on a desk; his knapsack is hanging from a hook on the wall.  There are posters and basketballs scattered throughout the room.  There is even a bathtub with a blanket and pillow.]

KYLE [turning to them]
What happened to the workshop?

It's not my workshop anymore.  It's your room.


All yours.

Do you like it?

[Kyle looks down and runs his hand along the edge of the bathtub.] 

In that moment, I felt I finally had a place here.  I belonged.

KYLE [he looks at Nicole and Stephen with sweet gratitude]
Thank you.

You're welcome.
[Nicole comes over to Kyle and kisses him on the cheek.  He keeps looking down at his bathtub.]
So, let's go get some breakfast.

Oh, you guys go on.  I'm gonna set up a little.

[Stephen and Kyle start to leave, but Kyle turns back to look at Nicole a moment longer.  They smile at one another and he leaves.

Nicole picks up the drawings that Kyle made of the woods and starts to hang them on his bulletin board.  Suddenly the strange black lines start to stand out.  Gathering up the drawings, she lays them on the floor one by one trying to match up the lines.  They start to form a pattern.  When she has finished, she is staring at the same strange symbol on the keycard that was found next to the skeleton in the woods - where Kyle was first seen.]


Ecrit par Titenoiset

Kikavu ?

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