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#104 : Innocence perdue

Kyle continue de découvrir le monde qui l'entoure. Lori et Josh font leur maximum pour l'aider. Ils décident de l'emmener à la piscine. Alors que Josh profite de la situation pour observer les filles, Lori joue l'indifférente avec Declan. De son côté, Kyle ressent ses premiers émois amoureux et se rend compte qu'il est très attiré par Amanda, la jeune et jolie voisine. A peine lui a-t-elle appris à nager que l'adolescent atteint le niveau d'un champion olympique. Par ailleurs, Tom Foss, l'homme qui surveille Kyle, quitte la Compagnie.



4 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Diving in

Titre VF
Innocence perdue

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Sneak peek (vo)

Sneak peek (vo)


Scene Amanda/Kyle (vo)

Scene Amanda/Kyle (vo)


Premier rêve de Kyle (vf)

Premier rêve de Kyle (vf)


La noyage de Kyle (vf)

La noyage de Kyle (vf)


Scene Amanda/Kyle 2 (vf)

Scene Amanda/Kyle 2 (vf)


Josh dans le jacuzzi (vf)

Josh dans le jacuzzi (vf)


Scène finale (vf)

Scène finale (vf)


Photos promo

Lori Trager (April Matson) au bord de la piscine

Lori Trager (April Matson) au bord de la piscine

Kyle dans sa chambre dessine

Kyle dans sa chambre dessine

Kyle (Matt Dallas) à la fête

Kyle (Matt Dallas) à la fête

Hillary Shepard (Chelan Simmons) met le grappin sur Kyle à la fête

Hillary Shepard (Chelan Simmons) met le grappin sur Kyle à la fête

Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) et Kyle à la fête

Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) et Kyle à la fête

Amanda présente son copain Charlie Tanner (Cory Monteith) à Kyle

Amanda présente son copain Charlie Tanner (Cory Monteith) à Kyle

Kyle réconforte Lori (April matson) en larmes

Kyle réconforte Lori (April matson) en larmes

Dennis Bunker (Mackenzie Gray) à son bureau

Dennis Bunker (Mackenzie Gray) à son bureau

Lori, Kyle et Josh devant la piscine

Lori, Kyle et Josh devant la piscine

Kyle fait tomber son dessin dans la piscine après sa déception

Kyle fait tomber son dessin dans la piscine après sa déception

Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau), Hillary (Chelan Simmons) et Lori (April Matson) à la piscine

Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau), Hillary (Chelan Simmons) et Lori (April Matson) à la piscine

April Matson, Matt Dallas et Jean-Luc Bilodeau

April Matson, Matt Dallas et Jean-Luc Bilodeau

Kyle et Josh en train de frimer au bord de la piscine

Kyle et Josh en train de frimer au bord de la piscine

Kyle réfléchit dans sa baignoire

Kyle réfléchit dans sa baignoire

Kyle réalise un dessin

Kyle réalise un dessin

Kyle dessine

Kyle dessine

Kyle discute avec Stephen (Bruce Thomas) dans sa chambre

Kyle discute avec Stephen (Bruce Thomas) dans sa chambre

Kyle découvre le piano d'Amanda (Kirsten Prout)

Kyle découvre le piano d'Amanda (Kirsten Prout)

Amanda (Kirsten Prout) montre ses dessins à Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Amanda (Kirsten Prout) montre ses dessins à Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle regarde les dessins d'Amanda

Kyle regarde les dessins d'Amanda

Amanda (Kirsten Prout) et Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Amanda (Kirsten Prout) et Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle (Matt Dallas)

Kyle regarde Amanda jouer au piano

Kyle regarde Amanda jouer au piano

Kyle et Amanda

Kyle et Amanda

Kyle ressent l'émotion d'Amanda en train de jouer au piano

Kyle ressent l'émotion d'Amanda en train de jouer au piano

Le dessin de Kyle tombé dans la piscine

Le dessin de Kyle tombé dans la piscine

Kyle et Amanda au piano

Kyle et Amanda au piano

Kyle est intrigué par les sentiments d'Amanda au piano

Kyle est intrigué par les sentiments d'Amanda au piano

Stephen (Bruce Thomas) rejoint Kyle dans sa chambre

Stephen (Bruce Thomas) rejoint Kyle dans sa chambre


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France (redif)
Jeudi 08.06.2017 à 19:05

Plus de détails

Scénario: Julie Plec

Réalisation: Michael J.Rohl


  • Mackenzie Gray … Dennis Bunker
  • Merritt Patterson … Ashleigh Redmond
  • Andrew Francis … Jeff Preston
  • Heather Doerksen … Mme Preston
  • Derek Green … M. Preston
  • Sebastian Gacki … Surveillant

Kyle est dans une piscine, sous l’eau. Il y a pleins de bulles autour de lui. Au milieu des bulles une silhouette apparaît, c’est Amanda. Il sourit alors qu’elle nage vers lui. Elle s’approche, il ferme les yeux, et elle disparaît. Il se retrouve seul sous l’eau, puis se réveille dans sa baignoire, dans sa chambre chez lui.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il nous raconte que c’était son premier rêve. Son inconscient lui avait envoyé une histoire d’amour et de perte, alors qu’il n’avait jamais rien connu de tel. Il se demande ce que ça veut dire, si c’était quelque chose dont il avait déjà fait l’expérience, ou si c’est quelque chose à venir. Il voudrait retourner à ce rêve pour savoir comment il finirait.

Kyle se recouche.

Le lendemain matin, Nicole montre le symbole que Kyle a dessiné sur ses différents dessins de la forêt à l’inspecteur Breen. Il demande au garçon pourquoi il a dessiné le symbole en plusieurs parties, mais Kyle répond qu’il l’a juste vu comme ça. Nicole tente d’expliquer que ça peut être du à son amnésie, et que des souvenirs lui reviennent par morceaux.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il se rend bien compte que tout le monde s’intéresse à ce qu’il a dans sa tête, mais il ne peut pas plus l’expliquer que son rêve avec Amanda. Il a du mal à comprendre que son esprit fait des choses qui le dépasse.

Lori descend discrètement les escaliers pour sortir de la maison sans se faire remarquer, mais Josh la voit et lui demande tout fort où elle va, ce qui attire l’attention de ses parents. Elle soupire, et leur dit qu’elle va à la piscine. Ces parents lui disent qu’elle doit surveiller Kyle, et il lui demande de l’emmener avec elle, ainsi que son frère. Quand à eux, ils doivent aller au lycée pour inscrire Kyle.

Dans un bureau.

L’inconnu est en réunion avec une autre personne. On apprend alors qu’il s’appelle Tom Foss, et il est là pour démissionner. Apparemment il travaillait depuis 10 ans dans cette compagnie (dont on ne connaît pas le nom). L’homme lui dit qu’ils vont rester en contact avec lui, par mesure de précaution, car ils sont méfiants depuis que Kern a disparu. Avant de partir, Tom lui remet sa carte d’accès, une carte magnétique avec le symbole.

A la piscine.

Kyle regarde tout autour de lui les personnes s’amuser dans les bassins, allongées sur les chaises longues, ou encore sauter du plongeoir. Lori lui ordonne de rester à au moins cinquante mètre d’elle, et elle va retrouver Hillary. Kyle remarque alors Amanda assise en haut d’une chaise de maître nageur, et il demande à Josh ce qu’elle fait là-bas. Il lui explique qu’elle surveille les baigneurs, et qu’elle plonge pour te sauver si tu ne sais pas nager. Elle fait coucou à Kyle, qui lui répond avec un sourire.


Allongées sur les chaises longues, Lori et Hillary discutent. Hillary lit un magazine quand Declan arrive. Lori l’ignore complètement, et il s’en va, sans comprendre pourquoi. La jeune fille lui fait encore la tête parce qu’il lui a menti, et son amie lui demande si elle joue encore la fille inaccessible où si elle espère en secret qu’il va revenir la voir. Mais Lori lui assure qu’elle n’en a plus rien à faire. Puis le sujet tombe sur la soirée de vendredi prochain, et Hillary lui rappelle le pacte qu’elles ont fait comme quoi elles ne retourneront pas au lycée avec leur virginité intacte. Lori réplique que dans le cas d’Hillary, il n’y a plus de soucis à se faire. Elle ajoute qu’elle en a marre des histoires d’amitiés améliorées avec Declan, car ils ne sont même pas amis, et que si elle doit perdre sa virginité, il faut que ça soit une vraie histoire. Hillary se moque d’elle et de son rêve de première fois parfaite, en lui rappelant qu’elle veut sortir avec Declan depuis toujours. Puis le sujet dévie sur Kyle, car Hillary le trouve de plus en plus craquant, et elle aimerait beaucoup sortir avec lui, mais Lori lui dit qu’il est hors de question qu’elle corrompt Kyle.


De son coté, Kyle s’ennui. Il demande à Josh quand est-ce qu’ils vont nager, et Josh lui répond qu’ils ne sont pas là pour nager, mais pour relooker les filles. Et il joint le geste à la parole, en mettant des lunettes de soleil branchées. Il remarque alors une fille sortir de la piscine, et Kyle lui demande si c’est une amie à lui. Mais Josh répond qu’une fille comme elle ne sait même pas qu’il existe. La fille passe alors devant lui et lui fait coucou de la main. Josh bondit sur ses pieds et dit à Kyle de ne pas bouger avant de se précipiter à la suite de la fille. Mais elle rentre dans les vestiaires des filles. Josh va alors voir sa sœur, et lui demande d’aller dans les vestiaires des filles pour choper le numéro de téléphone de la fille. Lori refuse, alors Josh menace de crier qu’elle a du rembourrage dans son soutien-gorge. Lori se lève en colère, et va dans les vestiaires des filles. Josh commence à draguer Hillary, mais il s’arrête très vite devant la tête désintéressée de la jeune fille.


Au lycée.

Nicole et Stephen sont dans le bureau du principal pour faire inscrire Kyle, mais le fait qu’il n’ait aucun dossier scolaire semble lui poser problème. Les Trager voudrait qu’un professeur particulier lui soit attribué, et le principal leur explique que c’est un arrangement très coûteux. Nicole le contredit aussitôt en lui disant que la loi l’oblige à proposer ce genre d’option. Il lui propose alors de faire intégrer Kyle à un cours spécial pour les handicapés, et Stephen n’en croit pas ces oreilles. Le principal leur explique que le passage au lycée peut être très perturbants pour des élèves normaux, et il craint que dans le cas de Kyle, la situation ne devienne compliquée. Stephen se lève en lui coupant la parole, et il lui dit de faire remonter le demande au service compétent, sous-entendant que ce n’est pas à lui de prendre une décision concernant Kyle, et ils s’en vont.


A la piscine.

Kyle, n’en pouvant plus de rester assis seul, s’est levé et se dirige vers le plongeoir.


Lori revient voir son frère, et lui dit qu’il n’y a aucune chance pour qu’une fille aussi belle est envie de s’approcher de lui. Ils ne voient pas Kyle derrière eux s’avancer vers le bord du plongeoir. Ils commencent à se disputer, mais sont interrompu par Hillary qui leur demande où se trouve Kyle.


Kyle est sous l’eau, il tourne sur lui-même.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il nous raconte que c’était exactement comme dans son rêve, et exactement comme Josh l’avait dit, elle est venue l’aider.

On voit Amanda plonger dans la piscine et attraper Kyle pour le hisser hors de l’eau. Elle allonge Kyle sur le bord de la piscine. Des personnes forment un cercle autour d’eux pour savoir ce qui se passe, dont Lori et Josh.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il décrit ce qu’il ressent. Son corps entier frissonne, et il sent alors une pression bizarre mais agréable sous la ceinture.

Tout le monde autour de lui commence à rigoler, et Lori lui jette une serviette pour qu’il cache son érection. Mais il ne comprend pas ce qui lui arrive. Amanda le regard bizarrement, et elle s’en va.

Chez les Trager.

Stephen est furieux contre le principal du lycée, car il ne semble pas vouloir de Kyle dans son établissement. Josh vient les voir, et leur dit qu’il y a un petit souci avec Kyle, d’éducation sexuelle.


Stephen entre dans la chambre de Kyle. Le garçon est allongé dans sa baignoire, l’air triste. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi tout le monde s’est moqué de lui a la piscine, et Stephen commence alors à lui expliquer pourquoi. Il lui dit que c’est une réaction normale, mais qu’on ne doit pas la montrer en publique. Mais Kyle ne comprend pas pourquoi. Stephen a beaucoup de mal à trouver les mots justes.


Dans la cuisine, Lori se moque de son père qui doit expliquer à un garçon de 16 ans « comment on fait les bébés ». Sa mère lui dit qu’il pensait en avoir fini avec cette corvée, et Lori lui dit qu’elle s’était bien débrouillée avec elle. Nicole lui propose de lui rafraîchir la mémoire, mais Lori lui dit qu’elle n’en a pas besoin. Quelqu’un sonne à la porte. Nicole va ouvrir. C’est Declan. Lori arrive à son tour, et elle est surprise de le voir. Elle lui dit que ce n’est pas habituelle de le voir chez elle dans la journée, passer par la porte d’entrée. Ils ont tous les deux l’air un peu tendus. Il lui demande alors si elle veut aller à la soirée de Vendredi avec lui, et il ajoute qu’il s’excuse pour la façon dont il s’est comporté avec elle, et qu’il voudrait qu’ils sortent ensemble tous les deux, de façon sérieuse. Elle accepte, et il s’en va.


Josh emmène Kyle dans sa chambre en lui disant à quel point il sait que s’est désagréable comme genre de discours. Kyle lui dit que si ça se reproduit, Stephen lui a conseillé de penser à quelque chose qui le dégoûte. Josh lui dit que lui c’est l’acné et les vieilles personnes, et Kyle lui dit que lui c’est le pamplemousse. Josh sort alors une boite de jeux de société de sous son lit, et il en sort des magazines porno. Il en donne un à Kyle, en lui disant que ça peut l’aider à éviter que ce genre d’incident se reproduise.


Amanda sonne à la porte et Lori vient lui ouvrir. Elle demande à voir Kyle parce qu’elle se sent mal à l’aise après ce qui s’est passé à la piscine. Lori lui indique le chemin. Amanda découvre la chambre de Kyle, sa baignoire, ses dessins, et elle voit qu’il y en a pleins d’elle. Kyle arrive alors dans sa chambre, le magazine porno à la main. Amanda est de plus en plus mal à l’aise, et elle s’en va. Kyle ne comprend pas ce qui lui prend et il la regarde partir, perplexe.


Dans la cuisine, Josh demande à sa sœur si ça peut l’intéressé de ne plus avoir à surveiller Kyle deux heures par jour. Il lui propose de le faire à sa place, et en échange elle se débrouille pour avoir le numéro de miss bikini. Lori accepte, alors Josh demande à sa mère si elle veut bien inscrire Kyle à des cours de natation. Il lui explique que l’incident de la piscine était du au fait que Kyle ait failli se noyer.

A la piscine.

Le lendemain. Amanda découvre que son nouvel élève n’est autre que Kyle, et ça ne semble pas l’enchanter. Kyle voit bien qu’Amanda préfère l’éviter, et Lori lui dit que tout se passera bien s’il ne se frotte pas à elle. Puis elle le laisse, et va voir miss bikini, qui s’appelle Ashley.


Lori ressort de la piscine. Hillary l’attend devant l’entrée. Lori est contente de s’être débarrassé de ses responsabilités et d’avoir aussi payé sa dette envers son frère. Hillary lui redit qu’elle aimerait bien s’occuper de Kyle, ce qui dégoûte toujours autant Lori. Elle reparle aussi de la perte de virginité de Lori, qui change une nouvelle fois d’avis et projette de la perdre à la soirée avec Declan.


Amanda et Kyle sont dans le bassin. Elle lui montre les gestes de base pour apprendre à nager, mais il se débrouille assez mal. Elle lui dit qu’il doit essayer de flotter, mais il ne sait pas ce que c’est, alors le fait allonger sur le ventre et est obligé de le tenir. Kyle commence à comprendre comment il doit flotter, mais il sent la main d’Amanda et se dépêche de se dégager en criant pamplemousse. Il plonge la tête sous l’eau. Amanda le regarde, déconcertée.


Chez les Trager.

Lori entre dans la chambre de son frère et elle lui jette le numéro d’Ashley. Elle lui conseille de l’appeler maintenant avant d’être humilier, et s’en va. Josh est tout excité, et il se précipite sur son téléphone. Il compose le numéro, mais quand Ashley décroche, il ne trouve rien à dire et raccroche au nez de la jeune fille.

A la piscine.

Kyle est allongé sur le dos, il flotte.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il nous dit que flotter, faire les mouvements, respirer, tout est simple à comprendre en théorie, et que maintenant il était temps de passer à la pratique.

Amanda revient avec des serviettes, et l’autre maître nageur lui montre Kyle entrain de nager. Il nage toute la longueur en ondulant sans s’arrêter une seule fois, puis il sort et s’appuie sur le bord du bassin, fait un sourire à Amanda avant de repartir.

Kyle sort de l’eau et Amanda vient le rejoindre. Elle lui demande s’il est sur de n’avoir jamais nager avant, parce qu’il se débrouille comme un pro. Puis elle remarque qu’il n’a pas de nombril, et elle lui demande s’il ne se souvient toujours pas de sa vie d’avant. Il lui demande alors si elle n’est plus fâchée contre lui, et elle répond qu’elle ne l’a jamais été, mais qu’elle était un peu dérangée par ses dessins. Il lui explique qu’il dessine exactement comme il la voit dans sa tête, mais il a du mal parce que c’est comme si quelque chose manquait. Elle lui dit de passer chez elle un peu plus tard pour qu’elle lui montre quelque chose.


Chez les Trager.

Stephen se prépare à aller faire un jogging, quand Nicole vient le voir pour lui dire qu’elle a eu l’inspecteur Breen au téléphone. Ils ne savent toujours rien de plus sur Kyle et ils n’ont pas non plus trouvé d’où vient la carte avec le symbole. Nicole commence à vraiment s’inquiéter pour cette histoire, et ce dont Kyle a pu être témoin, et elle se demande si c’est une bonne chose de l’envoyer au lycée en ce moment. Stephen lui dit qu’il faut traiter Kyle comme un ado normal, et elle répond que ça serait plus simple si elle croyait vraiment que Kyle est un ado normal.

Chez Tom.

Tom rentre chez lui avec un paquet de course, et il découvre son ancien patron assis dans son salon. Il lui dit qu’il y a eu un problème avec sa carte d’accès. Il a découvert que ce n’était pas la sienne mais celle de Kern. Tom lui ordonne de sortir de chez lui. L’homme lui donne un dossier, en le menaçant de révéler à la compagnie qu’il le soupçonne d’avoir tué Kern. Tom ouvre le dossier et découvre qu’il s’agit de celui concernant Kyle, qu’il gardait pourtant dans un coffre chez lui.


Chez Amanda.

La jeune fille lui montre toutes les peintures et les dessins de son père. Elle lui dit qu’il était artiste lui aussi, avant de mourir un an auparavant. Kyle comprend que c’est lui qui manque. Elle lui explique que les dessins servent à exprimer ce que l’on ressent, et pas seulement ce qu’on voit. Elle lui dit que c’est comme le piano, puis elle va s’assoire et commence à jouer. Il s’assoie à coté d’elle et la regarde jouer.


Chez les Trager.

Kyle est dans sa chambre. Il dessine encore, mais cette fois en essayant de dessiner ce qu’il ressent.


Josh fait les cent pas dans sa chambre. Puis il prend son téléphone et appelle à nouveau Ashley. Mais cette fois encore il fait un blocage et n’arrive pas à sortir une phrase. Ashley demande alors si c’est bien Josh Trager, et elle lui dit que son numéro s’est affiché et que sa sœur lui avait dit qu’il appellerait. Elle lui donne rendez-vous à la soirée de Preston le soir même, et raccroche. Josh n’en revient pas.


Dans la chambre, Lori aussi se prépare à aller à la soirée. Elle prend une boite de préservatifs dans son tiroir mais sa mère entre à ce moment dans sa chambre. Elle lui dit que Josh aussi veut aller à la soirée, et Lori lui promet de faire attention à ce qu’il ne fasse pas de bêtises. Puis Nicole lui demande si elle trouve que Declan est un garçon gentil, et Lori lui répond qu’il peut l’être parfois, elle bafouille, et Nicole voit bien que sa fille a des sentiments pour lui. Elle part s’en rien ajouter. Lori retourne à son tiroir, et met un préservatif dans son sac.


Josh entre dans la chambre de Kyle, et lui dit qu’il doit venir avec eux à la soirée. Mais Kyle n’aime pas les soirée, parce que la dernière fois ça c’est mal passé. Mais Josh lui assure que tout le monde y va, y comprit Amanda. Ce qui le fait changer d’avis. Il décide d’emmener son dessin pour le montrer à Amanda.


Dans le couloir, les trois ados s’apprêtent à partir, mais Nicole ne veut pas que Kyle aille avec eux. Stephen dit à Lori qu’elle a jusqu’à minuit, et que Josh et Kyle peuvent rester jusqu’à 10h, et ils s’en vont. Nicole est fâchée contre son mari.


Chez Tom.

Tom est assis dans son canapé, il attend quelque chose. Quelqu’un frappe à la porte. C’est son ex-patron. Il le fait rentrer, et Tom le tue.

A la fête de Preston.

Kyle et les Trager arrivent à la soirée. Lori dit aux garçons de ne pas boire, et que s’ils font n’importe quoi, elle caftera. Puis elle part retrouver Declan. Ashley arrive alors et elle emmène Josh. Kyle se retrouve seul. Il regarde les autres s’amuser autour de lui.


Lori discute avec Declan, quand ils voient Preston. Le garçon leur dit qu’il y a de la bière cachée un peu partout dehors, et Declan propose à Lori d’aller en chercher. Il lui prend la main et l’entrain dehors.


Ashley conduit Josh jusqu’au jacuzzi. Elle lui dit qu’elle n’a pas son maillot, et Josh répond que c’est dommage, lui non plus, et il commence à partir. Mais la jeune fille au contraire commence à retirer ses vêtements, et Josh croit que quelqu’un lui fait une blague, ce qui fait rire Ashley.


Declan et Lori sont entrain de s’embrasser dehors. Lori finit sa bière, et elle entraîne le garçon à sa suite, caché à l’abri des regards.


Kyle est seul au milieu du canapé, quand il est rejoint par Hillary, qui a un peu trop bu.


Ashley et Josh discutent dans le jacuzzi. Elle lui avoue qu’elle aurait bien voulu qu’il vienne lui parler à la piscine, parce qu’elle le trouve craquant, et au moment où elle s’approche pour l’embrasser, ils sont interrompu par les parents de Preston. Ashley sort de l’eau, mais Josh ne veut pas sortir. Il répète « Acné, vieux pépés, acné, vieilles mémés », mais le père de Preston l’oblige à sortir de l’eau. Josh est mort de honte.


Lori et Declan se rhabillent. Il lui demande si pour elle c’était la première fois, et elle lui répond que oui, mais ça ne semble pas s’être très bien passé. Il lui dit un peu maladroitement que ça sera mieux la prochaine fois, mais elle lui dit que pour le moment elle veut retourner à la soirée.


Hillary est allongée sur les genoux de Kyle, et elle lui caresse le visage. Lori arrive alors et elle lui dit de le laisser tranquille. Hillary s’énerve alors et elle lui dit qu’elle n’aurait jamais du dire à Declan de demander à Lori de sortir avec lui pour qu’elle accepte de coucher avec lui. Lori n’en croit pas ses oreilles, et Hillary comprend alors qu’ils ont couchés ensemble, et elle traite Lori de fille facile. Lori tente tant bien que mal de retenir ses larmes. Preston passe à ce moment et il entraîne Declan à sa suite. Lori s’assoie à coté de Kyle qui essaye de la consoler.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole est toujours fâchée contre Stephen, mais il lui dit qu’il n’y avait aucune raison d’interdire à Kyle d’aller à la soirée alors que Josh est plus jeune que lui. Elle lui fait remarquer qu’ils l’ont accueilli chez eux pour le protéger, et Stephen répond que ce n’est pas une raison pour l’enfermer dans une bulle. Elle avoue alors qu’elle a de plus en plus de mal de le traiter comme son patient. Stephen lui dit qu’il doit être traité comme Lori et Josh, avec la liberté de commettre des erreurs, mais qu’il doit savoir qu’ils seront toujours derrière lui si ça ne va pas.

A la fête de Preston.

Kyle trouve Josh caché dans les toilettes, mais ils sont interrompus par Hillary qui vient vomir dans les toilettes.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il nous dit que tout le monde était venu à cette soirée avec des attentes bien précises, mais aucunes d’elles ne s’est réalisées.

Declan est entrain de faire un billard avec Preston. Il voit Lori qui l’observe depuis le canapé, et Preston lui demande s’il se l’ait enfin tapé. Mais Declan répond que ce n’est pas ce genre de fille.


Kyle et Josh se servent à manger, quand Kyle voit enfin Amanda.

(Voix off de Kyle) En voyant Amanda, il comprend enfin ce que son corps et son esprit ont tentés de lui dire. Ils envoyaient un message vers son cœur.

Il se dirige vers elle, mais un autre garçon appelle la jeune fille. Amanda embrasse le nouveau venu, et on voit Kyle baisser la main dans laquelle il tient son dessin, pour le cacher des yeux de la jeune fille. Amanda lui présente son petit-ami, Charlie.

(Voix off de Kyle) Maintenant c’est son cœur qui envoi un message dans tout son corps, la souffrance.

Amanda explique à Charlie que Kyle est son voisin, mais Kyle les entend à peine discuter. Derrière eux, Lori et Josh le regardent, l’air triste.


Kyle va au bord de la piscine de Preston.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il comprend que la vie est comme un puzzle, dont les pièces s’assemblent pour créer ce que nous sommes, ce que nous faisons, ce que nous ressentons, et chaque expérience contribue à former la personne que nous deviendrons.

On voit Nicole entrain de regarder les dessins de Kyle, et essayer de comprendre. Stephen dort sur le canapé à coté d’elle.


Kyle est rejoint par Lori et Josh au bord de la piscine. Il tient toujours le dessin qu’il a fait pour Amanda dans la main, mais le dépose doucement dans la piscine.

(Voix off de Kyle) Au départ il n’était qu’une page blanche sans souvenirs, il était pressé de grandir et de faire des expériences comme Lori et Josh, mais à ce moment précis, il voulait plus que tout redevenir une page blanche, quand la vie était plus facile. Et il sait que c’est aussi le cas de Lori et Josh.

Lori lui demande s’il est prêt à rentrer, et ils s’en vont tous les trois. Le dessin se déroule lentement à la surface de l’eau. Kyle a encore dessiné Amanda, mais de la façon dont il l’a vu dans son rêve.

Ecrit par blackrose

Kyle's Room - Late at Night

[Kyle is immersed in a clear pool of bubbles foaming around his body.  Through the water, he sees Amanda suspended on the other side of the pool, her clothes and hair billowing around her.  She swims towards Kyle and reaches for him.  He closes his eyes anticipating a kiss, but when he opens his eyes again - she is gone.]

VOICEOVER [opens his eyes and sits up in his bathtub]
It was my first dream.  At least the first I could remember.  My subconscious mind was weaving a tale of love and loss even though my memories contained no such stories.  I wondered what it meant.  Was it something I'd already experienced or simply a vision of things to come?  I wished to go back to that moment with Amanda.  I wanted to see how it would end.

[He lays back and tries to fall asleep again.]

Living Room - The Next Morning

[Detective Breen is meeting with Stephen, Nicole and Kyle]

You sure you didn't draw this after you saw the key card?

No, I noticed these markings on his drawings well before.

Kyle, why did you draw this in pieces?

That's how I saw it.

It's possible that fractured pieces of his past are starting to enter his consciousness.  I've seen it before in patients who have trauma-based amnesia.

Everyone was concerned about the images coming from my head.  I couldn't explain them anymore than I could explain my dream about Amanda.  My mind was doing things the rest of me didn't understand.

[Behind them, Lori sneaks down the stairs trying not to attract their attention.  But Josh is watching her from inside the dining room.]

Where ya goin', Lori?

NICOLE [she and everyone else turns around]
Uh, yeah, where ya goin', Lori?

The pool?

You know the last time I checked, "looking after Kyle" actually meant looking after Kyle.

But he's busy.

Actually we're done here. . .for now.

Kyle, you wanna go to the pool?

I'm the only girl in America who has to babysit a fully grown teenager.

Uh, take your brother, too, ‘cause we have to go to the high school to register Kyle.

Uh. . .choice?  What if I don't wanna go to the pool?

Uh. . .maybe you don't want to spend the rest of the day with your summer reading list either.

JOSH [fakes a laugh]
I'll go get my stuff.



[Sitting behind a desk in a dimly lit room, a man types ...ZZYZ... on a computer.  A screen appears with identification and a photograph for someone named Thomas Foss.  It is the mysterious man who has been following Nicole and Kyle, and he is sitting on the other side of the desk.]

Ten years service to the Company, Tom.  Sorry to see you go. [hands some papers to him to sign]

TOM FOSS [signing some pages]
Time to move on.

Is this your forwarding address?


Good.  The Company likes to keep in touch, especially now with Kern still MIA.

Well, I'm sure you'll track him down.

Goes without saying.
[Tom just smiles at him and hands him back the papers.]
A friendly reminder - you know how aggressively we enforce these confidentiality agreements?

Yeah.  [he gets up to leave]

Oh, one more thing - your security card.

Of course.

[Pulling a card out of his wallet, he hands it to the Company man who puts it down on the desk logo-side up.  It is identical to the key card the police found next to the skeleton in the woods.]

[Opening music]


[Lori, Josh and Kyle are at the community swimming pool.  Kyle looks around at all of the kids swimming, diving and playing in the pool.]

LORI [handing towels to Josh and Kyle]
Both of you stay at least 20 feet from me at all times.  Close enough I can see you're in trouble; far enough away I can choose to ignore it.

HILLARY [from other side of the pool]
Lori, come on!  Over here!

And don't drown. [leaves to join Hillary]

I'll tell ya brother.  Give a woman an ounce of power and she'll run right over ya.

KYLE [looking up at lifeguard tower]
Why is Amanda sitting up there?

She's a lifeguard.

She guards life?

Sorta.  She'll jump in to save you if you can't swim.

[Amanda sees Kyle and waves at him.  He smiles and waves back at her.]

Strategically positioned next to the pool, Lori and Hillary are sunbathing.]

HILLARY [looking at a magazine]
He's like seriously manorexic.  Eat a sandwich!  [Lori laughs]

DECLAN [coming over to Lori]
Yo, Trager.

What's up?
[She deliberately turns her head away and closes her eyes.  Declan leaves, but stares back at her over his shoulder.]

Are you still mad at him for lying or are you back to the whole "playing hard to get" game?

Not a game.  I'm over it.



So you're not secretly yearning he'll call you over?


And you're not quietly wishing he'd sit here with you?

Not in the least.

And somewhere deep in your subconscious, you have no desire to sleep with him at Preston's party Friday, even though we both swore we wouldn't go back to school with our virginities intact?

My virginity.  Yours hasn't been an issue for quite some time.

Whatever.  Are you serious?  You're really over him?

I'm done with the whole friends with benefits thing.  It's not fun anymore.  We're not really friends, which means we're just benefits, and if I'm going to be giving benefits to anyone, it should mean something.

Look who's all protective of her first time!  You've wanted to sleep with Declan for like, ever.

I still do, but. . .I'm not giving it up to some guy whose idea of fun is crawling into my bedroom drunk at 3:00 in the morning.

Well, we'll just have to find you another de-virginizing opportunity.
[looks over where Kyle is sitting at a table with Josh]
Like yummity goodness over there.

Ewww, Hillary.

Fine, I'll take him.

You are so not allowed to corrupt Kyle.

Why not?

Because it's like. . .wrong.

[At least 20 feet away, Kyle and Josh are watching everyone] 

When do we swim?

We don't come here to swim. 
[puts on his sunglasses]  We come here to scope babes.


You know - the ladies, hot mamas, girls with C-cups.
[Sees a pretty girl in a pink bikini getting out of the pool]
Like her.  Hah!  Good Lord of the Rings!

Is she a friend of yours?

Dude - a chick like that doesn't know I exist.

So you won't go talk to her?

Talk to her?  Are you nuts?

So we come to the pool, but don't swim.  And we scope babes, but we don't talk to ‘em?

It's a cruel world.  I just live in it.
[Pink Bikini Girl walks by them and waves at Josh]
[gasping] Did she just -- ?  Don't move!

[Josh gets up and watches the girl go into the women's locker room.  He goes straight over to his sister.]

Lori, my favorite sister of all time. . .


Come on, go in the bathroom --


Seriously.  Go in the girls' locker room.  Get the name and the number of the girl in the pink bikini with the polka dots on her. . .whatnots.

HILLARY [laughs]
Her whatnots?

LORI [laughing]
Forget it!

JOSH [takes off his sunglasses and points them at her]
Look - you're gonna go in there right now or I'm gonna yell "Lori Trager stuffs her bra" at the top of my lungs.

You are the devil.
[Josh opens his mouth to yell and Lori gets up.]
[angry] Fine, you manipulative little freak.
[She takes off towards the locker room, but deliberately bumps hard into Josh on her way.
He smiles at Hillary, but she just looks disgusted.]

Vice Principal's Office

[A meeting with Stephen, Nicole and Mr. Hooper]

He has no records, no history of schooling?

As I explained, Kyle's situation is unique.

It certainly is.

But he's exceptionally bright.

You're requesting a one-on-one tutor.  That's, uh, well, that's an expensive arrangement.

Legally, you're obligated to provide it.

I know you, Mrs. Trager.  Anything I say in opposition to this will be met with all the legal precedents that will refute my position.

Well, now that you mention it Mr. Hooper, I have done the research.

Are you sure he wouldn't be better suited for a Special Ed program?

STEPHEN [annoyed]
He's not disabled.

I'm sure, but to be fair, high school can be a very difficult experience, even for the most well adjusted students.  If this boy is special, it may not be the easiest of transitions for him.

STEPHEN [angry, he stands up with Nicole]
I assume you'll pass our request up the administrative ladder?

Of course.

Good. [they leave]


[Lori returns to report to Josh.  Neither of them notices Kyle walking off on his own.]

Did you find her?

There is one girl in there.  Gorgeous, great body.  She's in the shower right now.  Naked.

That's her!

[In the background, Kyle is climbing the ladder to the diving board.]

That's impossible.  Josh, she's a ten.  There is no way a girl that hot would come within a mile of you.

[Kyle is now on the diving board.]

Get back in there and find out her name.

It's not her!

Quit messing around, Lori.

[Kyle walks off the end of the diving board and straight down into the pool, stiff-legged.]

Quit bugging me, Josh!

JOSH [yells out]
Lori Trager stuffs her bra!

LORI [yells back]
Josh Trager has wet dreams!

Ho!  You are so dead!

HILLARY [looking around]
You guys - where's Kyle?

[Kyle is immersed in a clear pool of bubbles foaming around his body.]
It felt just like my dream.  And just like Josh said, she came to help me.

[Through the water, he sees Amanda swimming towards him.  She reaches for him and he closes his eyes anticipating a kiss -- but instead of a kiss, she pulls him out of the water.

Kyle is lying on his back by the side of the pool.  A small crowd has gathered.  Amanda is kneeling over him, her hand on his chest.]

Is he okay?

How long was he under?

VOICEOVER [Kyle is looking up at Amanda]
My whole body tensed and tingled.  I suddenly felt a strange sort of pressure.
[Amanda looks down at Kyle's body, then back up to his face.]
Good  pressure.

[Amanda quickly leaves]

JOSH [laughs]
No way!

Oh -- 


LORI [tosses a towel on top of Kyle]
Kyle - cover up!

[People are laughing and snickering at him.  "Oh my God."  "Look at his shorts!"  Kyle looks down at himself and realizes that something must not be right.]


[Stephen and Nicole are coming into the house.]

That guy had a lot of nerve implying Kyle didn't belong there.

Hooper's not an educator, he's a bureaucrat, worried about the bottom line.

He was totally inappropriate.

Well, he's not subtle, that's for sure, but he has a point.
[Josh comes up to them]
Hey, honey.

Houston, we have a problem.

What's up?

JOSH [laughs]
Funny you should ask.

Kyle's Room

[Stephen opens the door and he sees Kyle sitting in his bathtub, looking dejected.]

STEPHEN [coming around the tub to talk to him]
Rough day?
You wanna talk about what happened?
[Kyle looks up]
At the pool?

KYLE [Kyle looks down]
You mean. . ?


Everybody laughed at me.

And you don't know why?

KYLE [shrugs]

You never had an erection before?

Not that I can remember.

STEPHEN [sighs]
Okay then.
[He pulls out the desk chair and sits down on it.]
Well, first of all you have to understand that what happened to you was completely normal.  You just don't typically want it to happen in public.

Then it's not normal.

No, it is.  It's your body's way of. . .telling you how you feel.  In fact, it's a very honest physical response.

Then why should it be hidden?

Ooohh, well - uh. . . . [sighs]


Poor dad.  He has to explain the birds and the bees to someone with quadruple his IQ.

He probably thought he was done with this part of his job already.  I know I did.

You were good at it.

You think?

I feel well informed.

[The doorbell rings]

Well, I'm always available for brush ups.

Trust me, there's nothing to brush up for.

[Nicole smiles at Lori and squeezes her shoulder.

She goes to answer the front door and Declan is standing there.]



Is Lori around?

LORI [walking up]
Declan - hi.
Thanks, Mom.

You're welcome. [leaves]

Come in.
So, you're um. . .at my house.


In daylight. . .through the front door.

Who da thunk?


I didn't see you leave the pool.

Yeah, I had to bail.

Well, anyway, um, Hillary said you'd be home.

We still haven't covered the "why" part yet.

I thought you might wanna go to Preston's party on Friday.

Of course, everyone's going.

I meant, um. . .with me.

Oh. . .

All this back and forth, Trager - I'm sick of it. And I'm sorry for whatever I did to piss you off.  I think it's time we went out together - really went out.  But if you're not into it. . .

No, I'm into it.

Well, good.  So we'll go?


Cool. [starts to leave]
Oh, uh, do you want me to like, pick you up or somethin'?

I can meet you there.

Sounds like a plan.
Al'right.  Later Trager.


Josh's Room

[Josh and Kyle go into the room and Josh closes the door behind them.]

Okay, look.  I've been on the other side of that talk.  It ain't pretty.

He said when it happens again in front of people, I should think of something I don't like.

JOSH [pulls a box out from under his bed]
Totally.  I usually go with. . .zits and old people.  You?


[sits on end of the bed with the box in his lap; it is filled with Playpen magazines.]
You should know, there are other ways to handle the little problem.
Ta-da. [holds up his favorite Playpen]


No - Charlotte's mine, dude.  You are not ready for Charlotte.
[holds up another magazine]
Meet Ginger. [hands it to Kyle]

KYLE [opens magazine to the centerfold]
What do I do with it?

You look at it.

KYLE [flipping through the pictures]
Like at the pool - scope babes.

Except when you're here alone, you can lock your door and do. . .other things.

[Downstairs, the doorbell rings.  Lori answers it and this time it is Amanda.]

Is Kyle around?  I feel horrible about what happened today.

Straight back, other side of the kitchen.


[Amanda goes into Kyle's room.  He is not there and she starts looking around.  She sees the bathtub and then the drawings on his desk laid out in the pattern with the logo.  She picks one drawing up to look at it, but then she notices one of herself that was underneath it - then another drawing, and another.  A drawing of her playing the piano, several of her smiling, one of her looking out of her bedroom window...]

KYLE [coming up behind her]

[She turns around and looks down at Kyle's hand - he is holding the "Ginger" Playpen.  His eyes follow hers.]

I have to go.

[She quickly leaves the room, Kyle staring after her.]

Kitchen - The Next Morning

[Lori and Josh are fixing themselves something to eat.]

How'd you like to get out of watching Kyle for a couple hours every day?

I'm listening.

Well, I can make it happen - in exchange for Miss Pink Bikini's digits.

Are we still on that?

Are you interested or not?

Of course.

JOSH [Nicole walks in]
Hi, mom!

What do you want?

So. . .Lori and I were thinking, maybe we shouldn't bring Kyle to the pool today.  I mean, not after yesterday.

Because of the "incident?"

No - I was more worried about the whole drowning thing.

What drowning thing?

Kyle doesn't know how to swim.

Well, that's no reason he should miss out on goin' to the pool.  We should get him lessons.

That's a great idea.  They offer lessons down there.  Couple of hours every day, he'll be swimmin' in no time.

[Nicole smiles at Josh, pats his shoulder and leaves.  Lori and Josh exchange smiles.]


Amanda, your next lesson's here.


[She turns around and sees Kyle standing with Lori.  They both look worried.  She quickly turns back around again.]

She hates me.

Just don't hump her leg and you'll be fine. [Kyle gives her a confused look]

[She leaves Kyle there and goes over to a table where she sees Miss Pink Bikini talking with some friends.]

Hi, you're Ashley, right?

Yeah, hi.

Hi.  Can I talk to you for a second?


[Meeting up with Hillary outside the community center, Lori triumphantly holds up a piece of paper.]

Mission accomplished.  Ditched responsibility and paid off a debt, all at once.

[They start walking off together.]

You know, I'd happily give Kyle swimming lessons. I'd show him the breast stroke.

You're seriously grossing me out.

Okay, Prudie!

Please, I am so not a prude!

Yeah, just a virgin.

By a very minor technicality.  Besides, I decided you're. . .right about the sex thing.

You're kidding?

Well, it's not like I'm. . .waiting for true love, and the only reason I've held out this long is he hadn't done anything to deserve it.  But if he's finally stepping up. . .there's no reason why I shouldn't.


[Amanda and Kyle are in the shallow end of the pool and she is giving him his first swimming lesson.]

So. . .cup your hand and pull the water along with you.
[Kyle starts to move his arms like she showed him, but he is sinking, not swimming.]
You have to float!


Yeah, you know. [he looks confused]
You don't know.
Uh, here.
[Amanda pushes Kyle over and holds him with one hand on his stomach and one under his legs.]
See?  Let the water hold you up.

[Amanda keeps moving her hand on his stomach]

[He rolls out and sinks quickly to the bottom of pool - and stays there.]

Josh's Room

[Lori knocks then comes into the room and throws the piece of paper at Josh.]

Her name's Ashley Redmond.  She's your age.  Catholic school.
You better call now and get the humiliation over with.

Ha!  Sweet - thanks.

Whatever. [leaves]

JOSH [sits on the bed, picks up the phone and takes a deep breath]
[Ashley:  Hello?]
[He panics and hangs up the phone]
Oh, damn!!


VOICEOVER [Kyle is floating on his back with his goggles on]
Buoyancy.  Strokes.  Breathing.  It all made sense in theory.  Now it was time to put it into practice.
[He turns over and starts swimming underwater.

[Amanda is walking along the edge of the pool holding some towels and looking around for Kyle.]

AMANDA [to the other lifeguard]
Where'd he go?
[He points at the pool.  Kyle is swimming like a dolphin across the length of the pool.]

You must be a great teacher.

KYLE [swimming to the edge, he looks up and smiles at Amanda.]
[Amanda just smiles and looks amazed as he turns away and swims off again underwater in the other direction.

A little later, Kyle is drying himself off when Amanda walks up to him.]

Are you sure you've never been swimming before?


That's wasn't swimming, that was drowning.
[she looks at his stomach]
You don't, you don't have a belly button.


Why not?

I don't know.

AMANDA [walking together]
And you still don't remember anything about your life before?


But you can jump off tall buildings and swim like an Olympic champion.

Josh thinks I'm an alien.

AMANDA [laughs]
Or Superman.

You're not angry anymore.

I never was.  I just. . .thought your drawings were kinda weird.

KYLE [stops and looks at her]

There were a lot of me.

I, I draw everything exactly how I see it in my head.  But you're special.  I can't seem to get you right.

How come?

It seems like there's something missing.

My mom's gonna be out tomorrow afternoon.  Come by my house.  I wanna show you something.

Stephen and Nicole's Room

[Stephen is tying his shoes, getting ready to go jogging when Nicole comes in.]

Hey.  I spoke to Detective Breen again.

Did he have anything new about the logo?

Nothing.  The logo doesn't match any corporation on record.  And they haven't been able to decrypt the computerized strip on the key card.

Wow, that must be some sophisticated security system, whatever it's for.

Oh this worries me Stephen.  We have no idea what Kyle might have witnessed.

Well, you're doing what you can to help him remember.

Well, maybe now's not the best time to send him to school.

Oh, please tell me you're not letting that vice principal get to you.

Well, he's right.  I wanna protect Kyle, not thrust him into another traumatizing experience.

Don't you think he should try to live like a normal teenage boy?

I'd feel better if I believed he was normal.


[Tom comes into his apartment carrying a grocery bag.  He sees the Company Man sitting in a chair waiting for him.]


What are you doing here?

Something's been bothering me.  I thought we should have a little chat.
Your key card.  I ran it through the system to deactivate it.  The clearance code didn't match your assignment.


That's what I said.  Thought maybe it was a computer error.  And then I discovered that Kern was cleared to that level.
Interesting coincidence, him being missing and all.  I thought it might be a piece of information you might find worth something.  Something you might want me to keep quiet.

Get out.

Think about it. [He gets up to leave and takes a folder he had tucked in the chair.]
I have a feeling you don't want the Company to know what you've been up to.
[He holds up the folder in Tom's face.  Tom snatches it out of his hand.

When the man leaves, Tom opens the folder - it is Kyle's "Booked-in-the-Shelter" folder that he had stolen.  Turning around, Tom sees that his safe is open.  Angry, he slams the safe door shut.]

The Next Afternoon

[Kyle is playing with some keys on the piano waiting for Amanda.  She comes in carrying an artist's portfolio, lays it on top of the piano and opens it up.]

This is my dad's.  He was an artist, too.  Not for like a living, but. . .it was his thing.


He died last year.

He's what's missing.

Anyways, take a look.

[Kyle looks at a few of the paintings that her father drew.  He holds up one painting of moonlight swirling over an ocean against a dark blue sky.]

He saw this in his head?

Kind of.  Art is about drawing what you feel.  Not just what you see.

How do you draw a feeling?

It's like piano. [sits down and starts playing a few notes]
Right now I'm just playing notes.  But art is about putting your whole self into something.  Everything you feel.

KYLE [comes over and sits down next to her on the piano bench]
How do you feel?

Just listen.

[She closes her eyes and begins to play.  Sitting close to her, Kyle watches her - watches her playing what she feels.]

Kyle's Room - Later that Afternoon 

[Kyle is sitting at his desk creating a new drawing.]

I didn't know that I could make a picture of how I felt inside. . .but I really wanted to try.

[He puts down his chalk and pulls over the paint.  He picks the colors to express his feelings in his drawing - yellow, blue and green.  Using his fingers, he begins to paint...]

Josh's Room

[Josh is pacing back and forth; he takes a deep breath and picks up the phone.]

[Josh is trying to talk, but nothing is coming out]
Josh Trager?

Uh. . .hi?

I saw the caller ID.  Your sister said I would hear from you.

She did?

I'm totally psyched.

You are?

Are you going to Jeff Preston's party tonight?  I don't know him, but everyone goes, right?


Awesome.  So. . .see ya there.  [she hangs up]

[Josh looks like he can hardly believe what just happened.]

Lori's Room

[Lori is pulling a box of condoms out of her dresser drawer.  Right at that moment, her mother knocks on the door and starts to come in.  Lori shoves the box back into the drawer and shuts it, turning around.]

Wardrobe crisis?

The usual.

I love that red shirt you have.

Think I'm gonna go with the blue.

Josh wants to go to the party.  I know you have a date. . .

Date?  Mom. . .so ‘80s.

Okay.  Whatever you wanna call it.  Anyway, I was gonna say no, and he went into this whole sales pitch about how it's a rite of passage into high school.

He's sorta right.  But don't worry, it's chaperoned.  And I'll look out for him.  Unless he embarrasses me, in which case, I will kill him.

Thank you, Lori.
So this Declan.  Is he a good guy?

Hmmm, most of the time.

[That's all she will say, so Nicole leaves.  Lori goes back to her dresser, pulls out a couple of condoms and quickly puts them in her purse.]

Kyle's Room

JOSH [knocks and enters]
Kyle - you're comin' to the party.

I don't like parties.

You have to come.  Everyone goes.

Even Amanda?


Good, I have something for her.

Great.  Bring it.  Get dressed.

[Kyle looks happy about going to the party now.  He goes over to his desk and begins to roll up the painting he made for Amanda.

Stephen and Nicole are downstairs when the kids come down ready to leave for the party.]

LORI [walks up]
Bye guys.

JOSH [walks up]
Bye guys.

KYLE [walks up]
Bye guys.

Kyle, you're not going -- 

STEPHEN [intervenes]
Lori - see you at midnight.
And Kyle and Josh - 10:00 or you won't live to see 10:01.  [Kyle gives him a funny look]

But --  

Go ahead.  Have a good time.

[The three of them leave.  Nicole glares at Stephen and walks away.]


[Tom is sitting on his sofa and waiting.  There is a pounding on his door.  He gets up to open it and the Company Man is there.]

Let's get this over with.

COMPANY MAN [coming inside.  He walks across the room away from Tom.]
I thought you'd come around.  I underestimated you, Tom.  I never thought the quiet guy from work would be cra ---

[Tom quickly moves up behind the man, grabbing his chin from behind.  With a quick jerk, he breaks the man's neck, killing him instantly.]


[The three kids arrive at the party and start looking around inside.]

LORI [to a friend]


LORI [turning to face Josh and Kyle]
Remember the rules.  [to Josh] No drinking.  [to Kyle] No puking.  Out of here by 9:45.
[she turns and sees Declan motioning to her]
I'll be watching and I will narc.
[she leaves and goes over to Declan]

I don't see Ashley.

Or Amanda.

Should've known it was too good to be true.
Oh!  There she is!
[Takes a couple of deep breaths as Ashley walks up to him.]

Hi Josh.

Ashley...[his voices squeaks, so he clears his throat.  Kyle is watching him.]

I'm so glad you made it.   I don't know anyone here.  Come on.
[She takes his hand and leads him away.  Kyle is left standing there alone with his drawing.

Over at the bar...]

I like your shirt.

Thanks.  I was gong for naughty and  nice.

DECLAN [laughs]
It's working.

DECLAN [sees his friend]
Yo, Preston!

Oh hey, what's up guys?

Great party.

Yeah.  It'd be better if my parents weren't lurking.  But I hid a bunch of beer around the property, so help yourselves.

Thanks, man.

You know it. [leaves]

DECLAN [standing and taking Lori's hand]

Always. [they leave together]

[Outside, Ashley and Josh have discovered the heated jacuzzi in the backyard.]

ASHLEY [whispering]
Oh my God.  That's funny.

JOSH [looking at jacuzzi]
Ah, sweet.

I didn't bring a suit.

Damn, me neither.
[He starts to walk off, but stops when he sees Ashley start unbuttoning her jacket.]
What are you doing?

I don't wanna get my clothes wet. [Josh starts to look freaked out]
What are you doing?

Checking for the hidden cameras.

You're funny.

JOSH [nervous laugh]
It's my thing.

[In a more private spot, Lori and Declan are kissing] 

DECLAN [stops kissing her]
Right, sorry.

LORI [takes a sip of her beer]
Why are you sorry?

[Lori starts to walk off and Declan follows her.  She leads him into some trees and bushes; he looks around to make sure no one sees them and then goes in behind her.

Inside the house, Kyle is sitting by himself on the sofa.  All of a sudden, Hillary falls onto his lap.]

You're hot.

It's warm outside.

No, I mean hot hot.  Like smokin'.  [she cuddles up against him, but he doesn't seem to be enjoying it.]

[Out back, Josh and Ashley are sitting naked in the jacuzzi.]
Sister Mary Lourdes would definitely not approve.

What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

This is totally fun.  When I saw you at the pool the other day, I was hoping you'd come talk to me.

You were?

I thought you were cute.

You did?

Well, there aren't any other boys at my school to compare you to, but yeah.
[She moves closer to him, but at that moment, Jeff's parents show up.]

What the hell is going on?

Mr. and Mrs. Preston?

Get out of there right now.

MRS. PRESTON [to Ashley]
Honey, come on.
[They put a towel around her and Mrs. Preston leads her away]

Young man --  

I can't!!
Zits!  Old people!  Zits!  Old people!

I'm gonna count to three.  One -- two --  

[Josh splashes out of the jacuzzi buck-naked and takes off running.

Back in the bushes, Lori and Declan are straightening their clothes.] 

So. . .

LORI [extremely disappointed]
Yeah. . .

Um, was that your, uh. . .?

Yeah. . .yours?

No.  I mean, I haven't done it a ton, but it wasn't my first.
[awkward silence]
It. . .it gets better.

LORI [nods, then rolls her eyes off to the side]
Well, I'd better get back to the party.

[She leaves quickly and Declan is left there standing all alone for moment before he follows her inside.]

Back on the sofa...]

HILLARY [lying across Kyle's lap]
Everyone thinks I'm a slut just because of the 8th grade field trip to Tacoma.  But I just want a sweet guy to cuddle with.  Is that so wrong?
You feel nice.

Hillary made my body feel good, but just like the girls in Josh's magazines, something didn't feel right.  There was a piece missing.

[Lori comes in with Declan trailing behind her and sees Hillary on Kyle's lap.]

Hillary, get off of him.

Go away.

LORI [grabs Hillary's wrist and jerks her off the sofa]
God, you slut.


I told you to leave him alone.

What are you so worried I'll do?

Gee, I wonder.

HILLARY [angry]
Do you really think I'm such a super skeez?  You've held out on one thing and you act like the frickin' purity police.

That's not what I'm --  

I'm tired of it.
Poor Declan.  I never should have told him to ask you out.

LORI [turns around to Declan]

I told him you weren't going to put out anymore unless he stepped up.

That, that's - she didn't say it like that!
This is not what --   

Don't talk to me! [hurt, she walks away from him]

You two totally did it, didn't you? [Lori shakes her head with tears in her eyes]
Who knew after all this time, you'd be so easy? [she leaves]

[Lori looks at Declan, but just then Jeff shows up.]

Declan, man.  Dude, you've gotta come check this out.  It's totally hilarious.  Come here.

[Declan leaves with Jeff.  Hillary starts to cry and sits down on the sofa next to Kyle.  He puts his hand on the back of her shoulder to comfort her.]


[Nicole is sitting on the sofa typing on her laptop when Stephen comes in.]

Still in the non-speaking part of the evening?

NICOLE [heavy sigh]
How could you let him go to that party?

Well, we let Josh go and he's younger.

Well, I'm not worried about Josh being able to handle himself.

And I'm not worried about Kyle.

But he is --  

STEPHEN [sits down next to her]
Listen Nicole, we need to ease up on the reins just a little bit.  Kyle needs to get out there and experience life.  He needs to have it knock him around a little bit.

We took him in so we could protect him.

Not by keeping him in a bubble.
All right -- I realize that's he's your patient.

Yes.  But it's hard for me to stay clinical about him.

Well, of course it is.  So let's handle him like we handle Josh and Lori.  The reason they're well adjusted is because we treat them with respect.  We let ‘em go out there and make their mistakes, and they know we're here when they need us.  We need to give Kyle the same chance.

I hope you're right.

STEPHEN [kidding]
It had to happen some time.
[He smiles at her and she smiles back.]


[Kyle is walking around inside the house by himself.]

Everyone had arrived at the party with expectations.  None had been met the way we'd hoped.

[He opens the door to the bathroom and finds Josh sitting in there on the floor next to the toilet.]

What are you doing?


KYLE [looks out the door then back again]
From what?


[Just then Hillary rushes in]

Everybody out --   

[She begins to barf in the toilet.  Josh starts grossing out, but Kyle seems a little fascinated watching her.

Inside, Declan is shooting pool.  He looks up and exchanges glances with Lori who is sitting by herself on the sofa.  She sadly rolls her eyes up towards the ceiling then looks away from him.]

JEFF [to Declan]
So. . .you finally tapped that, huh?

No, man.  She's not like that. [he walks away and leaves Jeff standing there.]

[Kyle and Josh are back in the main room watching everyone.  Kyle turns and there is Amanda walking across the room.]

Seeing Amanda, I realized something.  I had been struggling to understand what my mind and body were trying to tell me.  And right then, I knew what it was.  Everything was working together, sending a message to my heart.

[Kyle starts walking up to Amanda.]

Kyle -- 

[Kyle starts to stay something to her, but at that moment, another guy shows up and beats him to it.]

Amanda.  There you are.


[They kiss each other.  Kyle is holding the painting he made for her, and now he hides it behind his back.]

Been waiting for you.

Oh Charlie, this is my neighbor, Kyle.
Kyle, this is Charlie, my boyfriend.

Hey, nice to meet you, man. [reaches out his hand to Kyle; they shake hands]

And now my heart was sending a message to the rest of my body -- pain.

[Kyle watches them together]

So you guys live across the street from each other.

Uh, next door, yeah, he just moved in.

Oh, cool.

[Lori and Josh are standing together watching Kyle's heart break.

Kyle walks outside and stands next to the edge of the swimming pool.  He looks down into the water.]

Life is a puzzle.  Every piece fits together to create who we are, what we do, how we feel.  Every experience shapes us into who we will eventually become.

[Back home, Nicole is looking again at the drawings that Kyle made of the woods and the logo.]

I began as a blank slate.  Maybe my hidden memories tell a different story.  Maybe I hold the key to a mystery even greater than that of my past.

[Lori and Josh come up to stand next to Kyle]

I'd been so eager to remember, to grow up and experience life, like Lori and Josh.  But in that one moment, I wish I could go back to that blank slate. . .

[He tosses Amanda's picture into the swimming pool.]

. . .when life was easier.

I think they wished for it, too.


Let's go home.

LORI [nodding]

[The three of them leave together. 

Kyle's feelings swirl around Amanda's face in the painting as it floats on the water in the pool.   A painting created not from his head, but from his heart.  It is a dream that didn't come true.]


 Ecrit par Titenoiset

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