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#107 : L'esprit d'équipe

Kyle rêve du professeur Kern qui est porté disparu. A-t-il été témoin de son meurtre? Nicole lui propose de se détendre un peu et c'est ainsi que Kyle se découvre un talent pour le basket. Charlie, impressionné par sa prestation lui demande de rejoindre l'équipe du lycée pour le championnat...



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Kyle got game

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L'esprit d'équipe

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Sneak peek (vo)

Sneak peek (vo)


Le coach parle (vf)

Le coach parle (vf)


Le match commence (vf)

Le match commence (vf)


Kyle défend Declan (vf)

Kyle défend Declan (vf)


Voix-off Kyle (vf)

Voix-off Kyle (vf)


Photos promo

Kyle avec le ballon de basket

Kyle avec le ballon de basket

Le coach (William Taylor) donne les derniers conseils aux joueurs

Le coach (William Taylor) donne les derniers conseils aux joueurs

Kyle avec son maillot de basket

Kyle avec son maillot de basket

Charlie (Cory Monteith), Kyle (Matt Dallas) et Declan (Chris Olivero) sur le banc

Charlie (Cory Monteith), Kyle (Matt Dallas) et Declan (Chris Olivero) sur le banc

Kyle et Charlie relèvent Declan après être tombé

Kyle et Charlie relèvent Declan après être tombé

Kyle et Charlie soutiennent Declan pour marcher

Kyle et Charlie soutiennent Declan pour marcher

Kyle (Matt Dallas) avec le ballon de basket

Kyle (Matt Dallas) avec le ballon de basket

Kyle dans l'équipe de basket du lycée

Kyle dans l'équipe de basket du lycée

Kyle lance le ballon à un autre joueur

Kyle lance le ballon à un autre joueur


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France (redif)
Vendredi 09.06.2017 à 19:50

Plus de détails

Scénario: Steven Lilien, Bryan Wynbrandt

Réalisation: Patrick Williams


  • Giacomo Baessato … Robbie
  • Jeff C. Ballard … Doug
  • William Taylor … Le coach
  • Chad Riley … Supporter
  • Marcus Sim … Ado
  • Jermaine Lopez … Joueuse
  • Ted Friend … Commentateur
  • Mi-Jung Lee … Présentateur TV
  • Darren Moore … Junkie
  • Ravel Boynton ... Joueur #1
  • Emmy Unaegbu ... Joueur #2

Chez les Trager.

Kyle fait des recherches sur Internet dans sa chambre, à propos du professeur Kern. Il a refait plusieurs dessins montrant ses souvenirs du professeur. Il lit des articles parlant de la disparition du professeur, de ses travaux pour Madacorp, et du squelette trouvé à Victor Falls, là où Kyle s’est réveillé.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il pense au professeur sans arrêt, et n’arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi il l’a vu en rêve, ni comment il a pu dessiner son visage s’il ne le connaissait pas. Il se demande aussi s’il est mort.

Nicole entre dans sa chambre. Elle lui dit qu’il doit arrêter de s’inquiéter au sujet de cette histoire, et que la police n’a toujours pas identifiée les os trouvés à Victor Falls. Elle lui suggère d’aller jouer au basket dehors avec Josh et ses amis. Kyle lui donne son ordinateur, et s’en va. Elle reste regarder les articles que Kyle était entrain de lire.

Dehors devant la maison.

Kyle se concentre sur le panier de basket, le ballon dans les mains. Tout le monde le regarde.

(Voix off de Kyle) Nicole a raison, ça lui fait du bien de jouer au basket, car ça lui change les idées.

Il lance le ballon et marque. Tout le monde est bluffé car il n’a pas manqué un seul panier depuis le début. L’un des amis de Josh lui dit qu’il est bon mais que dans les lancés francs, et Josh suggère à Kyle de reculer. Le garçon s’exécute, lance, et marque une nouvelle fois. Charlie, le petit-ami d’Amanda arrive alors, et le félicite pour son tir. Josh en rajoute une couche en lui disant qu’il ne rate jamais aucun panier, et il demande à Kyle de faire un tir d’enfer.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il essaye de calculer toutes les données, comme les angles, les distances, mais il a du mal à calculer la variante du vent, jusqu’à ce qu’il aperçoive la girouette sur le toit de la maison, pour lui indiquer le sens du vent.

Kyle lance alors le ballon, qui rebondit contre un poteau, puis sur le toit, avant de finir sa course dans le panier. Personne n’arrive à y croire, et Charlie le félicite une nouvelle fois, impressionné. Il lui demande s’il a déjà pensé à jouer dans une équipe. C’est alors qu’arrive Amanda, et Charlie lui dit que Kyle est un tireur exceptionnel. Il lui demande de venir au gymnase le lendemain, pour passer un test avec l’équipe du lycée dont il fait partie. Il lui dit qu’il parlera à leur entraineur pour lui parler de Kyle, même si c’est la fin de la saison des matchs et que le seul match qui reste est la finale. Puis Charlie et Amanda s’en vont, et Josh demande à Kyle de refaire le même coup. Mais Kyle est déconcentré à cause d’Amanda, qu’il regarde partir, et il manque le panier.

Chez les Trager.

Le lendemain matin, Kyle s’est préparé pour aller à l’entrainement de basket. Josh se moque de son accoutrement, et il l’aide à être un peu plus présentable, et surtout plus cool. Puis Josh lui dit qu’il n’y a pas que le look qui compte, il faut aussi qu’il sache parler l’argot et le vocabulaire des autres joueurs. Il lui conseille de crier des trucs comme « Bonjour la gloire, qui c’est qui fait des trucs de ouf » quand il marque un panier.


Dans la cuisine, Kyle vide un paquet de bonbons acidulés dans un bol en guise de petit déjeuner, ce qui dégoûte Lori. Nicole lui demande s’il est prêt à épater tout le monde en voyant comment il est habillé, et Stephen se remémore les moments de sa jeunesse quand il faisait partie de l’équipe du lycée, et comment son équipe était synchro pendant les matches, comme s’ils n’avaient qu’un seul cerveau. Lori se moque de lui en faisant remarquer qu’un cerveau pour cinq joueurs, s’est surement juste. Mais Stephen continu son histoire, et surtout un match pendant lequel ils étaient menés par un point, et là Josh lui coupe la parole et raconte qu’il a marqué juste avec la sonnerie le point de la victoire. Il est lassé que son père raconte toujours la même histoire. Nicole demande à Lori d’emmener Kyle au lycée, et elle s’en va à sa consultation, non sans dire à Kyle que ce qui compte c’est de faire de son mieux.

Au gymnase.

L’entrainement à déjà commencé. Kyle regarde les joueurs faire des passes. Declan et Charlie sont déjà là, et Charlie vient lui dire bonjour. Declan est entrain de parler avec Hillary quand il voit Lori. Il l’appelle, et elle lui dit qu’elle est juste venue emmener Kyle, pour qu’il passe des essais. Declan n’était pas au courant, et il part voir Charlie et leur entraineur. Les deux filles restent donc seules, et Hillary lui dit que puisqu’elle a rompu avec Declan, elle a le droit de tenter sa chance. Elles sont encore fâchées. Hillary s’en va, en regardant Lori d’an air provocant.


Declan court après Charlie, et lui dit qu’ils ne peuvent pas recruter Kyle maintenant, et Charlie lui demande s’il l’a déjà vu tirer un panier. Ils vont voir l’entraineur, qui refuse naturellement d’intégrer un nouveau joueur dans l’équipe juste une semaine avant la finale. Charlie insiste pour qu’il le regarde au moins tirer, et Declan s’énerve après lui. Mais ils entendent des cris de surprises dans le gymnase, et ils voient alors Kyle tirer des paniers depuis le centre du terrain, sans en manquer un seul, et les autres joueurs qui n’en reviennent pas. L’entraineur n’en croit pas ses yeux.

Chez les Trager.

Stephen est surprit mais très content d’apprendre que Kyle a intégré l’équipe, et que son premier match sera la finale du championnat inter-campus. Josh mange sa pizza dans son coin, et il leur dit de ne pas en faire tout un plat parce que ce n’est qu’un jeu. Stephen lui dit que c’est plus que ça, mais Nicole est du même avis que son fils, et Stephen finit par lui dire que le plus important c’est de s’amuser.


Stephen rejoint Nicole dans le salon avec deux verres de vin à la main, et il lui dit qu’il se rend compte que Kyle n’est dans l’équipe que depuis 24h et qu’il se comporte déjà comme un père insupportable. Elle lui dit qu’il ne faut pas que Kyle subisse trop de pression et Stephen lui promet de refreiner son enthousiasme. Elle lui parle ensuite de ses recherches sur le professeur Kern, et que tous ses travaux avaient un rapport avec le cerveau, et comment optimiser son potentiel. Ca pourrait avoir un rapport avec Kyle qui a un QI très supérieur à la moyenne. Elle pense donc logiquement que Kyle aurait pu travailler avec lui, et que Kyle ai été témoin de son meurtre.

Chez Tom Foss.

Tom écoute toute la conversation de Stephen et Nicole grâce à la caméra cachée placée dans le salon. Il reçoit un coup de téléphone, et son interlocuteur est inquiet car Kern fait la une des journaux. Tom lui dit qu’il a un plan, et il raccroche pour écouter la suite de la conversation des Trager.

Au gymnase.

Kyle commence son premier entrainement dans l’équipe du lycée.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il aime bien la logique simple du basket. Mais c’est une expérience bizarre pour lui de jouer alors que quelqu’un essaye de l’empêcher de tirer.

Declan est en face de lui, prêt à l’empêcher de marquer son panier. Kyle s’élance, mais Declan le contre. Kyle tombe, et regarde Declan de travers. Charlie défend Kyle en accusant Declan d’y avoir été trop fort, et il l’aide à se relever. Declan rétorque qu’ils n’ont plus qu’une semaine avant la finale, et qu’il a besoin de cours accélérés. L’entraineur les regarde, l’air insatisfait.

Dehors dans la cours du bahu, Josh raconte à ses amis qu’avec Kyle dans l’équipe, les Bisons vont battre à coup sûr les Lancers. Mais ses amis n’ont pas autant confiance que lui dans les capacités de Kyle. Josh repère alors un bookmaker qui prendre des paris sur le match pas loin d’eux, et il demande alors à ses amis s’ils veulent parier sur le match. Il commence alors à ramasser l’argent des paris.

Chez les Trager.

Le soir, Josh rapporte pleins de livres sur le basket à Kyle, qui regarde déjà des anciens matches de NBA à la télé. Kyle lui demande qui est Michael Jordan, et Josh réplique qu’il vient forcément d’une autre planète pour poser ce genre de question. On sonne plusieurs fois à la porte, jusqu’à ce que Lori crie à son frère d’aller ouvrir.

C’est Declan et Charlie qui viennent voir Kyle. Josh ajoute ironiquement qu’il ignorait que Lori s’en faisait deux à la fois, mais ça ne fait rire que lui. Il en profite quand même pour leur demander leur avis sur la finale, et les deux garçons lui assurent que les Lancers vont perdre. Lori aperçoit Declan du haut de l’escalier, et elle se dépêche d’aller se changer.

Charlie dit à Kyle qu’il est juste venu lui déposer un manuel de la part de leur entraineur, et il se tourne ensuite vers Declan, qui finit par présenter des excuses à Kyle à cause de son comportement. Mais Kyle ne lui en veut pas. Declan lui explique que cette finale est très importante pour eux, et Lori redescend à ce moment, en faisant comme si elle ne savait pas qu’ils étaient venus. Elle demande à Declan de venir lui tenir compagnie dans la cuisine. Charlie remarque alors tous les livres de basket qui entoure Kyle, et il lui dit qu’il n’y a rien de mieux que de faire partie d’une équipe, de s’avoir que quoiqu’il arrive, ses coéquipiers sont derrière lui.


Dans la cuisine, Declan annonce à Lori que le juge lui a collé 50 heures de travaux d’intérêt général (pour son délit de fuite), puis il lui demande si elle compte venir au match. Elle lui sert une citronnade, et lui dit qu’elle est une ardente supporter de leur équipe, et qu’elle adore le regarder jouer. Ils s’amusent à se tourner autour, jusqu’à ce que la sonnerie de la porte d’entrée retentisse à nouveau. Lori va ouvrir et découvre Hillary, qui est venu voir Declan car elle a vu sa voiture en passant dans la rue. Lori lui demande cyniquement si elle le surveille, et Hillary réplique que ça c’est sa spécialité. Declan leur demande alors à toutes les deux de se calmer et de se réconcilier, et Hillary lui demande s’il préfère passer la soirée avec elle ou avec « cette pimbêche » de Trager. Charlie arrive au secours de son ami, et les deux garçons s’en vont, pour le plus grand soulagement de Declan. Lori claque la porte au nez de son ex-meilleure amie.

Chez Tom Foss.

Tom continu d’observer Kyle, qui se trouve dans sa chambre à jouer avec son ballon de basket. Il remplit une seringue avec un liquide, et on voit qu’il a aussi récupéré un portefeuille et une arme.

Au gymnase.
(Voix off de Kyle) Il repense à sa discussion avec Charlie, et souhaite être admis dans l’équipe comme l’un des leurs. Et pour ça, il a lu dans les livres que Josh lui a donné qu’une action était la plus admirée de toute, le Air Jordan.

Kyle prend un ballon et se prépare à faire un Air Jordan, alors que tout le monde le regarde. Il s’élance et marque un superbe panier. Tous les autres joueurs de l’équipe le félicite et Kyle crie l’une des phrases que Josh lui a apprise : « Bonjour la gloire, qui c’est qui fait des trucs de ouf ! » Declan est jaloux de la popularité de Kyle, et il s’élance à son tour pour faire un panier qui en met plein la vue. Mais il rate son coup et tombe sur sa cheville, déjà blessée. Charlie lui conseille de ne pas continuer l’entrainement, mais Declan refuse car l’entraineur le recalerait pour le match. Kyle ne comprend pas pourquoi, mais il n’a pas le temps d’avoir des explications car leur coach arrive et l’entrainement commence.


Dans la cours du lycée Josh continu de prendre des paris, et les enjeux sont de plus en plus chers.


Lori vient chercher Kyle à la fin de son entrainement, et lui demande s’il est prêt pour la NBA. Kyle répond qu’il n’est pas assez grand, et Lori remarque alors Hillary qui tourne encore autour de Declan. C’est évident que la jeune fille fait exprès de parler avec lui juste pour énerver Lori. Kyle lui fait remarque que ça marche, et Lori se dirige d’un pas décidé vers les deux autres. Elle se place juste entre eux deux, en bousculant bien Hillary au passage, et elle invite Declan à sortir pendant le week-end. Elle s’en va, et Kyle tire un dernier panier avant de partir. Hillary se retrouve comme une idiote.

Quelque part dans une allée macabre.

Tom s’arrête à la hauteur d’un junkie dans une ruelle mal famée. Il lui propose de se faire de l’argent facile, et lui dit de monter dans sa voiture. Le mec s’exécute, et Tom redémarre.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole rentre du travail, et Stephen lui annonce qu’ils ne sont que tous les deux pour la soirée. Elle s’installe à coté de lui sur le canapé devant la télé. Ils sont consternés d’apprendre par la journaliste que les restes retrouvés à Victor Falls ont été identifiés comme étant ceux du professeur William Kern.


Le lendemain matin, Nicole essaye de joindre l’inspecteur Breen, mais la standardiste ne peut pas le déranger. Stephen tente de la rassurer, en lui disant que si la police avait pu établir une relation entre Kern et Kyle, Breen les aurait prévenus. Pourtant Nicole est persuadée qu’il y a un lien entre les deux, car Kyle a dessiné son visage, donc il le connaissait forcément. Ils décident de ne pas en parler à Kyle, qui est déjà très excité par son match.


Dans la cuisine, Josh s’occupe de préparer le petit-déjeuner de Kyle, à base d’orange pour qu’il fasse le pleins de vitamine. Il lui dit d’un air grave que tous ses paniers vont compter aujourd’hui, et qu’il ne doit pas le décevoir. Sa mère lui dit de ne pas lui mettre la pression. Toute la famille va assister au match, et Josh est de plus en plus inquiet à cause de son trafic illégal.

Au gymnase.

Les supporters arrivent, et tout le gymnase est en ébullition. L’animateur fait entrer les Lancers et les Bisons sur le terrain, sous les applaudissements du public. Dans les gradins, Josh ne semble pas être content que son père soit autant excité par ce match. De son coté, Lori continu de provoquer Hillary, et Amanda vient s’assoir à coté d’elle.


Le coach commence son speech.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il ne comprend pas pourquoi l’entraineur cri, ni pourquoi il répétait toutes ses fins de phrases deux fois.

Le coach motive ses joueurs, il leur dit que les Lancers sont imbattus, mais pas cette année. Il ajoute que sa grand-mère joue mieux que les Lancers en défense.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il n’a pas comprit le sarcasme de l’entraineur, et trouve dommage que sa grand-mère ne joue pas avec eux.

Il ajoute pour finir qu’ils doivent se débrouiller pour permettre à Kyle de marquer, et les joueurs s’élancent sur le terrain.


Dans le public, Josh se fait charrier par ses amis car il devra beaucoup d’argent si les Bisons perdent le match.

Lori demande à Amanda ce qu’elle écrit dans son carnet, et la jeune fille lui répond qu’elle note les statistiques pour Charlie. Lori lui avoue alors qu’elle n’aime pas le basket, et quand Amanda lui demande ce qu’elle fait là, Lori se contente de regarder Hillary.


Le match commence, et Kyle marque dès le début du jeu un panier spectaculaire.

(Voix off de Kyle) L’explosion de joie des supporters des Bisons fait monter son adrénaline. Il attendait beaucoup de ce match, et il est comblé.

Le match continu. Les Bisons sont bien partis, Kyle enchaine les paniers, jusqu’au moment où l’un des Lancers lui prend le ballon. Kyle est déstabilisé, et l’entraineur commence à lui crier dessus. Ses coéquipiers aussi lui font des remarques quand il manque une passe. C’est les dernières minutes de jeu, et les Lancers remontent. La pression est de plus en plus forte.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il essayait de faire de son mieux, mais il regarde Stephen dans le public qui a perdu son sourire, et il pense que même lui est déçu par ce qu’il fait. Tout ce qu’il aimait dans le basket commençait à disparaitre petit à petit.

Alors qu’il s’apprête à marquer, Declan est poussé et il tombe à nouveau sur sa cheville blessée. Il n’arrive plus à marcher. Le coach demande un temps mort. L’entraineur demande alors à Declan de faire un effort et de retourner sur le terrain. Le garçon lui dit qu’il ne peut pas, et l’entraineur lui dit que s’il n’y retourne pas, il est viré de l’équipe.

(Voix off de Kyle) Il n’arrive pas à croire que le coach demande à truc pareil à Declan alors qu’il est blessé. C’est comme si l’envie de gagné obscurcissait tout.

Declan tente tant bien que mal de se relever, mais il ne peut vraiment pas. L’entraineur décide alors que Kyle prendra la place de Declan. Ce dernier est abattu, mais il ne peut rien faire. A sa grande surprise, Kyle refuse alors, et il prétexte que lui aussi il s’est fait mal. Et il s’assoie à coté de Declan. Le garçon le regarde reconnaissant. L’entraineur lui dit qu’il est aussi viré de l’équipe, et il demande à Charlie de prendre leur place. Charlie refuse aussi, et tout le reste de l’équipe les suit. L’entraineur s’énerve, hurle dans tous les sens, et s’en va. L’arbitre sifle la fin du jeu, les Lancers ont gagné par forfait.

Dans le public tout le monde se demande ce qu’il se passe. Josh n’en croit pas ses yeux et commence à être vraiment inquiet à cause des paris et de l’argent en jeu.

Au commissariat.

Nicole s’est déplacée pour enfin voir l’inspecteur Breen. Il lui dit qu’elle n’avait pas à être au courant des informations confidentielles de la police, et elle réplique que Kyle est concerné par tout ce qui est lié au professeur Kern. Il lui dit alors qu’ils ont interrogé toutes les personnes ayant travaillé avec le professeur, et qu’aucunes d’elles n’ont reconnu Kyle. Il lui montre alors le dossier d’un homme qui a été retrouvé mort la nuit précédente, d’une overdose, et qu’il y avait le portefeuille de Kern dans sa veste, ainsi que l’arme qui a servie à tuer Kern. Le dossier sur le professeur Kern est donc clos. L’homme du dossier est celui qui est monté dans la voiture de Tom Foss.

Chez les Trager.

Nicole avoue tout ce qu’elle sait sur le professeur Kern à Kyle, qui ne tient pas en place. Elle lui assure qu’ils vont quand même essayer de trouver des réponses, et Kyle s’énerve, en lui disant qu’à chaque fois qu’ils cherchent des réponses, ils trouvent de nouvelles questions.

Chez Tom Foss.

Il écoute Kyle et Nicole discuter. Kyle est très frustré par ces nouvelles révélations.

Chez les Trager.

Josh est en colère contre Kyle car il a déclaré forfait avec l’équipe. Le téléphone sonne, et Josh tente de le prendre avant son père mais trop tard, Stephen répond. C’est pour Josh, mais il ne veut pas prendre l’appel. Stephen lui demande ce qui se passe car plusieurs élèves du lycée ont appelés dans la matinée. Josh lui avoue qu’il a prit des paris, et qu’il ne peut pas rembourser l’argent car il a déjà tout dépensé. Stephen n’arrive pas à y croire, et Josh se met en colère contre lui. Il lui dit que de toute façon il en a rien à faire de son fils, que tout ce qui l’intéresse c’est Kyle parce qu’il est dans une équipe, et pas lui, et qu’il l’a jamais soutenu comme il l’a fait pour Kyle. Stephen lui assure qu’il est le fils qu’il a toujours rêvé d’avoir. Josh lui demande alors s’il peut lui prêter l’argent, et son père refuse. Il lui dit qu’il n’a qu’à vendre ses jeux vidéo.

A la salle de sport.

Lori est venue voir Hillary qui fait de l’exercice. Elle lui dit qu’elle ne se battra pas pour avoir Declan. Hillary lui avoue alors qu’elle n’en a rien à faire, qu’elle faisait ça juste pour se venger de l’humiliation que Lori lui avait fait à la soirée de Preston, et aussi parce que tant qu’elles continuaient de se disputer, elles continuaient de se parler. Les deux filles finissent par se réconcilier.

Chez les Trager.

Kyle est tout seul dans l’allée, à marquer des paniers. Declan arrive alors, avec des béquilles. Il lui dit merci pour se qu’il a fait pendant le match, et lui dit que s’il avait continué à jouer, il aurait pu avoir de grave problème au pied. Kyle s’en veut de leur avoir fait perdre le championnat, et Declan le rassure en lui disant que c’était une décision d’équipe, et que de toute façon il y aura d’autres championnats. Mais Kyle ne veut plus faire parti d’une équipe. Declan lui propose alors de faire une partie à un contre un, et ils commencent à jouer.

(Voix off de Kyle) Ils avaient peut-être perdu de championnat, mais Kyle avait gagné l’amitié de Declan, et il savait qu’il avait désormais des amis qui le soutenaient. Les liens que nous formons avec les autres nous aide à surmonter nos échecs.

On voit Josh sur le pas de la porte, qui rembourse ses amis et les personnes dont il avait pris les paris. Puis on voit Lori et Hillary en grande discussion dans la chambre de Lori. Et enfin, on voit Nicole faire des recherches sur Internet sur les rêves prémonitoires.

Le soir Kyle est entrain de dormir dans sa chambre. Il refait encore le rêve au sujet du professeur Kern, sauf que cette fois il voit clairement le professeur se disputer et se battre avec quelqu’un, et il voit Tom Foss tuer Kern. Kyle se réveille en sursaut.

Ecrit par blackrose

Kyle's Room

[Kyle is sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of his bathtub with a laptop and his drawings of Professor Kern.  He is reading stories on the internet from the Seattle Courier about the Professor:  "Kern Named UW Professor of the Year"; "Local Professor Awarded Madacorp Grant"; "UW Professor Still Missing"; "Hikers Find Remains Near Victor Falls."]

He was all I could think about.  I couldn't understand why or how he'd been in my dream.  Or how I could draw his face if I didn't know him.  Was he dead?  Or was the Professor still missing - like me?

NICOLE [comes in]
Kyle.  Hey.
[sits on edge of tub and sighs] We talked about this.  It's not good for you to keep obsessing.

Have you heard from Detective Breen?

No, the police still don't know if those remains were Professor Kern's.  And the more you think about this, the more it will agitate you, so let's just wait for the test results and we'll...we'll deal with it then.  Josh is outside with some of his buddies.  Why don't you go take a few shots?  Show ‘em how it's done.

[Kyle hands her the laptop, gets up and starts to walk out the door.  He pauses for a moment to look at her before leaving.  She looks at the last article about the Professor and sighs.]

The Backyard

[Josh and a bunch of his friends are in the back driveway watching Kyle.  He is holding a basketball and getting ready to shoot.]

Nicole was right.  Basketball was a welcome distraction.  It took me out of my head and into a zone where nothing mattered but the ball and the hoop.

[He shoots and makes the basket.  Everyone is seriously impressed.]

JOSH [grabs the ball]
That's 10 for 10.

The guy doesn't miss.

Yeah, at free throws maybe.

Yeah?  Kyle, back up.  Make some 3-pointers.

[Josh tosses him the ball and Kyle backs up to almost the end of the drive.  He shoots and sinks another basket.]

Oh my God!

CHARLIE [has been watching; comes up to Kyle]
Sweet shot.

JOSH [to Charlie]
That's nothin'.  He nails it every time.

Oh yeah?

Show him, Kyle.  And spice it up a little. [throws him the ball]

VOICEOVER [looking around him and up at a weathervane]
I tried to calculate all the data.  But one variable was hard to determine.  Then I found a solution.

[With one hand, Kyle throws the ball at a telephone pole.  The ball bounces off the pole onto the roof of a shed, bounces off the roof and into the basket.]

CHARLIE [gesturing]
Oh, that was insane!  How'd you do that?

Angle, trajectory, velocity, wind.

CHARLIE [very excited]
And all this time, I've been chuckin' a ball through a hoop.  You ever think about joining a team?

AMANDA [walks up and joins them]
There you are.

CHARLIE [puts his arm around her]
Hey you.

How ya doin', Kyle?

KYLE [watching only her]

We got a sweet shooter here.

We do?

Oh yeah.  Seriously, Kyle, you gotta come by the Rec Center tomorrow and try out for the team.

This late in the season?  You're already in the final.

And with Kyle hittin' these 3-pointers, it could make all the difference.  I'll talk to Coach about you.

Well, if anyone can make it happen, it's Charlie.

KYLE [looking at Amanda]
Okay, I'll try.

Cool.  I'll see ya then.

AMANDA [touches his wrist]
Bye, Kyle.

Kyle!  Line it up! [tosses Kyle the ball]

Man, there's no way he can do it again.

[Kyle is holding the basketball, but he's watching Charlie and Amanda walk away together holding hands.  He looks very sad.]

Kyle - shoot!

[Half-heartedly, Kyle bounces the ball off the roof again, but it only hits the rim of the basket and bounces off.  Josh looks at him disappointed, but Kyle is only watching Amanda.]

Kyle's Room - the Next Morning

[Josh is walking around Kyle checking him out.  Kyle has tried to dress like a baller, but he's got it all wrong - he looks like a dork.  Josh laughs at him.]


You gotta look cool playin' ball, Kyle.

KYLE [looks in the mirror]
I don't?

How do I put this?  NO.  Lemme show ya. 

[Josh rearranges Kyle's look.  He pulls up his wristbands.  He tries to yank down Kyle's shorts, but almost pulls them off.  Kyle grabs them and laughs.  Josh pulls down Kyle's socks and then gives him a sweatband to wear around his head.  He looks worse.]

See?  Now you're a real baller.  But you can't just look the part.  You gotta talk the talk.  Speak the lingo.


Yeah, the slang, dude.  Like when ya dunk, you gotta scream, "Booyah!  That's the kizzle dizzle!"

What's the kizzle dizzle?

You are.  Trust me, Kyle.  I know what I'm talkin' about. [leaves]

[Kyle smiles at himself in the mirror.  He's the kizzle-dizzle!]

The Kitchen 

[The family is busy in the kitchen making breakfast.  Sitting at the table with Lori, Kyle adds a pile of SPKs on top of his cereal, covers it all with milk and starts to eat it.  Watching him, Lori grosses a little.]

Wow, Kyle, you look like a pro.

Ready for action?

I think so.

I remember when I played.  Out there on the court, you get that rhythm goin', the whole team movin' like they share one brain.

So five jocks equals one brain - that sounds about right.

STEPHEN [acting out the scene]
Anyway, I remember one game.  Down by one, five seconds left, I steal the ball, dribble down the court and --  

JOSH [interrupting]
Swish!  The game-winning shot at the buzzer.  Yeah, yeah. . .

Thanks, Josh.  Can you spoil it for Kyle?

Don't worry.  I'm sure you'll tell it a hundred more times.

Lori, could you drop Kyle off today?

LORI [smiling at Kyle]
What am I, your chauffeur now?

I'm late for a consultation, okay?  Enjoy your morning. [kisses Stephen on cheek]

Thank you.  Don't be long.

Bye guys.  Kyle, good luck today, okay?  And remember, as long as you give it your best, you can't lose.

"Words to Live By," by Nicole Trager.

NICOLE [specifically to Josh]


[Lori and Kyle walk into the gym where the Bison are practicing for the championship game.]

Here ya go. [Kyle doesn't say anything]
You're welcome.

VOICEOVER [watching the team]
They tossed the ball in a symphony of lines, curves and angles.

CHARLIE [comes over]
Kyle, whassup dawg? [Kyle looks confused]
That means "Hey, how are you?"


So you made it.

Can I play?

CHARLIE [takes headband off of Kyle]
First just. . .first, lose this.  Better.  Come on, I'll show ya around. [claps him on the back]

DECLAN [shouts from across gym; he is standing with Hillary]

LORI [coming over]

What'd ya doin' here?

HILLARY [being bitchy]
Yes - what are you?

Brought Kyle to practice.

Kyle?  What for?

Charlie wants him on the team.

DECLAN [looks upset]
What the hell is he thinking? [leaves to talk to Charlie]

LORI [to Hillary]
So, are we doing the ignoring thing now or just shooting nasty looks?  I just want to be clear.

Don't flatter yourself.  I don't waste my time worrying about you -- 

LORI [interrupting]
You don't waste any time at all, do you?

You and Declan crashed and burned.  He's fair game.

Oh yeah, I am so sure you're concerned with the fairness of it all.

I see what I want and I go get it.  I don't hold out my whole life and then finally go through with it. . .and completely mess it up.

[She grabs her workout bag and leaves.  Going through the door, she turns to give Lori a dirty look.  Lori is getting more frustrated with this feud.]

DECLAN [walking with Charlie to the Coach's office]
Dude, we can't add Kyle now.

Why not?

For one thing, the guy doesn't know his ass from his forehead.

Well, have you ever seen him shoot?

Upstairs in Coach's Office

Tanner, we can't pick up a new player a week before the final.

That's what I said.

Coach, the guy hits nothing but net every time.

The team is perfectly balanced.  We're up against the Lancers.  I can't have some unknown coming in to disrupt everything.

At least watch him shoot.

DECLAN [raises his voice; upset]
Man, why are you pushing this?!

Because I wanna win.  What, are you afraid he's gonna steal your thunder?

Him and me, one-on-one right now.

Enough! It's too late to change the roster.

But Kyle's new in town.  I bet the League will make an exception. [Declan rolls his eyes]

[They hear cheering down in the gym and go over to the window to see what is happening.  Kyle is throwing a basketball into hoops around the court and making every single one.  The team is yelling and cheering for him.  Kyle is smiling at the reaction he is getting from the rest of the guys.]

Where did you say this kid comes from, Tanner?

CHARLIE [smiling; Declan looks glum]
Does it matter?

Kitchen - Early that Evening

[In the kitchen, the family is grabbing pizza and sodas and talking about the game.]

Kyle's on the team?

Yeah.  And he practically made every shot.

STEPHEN [happy laughter]
That's fantastic! [Josh makes a face]

Kyle, this could be such a great experience for you.

When's the game?

Next Sunday.  It's the championship.

You're playing in the final?  Against who?

I don't know.

The Lancers.  Apparently they've won the past two years and Kyle's team is gunning for them.  It's testosterone overload.

It's just a game.

It's not just a game, it's a championship and Kyle is their secret weapon. [Josh watches how excited his dad is about Kyle playing in the final.]

KYLE [frowning]

STEPHEN [chewing pizza]

NICOLE [gives Stephen a "look"]
Kyle, it's just a game.

Absolutely.  It's just all about fun.

Later - in the Living Room

[Nicole is sitting at the desk looking at the computer.  Now she is reading stories about the Professor; specifically, the article about his grant from Madacorp.  Stephen comes in with a glass of wine for each of them and sits on the edge of the desk.]

STEPHEN [sighs]
I know, I know, he's on the team one day and I turn into one of those obnoxious fathers.

NICOLE [takes wine]
Thanks.  I just don't wanna put any pressure on him.  He needs to ease into new social situations.

I'll root him on quietly.

I've been reading about Professor Kern.

Well, hon, we still don't know if there's a connection.

I know.

Did you find anything?

Most of his research is about the brain.  Maximizing it's potential.

I know what you're thinking.

We've seen what Kyle can do.  Maybe Professor Kern was his teacher.  And if Kyle witnessed his murder --  

Hon, you're drawing conclusions before there's any real evidence.

Look, Kyle drew that picture of Kern before he knew Kern was missing.  And if that skeleton found in the woods turns out to be Kern's, you can't tell me that's just a coincidence.

[They continue talking about Kyle, unaware that someone is watching them on a hidden camera and can also hear everything they say.]


[Nicole and Stephen continue talking about Kyle while Tom watches them from his monitors.]
If Kyle's around 16, why would a college professor be teaching him?

Maybe Kyle. . .

[Tom's cell phone rings.]

This is Foss.

Kern was in the news again.  The police are gonna start making connections.

I told you they won't.  I got a plan. [hangs up]

The Next Day

[Kyle is standing in front of the team dribbling the ball.  They are going to try and stop him.  Declan is in front waiting for Kyle and eggs him on.]

I enjoyed the simple logic of the game.  But having someone try to prevent me from making a basket was a totally new experience.

[Kyle tries to get past Declan, but he smacks the ball away, knocking him down on his butt.  Kyle sits on the court looking up at Declan.]

CHARLIE [to Declan]
Hey!  You totally hacked him.

Oh, what are you, his personal ref?

CHARLIE [irritated]
He's still learnin' the game, man.

He only has a week.  He needs a crash course. [laughs and runs off]

CHARLIE [holds out his hand to Kyle]
You okay?

KYLE [takes Charlie's hand and gets up]
I don't think Declan wants me on the team.

He gets a little intense.  Hang in there.  You're doin' good. [claps him on the back and they run back to the other players.]

Outside the Gym

[Josh and his two friends are watching practice through a window.]

Now that Kyle's on the team, the Bison are gonna wipe the floor with the Lancers.

I don't know, dude.  I mean, it's one thing to score in your backyard, but the Lancers got killer defense.

Well, I'm a believer.

Dude, trust me, they'll double-team him.

That won't stop Kyle. [he looks over and sees some older boys making bets]
[to his friends]  Wanna bet?

Sure, put me in for five.

Dude, put me down for a Hamilton.

JOSH [realizing the potential]

The Living Room - That Evening

[Kyle is sitting on the coffee table watching a basketball game on TV.  Josh comes in with a stack of books and hands one to him.]

Here's everything you need to know about the game.  A few hundred pages should take you - five minutes.

KYLE [looking through the book]
Who's Michael Jordan?

JOSH [looks up at the ceiling]
Hh!  Yeah, you're not from a different planet.  He's only the greatest basketball player ever.

Ever? [the doorbell rings]

JOSH [sits on the couch]
Look, if you're gonna play, you gotta learn from the best.  Read these.
[The doorbell rings again.  Josh ignores it and puts the rest of the books on the table.]
They'll make you unbeatable.

LORI [yelling from upstairs]
Josh, get the door!

JOSH [yelling back]
I'm not your butler!

Just answer it, you little creep!

[Josh makes a disgusted noise and gets off the couch to go answer the front door.  Declan and Charlie are standing there.]

Whoa.  I didn't know Lori could handle two at once.

Ha, ha, very funny.  Now get out of my way.  [they come inside.]

Is Kyle here?

In here.


So. . . now that Kyle's on your team, what do you make of your chances?

Lancers are goin' down.

I guarantee it.

That's all I wanted to hear. [Charlie and Declan go into the living room]

[Lori is looking down the staircase to see who was at the door.  Coming down the stairs, she realizes Declan is there and she is a mess.  She runs back up upstairs.

Kyle is spinning a basketball on his finger with one hand, watching the game on TV and with the other hand, reading the book Josh gave him.  He is totally getting into the game.]

Hey Kyle.

KYLE [tosses Charlie his basketball]
Whassup dawg?

CHARLIE [laughs]
Coach told me to drop off your playbook and uh . . . [looks over at Declan]

About practice today?  I should've gone easier on ya.

KYLE [practicing his new lingo and hand signals]
That's okay. You blocked my shot. I should've pump-faked to make you leave your feet and draw the foul.

[They both flinch.  Frowning, Declan turns to Charlie and gives him a "look."

Upstairs, Lori is getting ready as fast as she can.  She changes her clothes and puts on earrings and makeup.]

DECLAN [to Kyle]
This final, dude?  It's vital.  We lost to the Lancers last year in overtime in a heartbreaker.

Yeah, they hit a buzzer-beater and won the championship.

LORI [casually enters the room]
Hey, I didn't know you guys were here.

Hey Lori.

DECLAN [checking her out]
What's goin' on, Trager?

Well, I don't wanna interrupt.

No, no, no, I'm done here.

LORI [gestures towards the kitchen]
Come chat with me. [they leave]

CHARLIE [to Kyle]
Wow, you must really love the game.

More all the time.

CHARLIE [sits on the couch]
Man, you know, there's nothin' like bein' on a team.  You know, knowin' my boys got my back and I got theirs.

That sounds cool.

In the Kitchen

The judge slammed me with 50 hours of community service.

Oh, that's so harsh.

Yeah, he said I could've gotten worse for a hit-and-run.

LORI [pours lemonade for both of them]
Did your dad totally freak?

It wasn't pretty.
So are you comin' to the game?

You're looking at your cheering section.


Yeah, I love to watch you play. [doorbell rings]
Hang on a second.

[Lori answers the front door and it's Hillary.  Declan follows her to the door.]

Oh, it's you.

I live here.  What do you  want?

HILLARY [looking over Lori's shoulder]

Excuse me?

Hey Hils.

Hey, I saw your car.

So you're stalking him now?

No, that's your M.O.  I just figured I'd pop in and save us some time.  Ready to go?

LORI [turns to Declan]
You had plans?

Uh, did we?

Well, when I saw you today, you said "see ya later."  Here it is - later.

LORI [laughs]
That is so lame.

Come on guys, this is ridiculous.  Just get over it already.

Over what?

Yeah.  It's all good. [Declan shakes his head]

It's up to you.  A night out with me or slum it here with Trager.

CHARLIE [coming into foyer]
Ready to bounce "D"?


CHARLIE [to Kyle]
Check you later, bro.

Later, bro. [they exchange a knuckle handshake and Charlie and Declan leave]

HILLARY [strikes a pose]
Hey Kyle.

LORI [slams the door in Hillary's face]
Uuh, that felt good!!  [Kyle smiles at her]


[Later that night, Kyle is sitting on the edge of his bathtub playing around with the basketball.  Watching Kyle on his monitor, Tom reaches into a plastic bag and pulls out a man's wallet and looks at it.  Then he pulls out a hypodermic needle and fills it with a serum.  The last thing he pulls out of the bag is a handgun.  He continues to watch Kyle all alone in his room.]

The Next Day

[The team is practicing shooting baskets.]

I thought about what Charlie said.  I wanted to prove I was one of the guys.  In all the books Josh gave me, one move was respected more than any other.  They called it the Air Jordan.

[With everyone watching him, Kyle runs down the court with the ball.  Leaping high into the air, he dunks the ball through the hoop.]

Booyah!  That's the kizzle dizzle!

Did you see that!  He's awesome!

Yeah, yeah that's pretty cool.
Hey, yo.  Check this out.

[Declan grabs a ball and dribbles down the court to the basket.  He tries to dunk the ball over his shoulder, but it hits the rim and he goes down, landing hard on his feet.  He rolls over in pain.]

Are you all right?

DECLAN [standing up]
I'm fine.  It's no big deal.

CHARLIE [to Kyle]
He hurt the same ankle a few weeks ago.  [to Declan] We need you a hundred percent for the game, man.  You should sit out the rest of practice.

You know Coach.  I'd lose my spot!

Why would you lose your spot?

COACH [blows his whistle]
Let's go ladies!  Line up!

[All the boys except Kyle run over to where Coach is waiting.  Declan is limping.]

KYLE [confused and looking around the gym]

COACH [looking down at Declan's ankle]
McDunaugh!  What's up?


Good.  No room for soft players here.
[Sees Kyle still staring around the gym]
Kyle!  Are you waitin' for a special invitation?  Move it! [Kyle comes over]
Rush down three, come back two on one.  Let's go.  Move it!  [blows whistle]  Move it!

[The team jogs off and Kyle keeps looking over his shoulder at the Coach.]

Outside the Gym

[Josh is standing in a group of older boys and taking bets on the game.]

So I've got you down for $25 and you for $30.

You sure you can cover these bets?

Dude, I've got deep pockets.

You must be smokin' something.  Lancers haven't lost in two years.  They're not gonna start with the Bison. [leaves]

Guess I'm feelin' lucky.  Pleasure doin' business with ya.
[to another boy] You want in?

Inside the Gym

[Lori arrives to pick up Kyle.  He is sitting on one of the bleachers bouncing a basketball.]

So, ready for the NBA?

KYLE [throws the ball to her]
I don't think I'm tall enough.

LORI [she throws it back]
It was a joke.
[Lori sees Declan and Hillary talking and laughing together.]
God, could she be any more transparent?

You don't like her talkin' to him?

She's just flirting with him to annoy me.

It's working.

Oh, so now you're an expert on teenage girl warfare?

You're at war with her?  Over what?

Because she. . .I . . .[sighs].  What difference does it make?  She's a total bitch and we're fighting.
Wait here, LaBron. [goes over and steps in between them]

Hey Trager.  Pickin' up Boy Wonder?

Yeah, it's such a pain, but at least I get to see you.

HILLARY [behind Lori's back, sticks finger in her mouth and makes a retching sound]
Gag me.

So I was thinking we could hang out this weekend.

Sure.  A bunch of us are going --  

No, no.  Just us.

Just us?

We have been known to hook up every now and then.

I thought it was only then.

Yeah, and "then" was a total disaster.

It's a new day.  Let's see where it goes. [she walks off leaving Declan smiling after her]

[Kyle and Lori leave, but not before Kyle throws the ball one-handed across the court and sinks another basket.]

Nice shot.  Nice work. [laughing, they leave the gym]

Later that Evening

[Tom is slowly driving his truck through an alley that is frequented by homeless people.  He stops his truck next to a man sitting by himself on a crate.]

Hey buddy.
[Man stands up]
Wanna make some money?

What's the catch?

There's no catch.
[The man hesitates and Tom flashes a wad of bills at him]
Well, get in, I'll explain it to ya.
Come on.
[The man wipes his nose and gets into truck]
Atta boy.
[Tom drives off with the man.]

The Living Room

[Stephen is sitting on the couch watching the news when Nicole comes home.]

Hey, what's goin' on?

You're not goin' to believe this.  Adults only.

What, the kids aren't home?

Let's enjoy it while we can.

Oh, well, one of us really should start dinner.
[tired, she sits down on the couch]

Ah, let's order in.

I like the way you think.

KZRE ANCHOR WOMAN [Stephen and Nicole lean forward when they hear the report]
In an exclusive story, police have identified the remains found by hikers near Victor Falls last month as William Kern, a Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Washington.  Dr. Kern was last seen leaving campus in June.  Police believe he was killed soon after, but so far, no arrests have been made in the murder.
And coming up next, all your local weather and . . .

[The two turn to look at each other.]

The Next Morning - Game Day

NICOLE [on her cell phone]
Yes, I'm still holding.  Well, I've called three times.  Has he gotten my messages?  Well, tell the Detective I'm expecting his call.

He woulda called if he had something new to tell us.  And, yes, those are Kern's remains, but the police obviously haven't found anything to link to Kyle.

He saw Kern in his dream.  He was able to draw his face.  He must have known him, he had to.

Alright, well, maybe we should tell him what's goin' on.

Well, not yet.  He's so excited about basketball.  Let's wait and tell him tomorrow.

In the Kitchen

[Kyle is sitting at the breakfast table surrounded by cereal, OJ and two big bowls of fruit.  He is eating orange slices when Josh brings him some toast.]


You gotta keep your energy up.  Remember, every shot counts today. 
[leaning in close to Kyle] I've got a lot riding on this game.

STEPHEN [comes in and overhears]
You do?

Well yeah, I've been chattin' up how great a player Kyle is.  Don't let me down.

[Stephen smiles enthusiastically.  Nicole comes in and fixes herself some coffee.]

Josh, you'll make him nervous.  It's okay if you are, Kyle.  It just means your adrenaline is pumping.

My stomach does feel strange.

You got butterflies. [Kyle turns around and looks at her]
It's an expression.

Kyle, wait'll you make that first basket.  You're gonna feel an incredible jolt of energy.

[Josh sighs heavily]

Are you both coming to the game?

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Can't wait.

[Josh turns to look at his mom and dad.]

Championship Game

Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please.  Welcome to our championship game.

DECLAN [to Kyle; they are waiting in the wings]
This is it.

Would you give it up please for last year's champions - the Lancers!
[The Lancers run out onto the court.]
And this year's champs in the Westside Division - the Bison!
[The Bison run out to loud cheers and applause.]

Way to go, Kyle!

[Stephen and Nicole stand up clapping for Kyle.  He sees them and smiles happily.]

BOY#1 [to Josh]
Dude, could your dad be any more into it?
[Josh looks over at his dad]


[Josh looks jealous at the attention Kyle is getting from Stephen.  Lori and Hillary are also in the stands and they spot each other.  Lori waves a large Styrofoam hand she is wearing, but Hillary has two and waves them both at Lori.]

And let's meet the starting lineup.  First the defending champions, the Lancers.  At  rear guard, #11, Noel Beck.  At shooting guard, #9, Captain Brian. . .

AMANDA [comes over to Lori]
Hey, can I sit here?


[The team sits down on the bench and Coach kneels down in front of them.  Kyle is very excited.]

All right.  It all comes down to this. One game, one moment in time to prove that we are the best.  And we are the best!
We haven't beaten the Lancers in two years.  Two years!

I had no idea why Coach was shouting.  Or why he kept saying things twice.

My grandma plays better defense than them.  My grandma!

Too bad she's not playing.

Make sure to set screens for Kyle.  Free him up to shoot.  He's our star!  And help him out on defense.  He's still adjusting to our system.

We got your back, Kyle.  [slaps him on the back]

Okay, Team on three.  One, two, three. . .


BOY#1 [laughing]
Trager, feelin' the heat.

Hey, so, uh, how much you gonna end up owing?


Yo, I'm cashin' in.  And don't come cryin' to me when I upgrade my game system.

Come on!  I wanna see some action!

LORI [looking at Amanda writing in a notebook]
What's that for?

Oh, I, um, I keep Charlie's stats for him.  Do you want a page to keep track of Declan and Kyle?

LORI [laughing]
Are you kidding me?  I hate watching basketball.

Then why are you here?

[Lori doesn't answer.  She and Hillary exchange looks again.]

The Game

[At the tip-off, the center bats the ball towards Kyle and he runs after it.  He dribbles then shoots from half way down the court and sinks the basket.  The crowd goes wild!  Nicole and Stephen are standing and clapping and Josh jumps to his feet.  Kyle looks around at the stands and all the people cheering for him.  Even his teammates are congratulating him.]

An explosion of positive energy filled the gym.  I felt a wave of excitement from the crowd. . .and the thrilled support of my team.  Playing basketball was everything I'd hoped it would be.

[By the 2nd period, the Bison are still ahead 14 to 8.  Declan is hot and he doesn't seem to be having any problems with his ankle.  Through the 2nd period and into the 3rd, the game continues neck and neck.  Kyle scores each time he gets the ball and the team is doing a good job of defending him.  By the end of the 3rd period, they have moved ahead by 10 points.]

In the final minutes of the game, the competition became more intense.

[With 3:20 left in the 4th period, the score has closed to 44-40.  Kyle has control of the ball, but instead of shooting, he turns to either pass or spin around and another player steals the ball.]

COACH [shouting from the sideline]
Kyle, what are you doin'?!

[Stephen and Nicole start to look worried.  One of the Lancers takes a shot, but the ball bounces off the rim and they've lost control of the ball.  Gathered under the hoop, players are diving for it and one of them hits Kyle across the neck with his arm.]

Come on man, that's a foul!

[The Bison are passing the ball to each other looking for a shot.  Kyle gets the ball and tries to pass to Charlie, but he botches it and the ball goes right past him.]

Come on, man, make the pass.

My own teammates grew hostile and impatient.

DECLAN [running past him]
Get your head in the game.

And my own coach seemed against me.

Come on Kyle.  Control the ball, we control the game!  The game!

[Player#11 has the ball, but Kyle isn't experienced enough to know how to effectively guard him.  The player gets by him and makes the basket.]

PLAYER#11 [to Kyle]
That's my rock!  Don't forget it!

COACH [shouting at Kyle]
Dammit, Kyle!  Guard  the man!  That's your man!

VOICEOVER [looks up and sees Stephen hanging his head; Nicole looks concerned]
I was trying my best, but even Stephen seemed disappointed in me.  Everything I'd loved about the sport began to disappear.

[Kyle looks unhappy and confused.  Everything is becoming more intense.  Declan has the ball and jumps up to make the shot.  One of the Lancers jumps up at the same time to block it.  Declan gets knocked down and lands hard on his bad ankle.]

DECLAN [rolling on the court holding his ankle]
Aah!  Ow!  My ankle.

CHARLIE [Charlie and Kyle run over to help him]
You okay, man?

Time out!

[Charlie and Kyle help Declan get up.  He is limping between them as they bring him over to the bench.  It is obvious he is in terrible pain.  The whole team gathers around.]

COACH [kneeling down]
Shake it off, McDunaugh, it's crunch time.

DECLAN [tries to stand up, but he can't put weight on his ankle]
Uhh, damn it!

McDunaugh, we need you.  Come on.

DECLAN [tries to stand again and fails]
I can't, Coach.

COACH [angry]
Can't?  Get your ass on that court or you're out.

VOICEOVER [Kyle is staring at Coach]
I couldn't believe that the Coach wanted him to play.  It was like winning clouded everything.

Play, or you're off the team for good.

Coach, you. . .you can't do that.

Shut-up, Tanner!  We can't win if we play with quitters.
[Declan tries one more time to stand, but he is in too much pain]
Kyle, take his spot. [Kyle just looks at him]
You deaf?  Forget McDunaugh.  You're the shooting guard now.
[Declan is upset]


COACH [standing]
What did you say?

I said no.

This is your team now.  Your chance to shine.

KYLE [goes to stand next to Declan]
I can't play, Coach.  [sits on bench next to his friend] I'm injured, too.

Then you're off the team with McDunaugh. [Kyle doesn't understand Coach's behavior]
Tanner, take over.

CHARLIE [shrugs]
Sorry.  My ankle's hurt, too. [sits down on other side of Declan]

Who's goin' in?

Can't Coach.  I'm hurt. [sits down on bench]

Me too. [he sits on bench, too]

This can't be happening.

What's Kyle doin'?  Why won't he play?

I don't know.

Coach, I need your team on the floor. . .or you forfeit.

COACH [furious]
All of you - out on that court now!  Do this. . .do this. . .and you'll regret it for the rest of your LIVES!!

[No one on the team budges.  The Coach slams his clipboard down on the court.]

REFEREE [blows his whistle]
Bison forfeit, Lancers win.

Ladies and gentlemen.  The Bison have forfeited.  The Lancers retain the championship.

[Declan looks at Kyle with gratitude.  Kyle knows that he has done the right thing.]

Detective Breen's Office - The Next Day

NICOLE [knocking on the open door]
Detective Breen?

DECT. BREEN [sitting at his desk]
Mrs. Trager.  I owe you a phone call.

NICOLE [coming in]
Several.  You should have told me as soon as you identified those remains.

Well, you're not entitled to that information.

But isn't Kyle?  He's desperate, Detective, to unlock his past, and Professor Kern holds the key.

DECT. BREEN [gets up from desk and walks away, turning his back on her]
No, he doesn't.  We've already interviewed several of his friends and colleagues.  No one recognized Kyle's picture and Kern never mentioned knowing a boy.

But Kyle had  to have known him.  And they were both there in those woods.  Maybe Kyle knows who killed him.

DECT. BREEN [sits back down and indicates a folder on his desk, opened to a photograph]
That man was found dead last night.  Drug overdose.
[Nicole picks up the folder and looks at photo]
Found several items on him that belonged to Kern, as well as a gun.  The same one that was used to kill Kern.

Why did he kill him?

He was a junkie lookin' for cash.  He had priors.  Attempted murder.  Assault.  Mrs. Trager, we'll keep making every effort that we can to help Kyle, but we found no link to Professor Kern and. . .this murder case is closed.

[Nicole looks at the Detective and back at the photograph again.]

Kyle's Room

[Nicole is breaking the news to Kyle about Professor Kern.  He is frustrated and pacing back and forth.]

It's. . .it's the Professor.

NICOLE [watching him closely]

And he's dead.

[Nicole nods]

Does that mean I knew him?

Maybe.  So far no one's been able to make a connection.

But I drew his face before I ever saw his picture in the paper.

I don't know how to explain that right now, but that doesn't mean we'll stop trying.  We'll keep working together, we'll keep looking for answers.

KYLE [raising his voice]
No, every time we look for more answers, we only find more questions.

[During their conversation, Tom Foss is watching and listening to them from his apartment.]

I was so sure we were onto something.  Now I'm right back where I started.

Kyle, I know you're frustrated.  It's a very complicated situation. . .

In the Kitchen

[Josh is following Kyle towards the kitchen.]

Forfeit?  Forfeit?

I'm sorry, Josh.

How could you do that?  How could you not play?
[The cell phone on the kitchen counter rings.  Kyle leaves as Josh rushes to the phone before his father can grab it.]
No, no, no - don't!

STEPHEN [grabs the phone first]
[to Josh]  Nope.
[answers]  Hello?  Hold on. [points phone at Josh]

JOSH [whispering and gesturing]
I'm not here.

STEPHEN [covers mouthpiece]
[to Josh]  Don't go anywhere.
[to caller]  I'm sorry, he's not in right now.  Okay, bye. [hangs up]
What's goin' on?  That's the tenth call I got this morning.

I'm popular, what can I say?

Josh, spill it.

Um. . .can I borrow $200?  I took bets on the game.

STEPHEN [incredulous]

Well, Kyle was doin' so good.  I mean, I got all caught up in the excitement.

STEPHEN [sarcastically]
And you thought you'd just cash in?  Great.  My son, the bookie.

JOSH [angry; turns to leave]
I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment.

Hold on, I'm not done.

What do you care what I do?  Like you've even noticed I'm around.

What are you talkin' about?

You should've seen how pumped up you got over Kyle.  Just because he's good at some stupid game.

Josh --   

JOSH [very upset]
You've never been that way with me!  Never!  Over anything!  Now you've got the son you've always wanted. [turns to leave again]

Hold on. [Josh stops and stands in the doorway]
[gently]  Oh, Josh.  Oh, okay.  I admit. . .sometimes I wish you'd be a little more excited about sports, but only because then we'd have something more we could share.
[sighs]  You are the son I've always wanted.  Couldn't hope for any better.

So. . .you'll spot me the money?

STEPHEN [chuckles]
Not a chance.  Use your allowance, which is cut off, effective immediately.

Dad, I spent it all on video games.

Then sell them.  You're not gonna be playin' ‘em for a very long time anyway.

[Josh sighs heavily and heads upstairs to his room.]

Workout Room

[Hillary is running on a treadmill reading a magazine when Lori walks up to her.]

Hey.  I thought I'd find you here.

HILLARY [doesn't look at her]
Don't ruin my workout.

LORI [rolls her eyes up]
I just came to tell you I'm not going to fight with you over Declan.

Hh!  Sweet surrender.  [Lori turns to leave and Hillary stops running]
Wait.  That's it?  You're telling me you don't want him?

I don't know if I do.  But I don't want him like this, that's for sure.

Well, I don't want him either.  He's so not my type.

Then why have you been throwing yourself at him?

I wouldn't put it that way.

LORI [annoyed]
Hillary, it was like two seconds after I slept with him and there you were pouncing.

Okay, look.  I'm sorry.  I was really pissed at first.  You embarrassed me in front of everyone at Preston's party.  And I did kinda like getting back at you.
[Hillary is on the verge of tears]  But the truth is, it was like, as long as we were fighting. . .

Better fighting than nothing at all.

Pretty stupid, huh?

Totally.  Like maybe you could've picked up the phone?

Did you forget my number?

Okay.  So. . .

Yeah. . .

LORI [laughs]
Can we please stop watching basketball now?

HILLARY [smiles back]
Please.  Was that torture?

LORI [laughing]
The worst!

[They hug each other closely.  As they start to leave together, Hillary swats Lori on the rear with a towel and giggles.  They are friends again.]

Backyard Driveway

[Kyle is by himself practicing taking shots at the basket when Declan appears on crutches.]

Nice shot. [Kyle walks over to him]
I just wanted to come by and say thanks for what you did yesterday.  My doctor said if I'd of kept playin', I would've really done some damage.

Sorry I lost us the championship.

You didn't.  What happened. . .was a team decision.  Hey, there's always next season, right?  The guys want you back, Kyle.  We all do.

Thanks, but. . .I think I'll take a break for a while.

Hmm.  If you ever change your mind. . .
So you wanna shoot around?  I can still take you, even on one leg.

[Kyle starts to dribble the ball and, goofing off, Declan knocks it away from him with a crutch.  Kyle smiles back at him.  Putting away his crutches, Declan hops around on one foot and plays some ball with his pal.]

We may have lost the championship, but I still feel like I'd won.  Because I knew I'd made a friend who had my back.

The bonds we form with other people can help us through any setback.

[At the front door, Josh pays off his friends with his video games.]

Genuine friendship will survive any dispute or competition.

[Lori and Hillary are upstairs laughing and talking together on Lori's bed.]

And true partnership provides strength in times of trouble and confusion.

[Nicole is working on the computer downstairs and Stephen walks up behind her and kisses her on the cheek.  He looks over her shoulder to the screen where she studying a website on interpreting dreams.]

Kyle's Room - Late that Night

[Kyle is asleep in his tub.  Thunder and lightening crash, and he is in the backseat of a car again.  Professor Kern is looking in at him through the pouring rain.  All of a sudden, Kern is struggling with another man.  That man picks up a handgun off the ground and shoots the Professor.  The man is Tom Foss.  He has just killed Professor Kern and, still holding the gun, he looks over at Kyle who is watching everything through the car window.

At that moment, Kyle wakes up.  Tangled in his blanket, he jumps out of the bathtub.  Frightened and breathing heavily, he looks around trying to understand what he has just witnessed in his dream.]


Ecrit par Titenoiset

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !